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The 9 ?'s
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This book is the challenge beyond !!!
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The 9 ?'s

Would you trust someone who can read your mind ?
Would you trust  someone if  they could enter your dreams    ?
Would you trust  someone you met who was this person ?

What  if they told you that the world is ruled by aliens ?
What  if they told you that the churches are alien worship houses ?
What  if they told you God was their enemy and they were going to crush it to the end of time ?

Will you come to the party and protect this person even though they're driving you crazy ?
Will you come to the party and leave at once terrified of your own power and potential ?
Will you come to the party and be suffocated by your own  surrendering ego/vanity ?

Well this text is an attempt to answer these questions in more detail than a blank space.

Question 1 Would you trust someone who can read your mind ?
Why even ask this ? Can anyone really do it ? How could I prove it, in writing to the reader ?
Well that's easy, its getting you to believe it that's the hard part. One of the reasons I asked the
question is because I know someone who can read your mind very well. That's you. So do you trust yourself enough to read your own mind ? I wonder ! I mean reallllly read it,to see all the
rooms, not just the one you hide in called " The Sanity Room " where everybody else lives,
all cosied up in their own securities and afterlife insurance policies.
I wonder if you have ever been to the many hidden rooms of your mind ?
See it's easy, now you trust someone who can read your mind. Hooray !!!

Question 2  Would you trust  someone if  they could enter your dreams    ?
Why even ask this ? Can anyone really do this ?  How could I prove it, in writing to the reader ?
Well that's easy, its getting you to believe it that's the hard part. One of the reasons I asked the
question is because I know someone who can  enter your dreams really easily and is there most of the time when you dream. That's you so do you trust yourself enough to dream your own dreams ? I wonder ! I mean reallllly dream them , to have all the dreams not just the ones about the day and there emotional mirrors, where everybody else dreams, all bent on the day reality being more valid than the reality of night, when your unaware of who you are in awake land, where the vision is real and not a mirage ?
I wonder if you've ever had all the dreams ?
How simple is that ! Now not only do you know someone who can read your mind, you also know someone who can enter your dreams.

Question 3 Would you trust someone you met who was this person ?
Why even ask this ?
Now the cooky bites the mouth with an infusic crunch and asks
Have you ever met yourself ?  to be a little more precise, have you ever met the you who can read your mind and enter your dreams ? Do you trust them enough to be a valid part of your life,not just a new age hobby where a key to knowledge and a delta brain rythym can save your spiritual insurance policy from being dishonoured ?

Question 4 What if they told you that the world is ruled by aliens ?
Why even ask this ?
Now all you need is to be able to read a mind and be able to enter the dreams of someone.
You know you can do this because your this person and this question will be answered.
Ask yourself this question ? Ask the you that doesn't live in the sanity room, the one that seeks freedom , ask the one who can enter your dreams, the one you met the first time you looked in the mirror. Ask this reflected you, the one in the mirror that does whatever you want.
Stare at this being looking back at you and ask it " Am I living in an alien designed matrix called reality? " Have you ever wondered what the secret is? Well that's a hard one because once a secret is told it is no longer a secret hence : Anything your told is not a secret.
A true secret society operates in total silence even to the point where consciousness has vanished.

Question 5 What  if they told you that the churches are alien worship houses ?
Why even ask this ?
Are you religious ? If yes read on if no ignore the yes bits. Next time your in church ask the one who can  read your mind and enter your dreams " Creator, are you an alien ?" Let the one who looked back at you in the mirror, the one that does whatever you want answer this while you get on with the praying as everybody else does. You will hear the truth. There is no need for me to answer this for you. The message will be loud and clear. It will be coming from your own mind,
perhaps from a rarely visited room, the one you only go to when you want to get the truth. It may even come from an ancient genetic memory, awakened only by knowledge that such a memory exists. Your own mind. Sounds nice but do you own it or have you sold it to one of the spiritual vices.

There are ten of these and I will list them
1. Surrendering to power
2. Selling ones soul
3. Meditation
4. Having a religion
5. Praying
6. Ceremony
7. Reading Sacred texts
8. Going to Church
9. Enlightenment
10. Living in duality.

