Submit a Site for Review:
-Shuryou Eshaku

-Mira Condiscreccion

-Rayu Imura

-Saijin Ikasu

-Mai Hasegawa

-Katsura Kogoro

-Himura Battousai
Rating System:
Format:  Chat, Message Board, Email...

Layout:  Is the site easy to use, does it look good?  We're shallow people.  Looks do count for something. /5

Forum:  Is the forum easy to understand and use?  Do they even have one? /5

Hospitality:  Are the members, and especially GMs, friendly?  How do Newbies get treated?  Does anyone really care how Newbies get treated? /5

Rules:  Can we understand them?  Are they logical and reasonable? /5

Plot:  How involved is it?  How original is it?  How long is it?  Does it suck? /5

Special Features:  Is there anything cool and innovative about the site?  Something no other site has?

Best Aspect:  What was our favorite part of the site?

Worst Aspect:  What would the site be better off without?

Overall Rating:  The final say.
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