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5th, Oct., 2007

True, I lied. I only uploaded page 3 today. At least I had a chance to proof read it though, so this should be the final version.

The story now has name. Apparently that is important.

2nd, Oct., 2007

Of course, nothing will be as it should without correction. Spelling errors corrected on page 2. (I hope I got all of them).

Page 3 completed, will be uploaded soon. Probably by Thursday.

28th, Sept., 2007

Page 2 uploaded.

25th, Sept., 2007

This will be a... Story. I will not say much here, because I would like people to read the story, and figure things out for themselves.

As always, seeing as this is the internet, the site is always under construction.

I will try to update this site at least once a week. This means site management in addition to a new post. Hopefully, it will rise to at least three times a week.

This is the link to the latest page. I recommend you start from the first page, instead.

The navigation bar to the left should prove useful.

Do not worry about the god-awful page design. I am working on that as well.