Free Web Space Providers

I found a couple of pretty popular free webspace providers. Yahoo/Geocities is probably the best because they have great support for all of their users. The users get 15 MB of free space, which is quite a bit. It is also quite easy to use. Not only that, but the ads are hardly annoying at all. Bravenet has a web hosting service also, and they have wonderful customer support. It's just a bit confusing to get started. If you use AOL, America Online provides you with 2 MB for every username that you have on your computer. If you go to keyword myplace or myftp, you can upload to your hearts content. At least, until you run out of space. My sister uses Angelfire, and although they give you 20 MB of space, people have a hard time running scrips on their page. Expage is pretty user friendly, but there are too many popups and some of the things on it can be pretty anoying. It has no advanced editor and does not recognize many HTML tags and codes. Anway, when you set up an account with one of these web space providers, you can choose either basic or advanced editors. It's best to choose advanced for a couple of reasons. First of all, you have more freedom to do whatever it is that you want to do. Secondly, if there is HTML that you do not know how to do, you can always find information on that at places like Google or Ask Jeeves. Anyway, here are the hosts. But choose carefully! It is hard to switch from one provider to another.