ATB  Melbourne Gathering

   Group shot | Wandering aimlessly|Pub photos

Molokov's Gathering pics:
Xulon's gathering pics:

Lunch photos

The whole group (with some people hiding) from Left:

SpikyOne, (Spiky's friend), Ajf, Chris, Gosh and Mini Gosh, Annette's back, Neelix, Xulon, Pres_Bush's hat, (MissMelz hiding), SkipDaRoo... trying to hide, Molokov, Gwynneth, Daye, Buffster... trying to hide, Kaji.

Mini Gosh, Molokov, SpikyOne and Pres_Bush

The Waiter, Neelix, Kaji, Chris, Ajf, Pres_Bush, Daye, MissMelz, Gwynneth and Xulon taking a pic.

MissMelz and SkipDaRoo.  It took me about 5 mins to get them to stop hiding long enough to snap them!

Neelix.... Daye stole the camera and insisted that the photo be taken upside down and on an angle....

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