Name:  Yoselen
Gender/Sexual Orientation:
Fort Harper Hall


Mother: Journeywoman Healer
Master Harper

Physical Description:
Yoselen is a dark-skinned beauty. She has medium length black hair that is normally kept in a neat braid. Her eyes are gentle and a soft brown. Her lips are full and her features are firm and gentle at the same time. She is a voluptous woman with nice curves that she shows off on occasions. Dressed-up for a Gather, she is a knockout! Among normal days, she wears healer green and prefers ordinary and sometimes baggy clothing. The signs of age are starting to show, but her fiery personality all but makes up for it!

Growing up in the Fort Harper Hall, everyone thought she would apprentice to a harper. Especially her father. Unknown to him, she spend more time with her mother in the Healer Hall. She took her normal lessons with the Harpers, but whenever she had free time, she spent it in the Heler Hall. Her mother noticed this and spoke to the Master Healer about it. She knew her husband wanted Yoselen to be a Harper, and its not like she couldn't have. She had a fair voice and could play the flute well. But at best, she would be a junior journeywoman and her mother thought she could do better with the Healers. So, when it came time for her to be apprenticed, her father had her taken to the Harper Master and have her signed up. At themeeting, her father was extremely proud she would be a harper, until Yoselen spoke up. She didn't want to ba a harper and had to tell her father in front of his Craft Master. Her father was crushed, but his love for his daughter over took that and he agreed to have her become a healer apprentice. And she was. She was a quick learner, as well. She didn't show paticular interest in any special part of Healing, so it was thought she would just be a journeywoman. And she progressed through her apprenticeship and graduated to journeyman like most of her peers. She was a Journeywoman for until she 30 turns old. Everyone thought she would stay that way, except her master. He showed paticular interest in her and took her on for extra training, he thought people underestimated her. He was right within 2 turns with him she was rising to Master and much respected through the Hall.

One day, a message came to the hall. Anew Weyr was formed and they needed Healers. Yoselen was getting thouroghly bored with the hall she had grown up in and lived most of her life. her personality craved a new experience and she approached her Craft Master at the first opportunity. She was on to her next adventure!

Yoselen is fiery. She is full of life and you can always tell. Then again, you can always tell when she is upset. Her normally bright brown eyes turn a reddish amber color like fire. She is often very firm with apprentices and journeyman, and sometimes with patients. But it is just an exterior. She is gebtle with her ministrations, even though she may be glaring at the clumsy person who hurt themselves. She is well liked among the apprentices for her fairness, even if she can be severe with discipline when it calls for it. She is not flirtatious at all. The first step to any relationship with her is friendship, a buddy like relationship, which, with time, can develpo into something more


Type: green flit

A very small, emphasis on small, green. She was the smallest of her clutch and so far, the smallest green Yoselen has ever seen.

The up turn is she is very agile, very, very agile and speedy. In pattern, she has hardly any stamina. Thats why, in her Flights, its anyone's game. stamina doesn't count as much in her Flights, which gives the smaller males a better chance.

Craft Information:

Craft: Healer

Master Healer
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