Name:  Desi (short for Desira)
Gender/Sexual Orientation:
Ista Weyr


Mother: Lorna (bluerider)
K'lar (greenrider)
R'ley (mom's son-brownrider)

Physical Description:
In no way pretty or beautiful, Desi could be described as 'handsome'. She has dark blue eyes and dark reddish brown hair. She's fit with an athletic build and is about 5'7" tall. She likes to wear comfortable pants and tops, and although she will wear a dress for a gather or some other important occasion, she prefers to be comfortable over stylish.

Desi was the result of a mating flight caused coupling between a bisexual female bluerider and a gay male greenrider. She was a surprise to both of them, but in no way unloved. Her father was happy to have a child-something he'd wanted but couldn't have ever had with any of his weyrmates and her mother was glad for a daughter, after the troubles she'd had with her adventurous son.

When she was eleven, Desi was apprenticed to the Dragonhealer at the weyr. Not long after she'd walked the tables to become a Journeyman, Desi Impressed.

She had stood on the sands as a candidate since she was able to, hoping to find that special lifemate. After a few Hatchings and not Impressing, she'd figured that she wasn't meant to be a dragonrider, though hadn't ever been able to stop standing. At the age of 19, Desi Impressed Blue Kalinth, a small, weak appearing dragonet that she had loved on first sight.

The first flight that Kalinth rose to participate in exposed her to the advantages of having a female lover. Before that, she'd been sure that only males were for her, but from then on she had an appreciative eye for both and encouraged her blue to rise for all green flights.

When the goldrider Dru and the Weyrleader R'mal left for the new Weyr, Desi volunteered to go as well. Part of the reason that she had volunteered to go was because she had been in the same Weyrling class as Dru, and felt more loyalty to her than the Senior Weyrwoman, and she also went to experience something this case, building up a new weyr.

Desi's easy to get along with and, most of the time, is a happy person. She's serious when she needs to be, but prefers to be exactly the opposite of that and just have fun. She's the type of person who will try anything once, and do it over and over again if she likes it. Although she's not good at getting the big picture, Desi understands the little details.


A feline named Cherry, named so because she likes eat and play with. Cherry is about a year old, and was given to Desi as a graduation to full dragonrider present.


Name: Kenneth
A deep cobalt blue covers the entire of Kalinth's hide. As the colour nears the belly it gets just slightly darker. Kalinth doesn't shine or sparkle in the sunlight like most dragons do, in fact, he seems quite ordinary. When he had been born, he was perhaps the smallest and weakest dragon of his clutch, now he is one of the largest and strongest blues currently at his weyr.
Easy going, Kalinth is hardly ever serious. He's witty and fun loving-the dragon that would be seen in the sky pulling off daring stunts nobody else would try.

Craft Information:

Craft: Dragonhealing

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