Welcome everyone to Mistress Tigress and Mistress Canary's The First OC Slash Archive! Here, we have dissected each episode to deliver you yummy gay goodness for everyone's favorite new show! :)

Be warned. This site does contain yummy Boy on boy on boy action. If you have a problem with that, leave now. Flames will be used to keep our houses warn during our frigid Canadian winters...

For those of you brave enough to enter, then please, do so. You shall not be disappointed...

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You are victim number:
to have been mistified, shocked and enlightened by our site

Ok, so here I'm sticking in a disclaimer. If you enter this page, you forfeit all right to sue our ass'. This page was created as a joke since we have way too much time on our hands. We apologize if we have offended anyone in the process, but come on, it's so blatant that they're all flaming...
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