Name:  Isfahel (Isa)
Gender/Sexual Orientation:
Month 5 Day 15
Igen Weyr


Mother: Brownrider Danika
Greenrider D'nal
Goldrider Sal (deceased), Bronzerider B'rum, Healer Talis, Harper Nanik
Girl, Elys, 6

Physical Description:
Of medium height and build Isa is a woman to be reckoned with. Her tanned features do nothing to hide her fiery spirit, which shows in her blast of crimson, with bright hightlights of gold, hair. Her eyes are a hazel, though they tend to be whatever color they wish, and almost seem to go with her mood. She has a long scar on her left forearm, and one above her right eye, where she ended up in the middle of a fight between her brother, B'rum, and a drunken holder. It did not end well, with the holder dying and her brother in the infirmary for a month or so. Her lashes are long, though thinly placed. Her lips are full, and a lush crimson, enough to tempt any man. She has the curves where needed and knows how and when to use them, though not often does she let the experience carry over into a relationship.

As a weyrbrat she was natually around when the flights were going on, and one particular flight changed her life slightly. She was a mere eleven turns and ended up being overun by a bronzerider, D'kan, who in the lust of the mating flight, had sex with her. The result was her daughter Elys. As a gift for birthing, though she did not see reason for it, she was given a small firelizard egg, which turned out to harbor her little blue Topaz. Whom Corlath absolutly adores.She was searched a few months after the birth of her child and failed to impress. She began practicing with the weyr cook. She didn't get to practice long for at the next hatching she impressed her beautiful gold Corlath. She continued to visit the cook between classes, though not as an apprentice. She flew through the classes with little trouble, besides a few pranks which got her latrine duty for months on end. She natually took a leadership type stance with her class and gained the trust of many. She noticed of course that she had a habit of stealing things. A kleptomatic some say. She talked to the healer about it and she had to go through some training, though her hand still strays into unknown pockets and other areas in search of something to lift. The first thing she noticed when she impressed was that Corlath was ranting something about being blue. She later realized that Corlath was angry that she was gold and not blue. The Weyrling Master said she would grow out of it, and she did somewhat, though she leans towards blues and browns, which is somewhat unusual for a queen. After they graduated Isa noticed that the Weyrwoman seemed to not like her much, it could have been of course because the Weyrleader constantly invited her to bed with him, which she didn't often refuse, though the Weyrwoman wasn't supposed to know. Well one day Isa and the Weyrwoman got into a very heated argument, and Isa ended up recieving transfer forms for Oceanside Weyr. She was glad to be rid of Igen and would soon be on her way to a new life.

A terrible flirt she tends to lean towards men for company though she does have plenty of female friends. She is extremely loyal to those who are in her circle, and will fight for them. She is stubborn to the core, though she does know when the best time is to exercise her unique abilities in argueing.


Name: Topaz
Blue Firelizard
Top (as Isa often calls him) is a small blue with a deep midnight blue hide. He has what some call star spots, though they are really just light blue dots along his darker blue coloring. He's flirty, though he usually wont be far from Isfahel.


Name: Corlath
6 turns
Possibly the largest gold on pern yet, Corlath is immense. She is a beautiful antique gold, with splashes of blue and silver covering her wings and muzzle, along her flanks and tail are lighter bronze and green splashes.
A unique gold in her adoration for blues and browns rather than bronzes, though she wont turn down any males attention. She's one that seems to care more for the greens and blues and gives them much encouragement. Despised by some for her love of the lower ranks she seems to not care what others think. She constantly informs her rider on how she believes things should be run, and even loves to argue, though mostly in play, with anyone and everyone.

Craft Information:

Craft: Cooking
Spiced wherry, herdbeast stew, ect.
Sr. Apprentice (should journeywoman soon)
Jr. Weyrwoman
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