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Page 2 - Benpax


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'Yes?' The clerk looked at the short, old woman before him.

She was ugly. Warts filled her face, which hid behind her long nose. White stringy hair was seen beneath her head cover. It was sparse, and matted. She appeared to wear many coats and cloaks, for her width was well beyond what an old woman can afford to be.

The clerk was used to her sight. Every now and then, she would appear. Sometimes claiming someone was a heretic, or perhaps giving warning of a new burglar.

Generally, she was ignored. There were more burglars than law abiding citizens, and no man would dare become a heretic.

'He comes tonight!' She said.

'Benpax?' The clerk called behind him. 'Could you please show this woman home?'

Benpax entered the room. He was dressed completely in white. His hair was hidden underneath a white hat, and his skin was fair.

'Please, my lady.' Benpax said. His voice was calm, soothing, and convincing. 'Let me walk you home.'

Reluctantly, she nodded her head.

Benpax walked around the counter. He nodded to the clerk, who nodded back. The old woman linked her arm with his, and they walked out to the cold snow.

'I tell you, you may not listen, but still I say. He comes tonight.' The old woman said.

Benpax looked at hair. He knew that asking her of what she spoke meant that she will not stop talking. However, she did not need any encouragement.

'He comes, so that the Sole and Pure will go. We will try to force our ways on him, but he will only grow stronger. Like the evil ones, the more we thrash, the stronger he grows.' She said.

'What is his name?' He asked. Benpax knew that there was no stopping her. He may as well learn what he can.

'He has no name!' She said, staring at him. 'Is it not obvious?'

Benpax stared back, taken somewhat aback by the retort. The old woman returned to her driveling.

'He is dressed in black. His face is hidden behind it. And he is powerful. As powerful as our - ' She caught herself in time not to finish her sentence.

'Careful my dear.' Benpax said. 'You come close to blasphemy with such words. We have reached your home. Why should you not rest?' His kind voice flowing over her.

'Please!' She said, urgency suddenly gripped her. 'Come with me, to my home. You will meet him, tonight! You must see!'

This was not natural. Never before had he seen the old woman behave so aggressively. She never had the feeling of doom upon her. Always, she spoke calmly, as if entranced. Only now Benpax noticed the panic in her eyes. Slowly, he noted that she was shaking, and began to doubt it is from the cold. Her face was whiter than usual. He nodded, and she led the way.

She lived on the first floor. Her flat was small. The whole place would have been a small corner in a rich man's guest room.

Her granddaughter, Benpax assumed it must be, sat inside, sewing.

'Mama!' She called in surprise, when she saw what her grandmother brought with her.

Benpax tipped his hat, revealing light blond hair. 'My lady.' He said.

'You must excuse my grandmother!' Benpax smiled inwardly for guessing correctly. 'She is raving. This is the worst I have seen her.' The girl was frantic. Her grandmother was one of the few who dared approach the police.

'More today than before.' Benpax said. 'You should watch her more closely. Her luck is that her age prevent us from acting our duty.'

'What have you said, Mama!' Tears ran down the girl's eyes.

'Do not worry.' Benpax said.

'He must see him!' The old woman spoke. 'He must know he is coming.' She almost shook her granddaughter. At that, she fell unconscious into the girl's expectant hands.

With little effort, the girl carried her grandmother to one of the beds in the corner of the room, and lay her there to rest.

'Is she using -'

'No!' Benpax was unable to finish his question. The strength put into the girls negative response was overwhelming. Immidiately, however, she remembered her place. 'I am sorry.' She said. 'She takes nothing. It is madness brought by age.'

Benpax nodded.

For a short while they stood, staring at each other. It was a hollow stare, which had nothing behind it. Courtesy was the only drive.

'Look after her.' Benpax said, in his soothing voice. He turned, and made for the door.

'Thank you.' The girl said, almost inaudibly.

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