
What sucks about cleaning? Everything. What sucks about school? Everything. So when you combine the two things you give birth to janitors. They mop and pick up trash. They clean everything but they always look dirty. Janitors seem to want to recruit students as part time, non paid janitors. I always see them making kids pick up trash. But isn't that the job of the janitor? Or is it there way of saying "Stay in school unless you want my job".

Some janitors are quiet some are loud. Some are nice while others make you want to make cheep shot jokes at how bad there jobs are. As you can see the janitors at my school aren't nice. Some janitors want to be called custodians. That word is too long to type so I'm calling them janitors.

In November 2000 the citizens of our county voted to give the schools more money. Our school spent the money on new janitor uniforms. I think they look like sport jerseys and that they should have big numbers and the last name of the janitor on them. That would be funny.

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Mr. Harris
Mr. King
Mrs. Higgins
Ms. Pfeifer
Mr. Tucker

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