
Messing around with text and seeing what fun things you can do is one of the things I like most about HTML. You can have so many different types of fonts, from Skia, to Bernhard Fashion BT, to Arial, to Veranda, to Times New York, all the way to Old English. But having fun with text is one thing. Making sure that your visitor can read it is another.

If you want to, you can make your text bold. Or you can make it italic. You can even make it underlined. If you want to you can even change the colors of your text! Once you know how to do these simple things, you can spaz up any old page in no time!!!

Okay, first of all, you may want to know how to make you text bold and italic and underlined, so here we go. These are the most commonly used tags.
<b> this bolds text </b> (you need to end this)
<br> inserts a line break   (like pressing enter on a keyboard)
<p> This starts a new paragraph   this is very useful for splitting up your text
<i> This makes text in italics </i> (you need to end this)
<u> underlines text </u> (you need to end this)

That's simple, right? Wait...before you can go off have all the fun in the world with it, let me tell you about something else. Colors! It' very fun. The easiest way is like this:<font color="#70CAFE">--This makes the font following it whatever color "#70CAFE" is.</font>--This turnes the font back to normal color you started with. To find a list of all of the colors, click here. All you need to do is highlight to appropriate color that you want and copy the Hexadecimal Code. Then, paste in the "quotes" within the HTML code.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure that your visitor can read whatever writing it is that you have on your site!!! If your web host is any type of good provider, then it should have a "preview Page" button on the HTML Editor page. Check your type color against the background, the font, size, and anything else that would annoy your customer away. To learn more about annoying things NOT to do, click here or here.

In order to change your font, you have to use some complicated thing called CSS. Click here to learn more.

Font Size:
You can change your font size from 1 (very small) to 7 (very large). This is the code you need to type:<font size=1>type your text here</font> You have to put an end tag on it or else all the words after it will be in that size.

These are the different size fonts that you can use:

Now, I'm sure that more than one of you has seen the line above. It is called a horozontal rule, a.k.a. hr. In fact, that's how it's used in HTML! The default rule goes all across the page as seen above. When you want to divide your page, simply type <hr> . There is much you can do to change the way it looks. you can make is taller, shorter, and have shading as well. The width can be measured in pixels (a normal page is about 600 pixels wide) or by percentage. For instance, if you type <hr width=300> or <hr width=50%>, you would get this:

Size refers to how tall your rule is.

There are a bunch of other cool stuff to do with your text, like marquee. Click here to find out how. If you want to do lists, click here. Otherwise, click "Next" to move onto the next component, linking!!

Click the little dudette below to e-mail me!

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