Introducing Robyn Couper our very own missionary in Haiti
For those of you who don't know Robyn, we thought it would be good to give you some information about her, her work and the country she now calls home.
Robyn was born in Oamaru in 1951, she attended Oamaru���� Baptist Church Sunday School then Bible Class, went to school at Waitaki Girls' High School,� was involved as a leader in Youth for Christ here in Oamaru and trained as a Registered Nurse at the Oamaru Hospital.
Robyn felt the call of God on her life at the age of 12 but it wasn't until 1976 that she was called to serve in Haiti with OMS.� She attended Bible College of New Zealand from 1972 to 1974 in Auckland prior to going to Haiti.� In 1979 she had a��� triple by pass operation but this has not stopped her from�� continuing her work in Haiti.
In� 1986� Robyn left OMS and was commissioned here and went back to Haiti as an independent missionary.� She now works� with the 12th Street Evangelical Church in Cap Haitien.
She is involved in Counselling and Prayer Ministry at the Jehovah Rapha Clinic, she teaches prospective pastors in the Bible School, she organises children's programmes, she helps the church treasurer, she is Pastor Megy's secretary and does some translation work and word processing for him.� She also works with many people who have aids -
praying with them, counselling them, nursing them and being there for them.
Haiti has a population of 5-6 million.� It is one of the poorest countries in the world and is politically unstable. �The main religion is a Catholicism/Voodoo mix.� Despite all this, God is very much at work in Haiti and 12th Street has a membership of around 4000.
Robyn is dedicated to her work and the people she serves.� The verse on her prayer card says it all:
Acts 20:24....I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
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