Name:  Maureen
Gender/Sexual Orientation:
Ista Hold


Foster Mother: Holder's Assistant
Chef for hold
Biological Parents:

Physical Description:
She�s 5�6, and weighs about 185 lbs. She has long red hair, and sky blue eyes. She�s a voluptuous woman, with soft womanly features. She is very strong, and fast, though she doesn�t look like it.

Maureen never knew her birth parents, and for many turns she lived with her foster parents. She was 15 when she ran away form her foster parents, because she wanted to be a Harper and they wouldn�t allow it. Her foster parents felt that she should get married and have a family, but Maureen felt differently.

She soon realized that being on your own with no money and having no skills wouldn�t be easy. She roamed for about a year, before a journeyman healer named Kayfer took her in. He gave her a meal and a place to stay. Maureen had assumed he did it out of the kindness of his heart, but she was wrong. He told her that �Nothing is free� and �suggested� she become a pillow crafter to pay for her meals and board. She despised her job, but put up with it nonetheless.

She secretly entered a song competition when she was 18, and won. She was still a pillow crafter, and she grew to hate Kayfer, and all healers she met. She thought she was trapped, and her dream of becoming a Harper started to seem unobtainable. Until she met N�cull, he convinced her that she had enormous talent, and that she should pursue it. He helped her leave pillow crafting, and become a Harper.

Even though she moved on with her life, and was progressing in her career as a Harper, she still had trouble with her previous experiences as a pillow crafter. She had nightmares that haunted her, and she would have nervous breakdowns. It got so bad that it started affecting her job. One day she just forgot about it. Now Maureen can�t remember any of her pillow craft years, and she�s happy. Maureen does not like healers, and now she doesn�t know why.

She�s a very eccentric person, who has few boundaries when it comes to entertaining others. She is the life of the party, and no one can get her to shut up. She is compassionate to the needs of others although she may not show it. Most people think she�s cold when it comes to feelings, but she�s just a really good listener. She enjoys helping others with their problems (even if they don�t ask her for help). She enjoys socializing with members of the opposite sex. She does not give her heart easily; she has never fallen in love. She is very secretive with people she does not trust. Although to the people she trusts she is very loyal. She likes nothing more than to laugh. She is very sensitive about her work, as a Harper. She is usually kind to everyone. If it happens that she does not like a person; she has no trouble with correcting the individuals who offend her, or the ones she loves.


Type: green flit
She has lights green stripes on her wings. Hesta also has an interesting personality. Mostly Hesta is a �Diva�; she�s always grooming herself and �yelling� at people.

Crafts Information:

Craft: Harper
Master Harper

Master Harper
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