Obsessed Net Girl!

The Stacks The Archives yours...always StacksFic StacksPix The BBB BBBFic Ramblings Stories

Welcome to Obsessed Net Girl, my own little niche on the web! I have a whole bunch of sites now up and running and realised I need a hub for them! So here it is, and here I am! The links at the top of the page are all the sub sites and right below this is a brief summary of the main ones. I've just added links to my LiveJournal account and my fanfiction account.

ONG is still a work in progress so keep checking back! Oh and while you're here, tag me! Let me know what you think of the site(s) - feedback's always appreciated!

Latest News! ONG will be moving soon - I'll set up a forwarding link once it's done! Also, couldn't resist adding this and since it's my site I'm doing it! :p

Click on the link to see how you can help celebrate Xander Appreciation Day!!!!

The Stacks

The first (and currently the biggest) of my sites. I co-run this with Gil (Bibble Gal) and it is focused on Buffy. It has episode guides, character and cast biographies, reviews and topics originally posted on the BBB list.
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The Archives
Sister group to the Stacks, this site focuses on Angel the series. This is also co-run by myself and Gil with help from Denise (AngelCakes). There isn't a lot of content there at the moment - but it's a-coming!

My own fanart, this site has avatars, icons and wallpapers I've made over the years.

Stacks Fiction Archive
Fanfic originally posted on the BBBFic list is archived here - there are currently nine authors with a total of 45 stories.

Stacks Picture Archive
Art posted on the BBBFic list is archived here - currently three artists with a total of 27 pictures.

Other Links

Link to me! If you have your own site, grab one of these buttons and link back to me at http://www.geocities.com/obsessednetgirl - please load the images to your own server though as Geocities won't let you take bandwidth from me.

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