Name:  Nadra
Gender/Sexual Orientation:
Month 9, Day 3
High Reaches Weyr


Mother: Bluerider Natia
Greenrider Dr'adren
None that she knows of

Physical Description:
Nadra is - or was - a beauty. Her skin is dark, and she looks distinctly Arabian. Her hair is a glossy black, and is growing long. It used to be cut below her chin, before Taytath went *between.* After, she didn't care enough to keep it short, or well kept. It's grown long, and is down by her shoulders already. It grows quickly. By now, it's lost some of it's gloss, but still looks fairly well kept.

Her eyes are a lovely dark brown, though they're hollow. They look like the eyes of someone who's recently died. She has high cheek bones, and her face is oval shaped. Her nose is peaked slightly at the tip.

Honestly, she would have been absolutely beautiful, had Taytath not died. Nadra might have given more care to her appearance then she does now. She used to never go out with a hair out of place; now, she looks ruffled most of the time. The look works for her, sometimes. Not always, though.

Nadra was born in High Reaches Weyr to a bluerider, and a greenrider. It was a bit of a strange pairing; her father was the greenrider, her mother the blue. She was the product of a mating flight. Nadra was fostered as soon as possible; neither her mother or father had any time to take care of her. Her foster mother sheltered her, and spoiled her horribly. She had everything she wanted, and was known as a child to throw fits when she didn't get what she wanted. As she got older, though, she just started to embaress herself, and slowly stopped. Nadra wanted her fostermother to say no, just once, but it didn't happen. It made her sullen for a few sevendays, but it was in her nature to be upset for too long.

When she was twelve, she stood to Impress. She waited for years while dragonets after dragonets passed her up. Finally, when she was fourteen, Taytath found her. The blue was awkward, and pushy. He liked people to look up to him. And he liked his way. He was more of a baby then Nadra had been.

When her weyrling class was practicing flaming, things went awry. A fellow weyrling was practicing his flame, but the pair was too close to Nadra and Taytath. The blue made the mistake of heading across the bronze's path as he began the flame. Both rider and dragon were burned, though Taytath recieved the blunt of it. Nadra blacked out, and when she woke up, she was told that Taytath would probably not last the night. Though she was burned, Nadra made her way to her dragon's side, and only had a few moments with him before he died. Her burns healed very well in time, and the scars were barely visible. But she convinced herself, eventually, that there must have been something wrong with herself and that was the reason Taytath left her; she began to believe that he would have been able to hang onto life if she had been better for him.

After a while, it became too hard for Nadra to stay around. She left High Reaches with barely a 'goodbye.' She didn't ask for a ride from a dragonrider; it would have been far to painful. So, instead, she hitched a ride with a boat full of traders that was headed for the South. Their first stop was at Oceanside. She didn't want to stay at another Weyr, but they said they couldn't take her any farther; they couldn't afford to keep on a girl who didn't know any craft.

Dropping her at the Weyr hurt. She found the first journeyman she came upon; she needed a craft, to make sure that the next wagon would keep her on. The journeyman happened to be a tailor, and he taught her as if she were a new apprentice. By the time she was sixteen, she could tailor clothes at least as well as a junior apprentice. The journeyman left the Weyr soon after to get his Master's knots, and he didn't come back.

Since the blue's death, she's searched desperately for a man. She doesn't know if she's looking to be in love, or looking to keep her mind off of more painful things.

Nadra used to be pretty sweet, if naive. She was your average 'innocent.' When Taytath went *between,* Nadra was hurt. It's an understatement, but she was devastated. She'd only known Taytath for such a short itme, and he left her with a gaping whole in her.

She wanted desperately to fill the whole; but she went about it the wrong way, if there even is a right way. She found relationships for herself in any available man, and it made her come off as a flirt. She's not one at all; she just needs someone so desperately that she'll do anything to find him.


Name: Taytath

Crafts Information:

Craft: Tailor

Apprentice Tailor
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