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Je suis la coeur de la mer…..

I am the heart of the ocean.

I beat at the crest of each rising and falling wave.

Always in rhythmic motion,

I am forever a whirl of changing highs and lows,

crashing against the sands of time in agony, despair, and defeat

before once again retreating within myself.

My surface serenity is a clever façade that is often calm before the storm.

The sweltering sun bears down on me relentlessly with its piercing rays of heat.

It unjustly steals small pieces of me that it squanders as they evaporate into the air.

Yet vengeance is mine, as if licking wounds is a just reward,

than I shall not rest without leaving a bitter taste in my adversary’s mouth.

Mother Nature comes to my rescue, and her sweet tears are returned to me in vain attempts to soothe my bitterness.

Her ripple effect is short lived though her effort valiant.

She is as determined as I am, and that is admirable.

We share an understanding that our relationship is intertwined though different paths are our own journeys and our own destinies to follow.

I am the shape shifter, as I change according to the directions of the wind and the gravitational urgencies at the core of the earth.

I am mysterious, playful, and inviting, yet also dangerous and feral.

I beckon young naïve sailors to abound in my waters and allow them to casually fall victim to my deathly undertows and riptides.

I wreak havoc aplenty in the surges of emotion that flood from inside me, often not being able to control the aftermath.

I am enveloping and all encompassing while simultaneously distant and aloof.

I am honest yet misunderstood.

I am a miser.

I stealthily hid the wonders of my troves at depths impossible to discover, yet I am also rich in wondrous creatures that I nourish and shelter within my boundaries.

I am vast, yet so small, and so furious, yet so still.

I am a mass of contradictions and opposites, while ablaze with similes and metaphors. I am one in the same and also innately unique.

No captain’s vessel courses through my veins without heeding my ominous warnings and respecting my demands.

I can be the conquered at whim or the conquered at will.

Je suis la coeur de la mer.

I am the heart of the ocean.

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