All references the world and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by the permission of the author.
Oceanside Weyr is set on the Southern Continent at the beginning of the 6th Pass in an alternate timeline, and thread is falling.
Dru was eighteen when her gold Amilith rose for her first mating flight on the nothern continent.  It was assumed by the Weyr and the Weyrwoman that the Weyrleader, R'mal, and his bronze dragon, Mordreth, were devoted to the Weyrwoman.  But when Amilith rose so didn't Mordreth, and R'mal did not seem to protest.  Mordreth caught Amilith and so began a time of tention in the Weyr.  The Weyrwman and Weyrleader kept it hush hush but it was apparnt there was agreat deal of tention, especially between the Weyrwoman and Dru.  During this time construction on a new Weyr in the southern continent was nearly finished.  Three months after Amilith's flight Dru learned she was pregnant and the father of the child was very apparent.  Dru tried to hide it, but by a slip of the tounge by a healer, R'mal soon found out.  Instead of putting the Weyr and Dru through anymore stress with the threadfall so near, he resigned from Weyrleader, took enough riders to form two small wings, and Dru, and left for the new southern Weyr, Oceanside.
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