1 Don't surrender to anything. Its a ripoff and the only intent of surrender is that it will destroy you if you don't and stuff that wants to destroy you is your enemy. Lets just hope that the one who wants to destroy you ( the one you are surrendering to ) is not the one who can read your mind or enter your dreams. This is why surrender to the one who can
( you ) is useless and totally defeating. Surrender is forbidden !
2. Selling ones soul happens at surrender. Most of us have sold our souls to God with a no refund ram it up your sinning butt policy. These are not refundable so one finds oneself asking the one who can to instruct them on how to do a soul retrieval. You'll have to enter the other rooms to get to this to work. Atheists have also sold their soul to the disbelief they are the one who can read their mind and enter their dreams.
3. Meditation is the spirit worlds biggest trap. It's like a drug and it don't take long to become an addict. It's a vice where other entities other than the one who can enter the soul via the crown chakra and feast on the one who can's brain energy. Once this is established the other entity attracts others to it's lair and syphons off energy from those who are under the spell of the meditator. It's extemely degrading. Just ask!
4. Having a religion is a vice just by having it. When you have something you own it and take responsibility for it. So you can see the " reality roomer " in their ownership of their belief that there Creators ego is bigger than anyone elses. Having a religion makes sure that the afterlife policy you were sold  as a kid remains with you until your nakedest hour. When death is close and there is no way back into the reality room.
5. Praying is the best way to admit that the one who can, the one who can read your mind and enter your dreams doesn't exist. This is impossible now because you already know that there is such a person. Yes it's the one reading this book. Praying is saying I am not good enough to handle this situation, I'm not strong enough to see the way, I'm just a useless piece of space junk destined for surrender.
6. Ceremony is worse than praying. Its the celebration of how to surrender to power. It's the thing that ties a noose around your neck and says
" Step outside this perception and you will hang."
It's a punishment based on the fear of forgetting who you surrended to. It enforces the afterlife policy into the very atoms of the body and is highly inescapable. It needs to be stopped immediately.
7. The Bibble is the biggest load of crap ever written even if it is all based in fact. So are all texts pertaining to the spiritual and I fully include this text in this statement. They are lies upon nature. Ink on paper. They are weak for if they were real and their words true everyone would have read them and been happy. They wouldn't need interpretation, every one would like reading them and every home would have them.
8.When you go to an alien worship house you are secluding yourself from the world and all that is in it. Your focus is now on another world, A retirement village for dead people where all the rellies love each other. It's the place where the afterlife policy is honoured. It's the focus of this new world that concerns the one who can, because now they know they can get a much better policy that won't cost a soul.
9. When you see the light it blinds you, Notice when someone says things about seeing light. It stops there with no further inspection.  A wise Buddhist is not a Buddhist. He left the path to enlightenment because he did not enjoy being blind. He was the one who can, just like you. Enlightenment is when your aura via the crown chakra is so overwhelmed by entities that the one who can dies and the one who can't surrenders.
10. Duality is the "reality roomer's " way of understanding things.. They only want two things.
That's Yin/Yang, Up/down, Her/Him, In/out, Life/Death etc. and it covers just about most things but there are other rooms that will tell you a different things. Like, there is no difference between men and women, Up is down and down is up>it depends where your
eyes are. Duality is set and cannot change, it is stagnant, lifeless and explains what life is like with two brains = 1 split human.
These are the "Big Ten". They constantly fill our lives with disaster. Just watch the news.

Question 7. Will you come to the party and protect this person even though they're driving you crazy ?
You know who they are and they ain't gonna go away. Are you going to risk it, are you going to risk the security of the  "sanity room" and reach into the other parts of your mind. The parts where the one who can reallllly lives. Are you prepared to use all your hidden knowledge to protect the soul as it undertakes this journey ? The journey that began with the reading of this hideous text ? Your in this journey and already entering many different rooms of the mind. You need protection from the entities, the external forces that act in your disfavour by tricking you into surrender. You need protection to retrieve your soul.  I know someone who can do this, it's the one who can and this can is you. Protect the one who can. Do this in freedom and it won't cost anything. Freedom is without cost, there is no accountability for it. And your concerned about going mad. Well anyone who lives in the "reality room" is mad. Insane to the max !

Question 8. Will you come to the party and leave at once terrified of your own power and potential ?
Does the smell of freedom disqualify your afterlife policy ? Does it terrify you to leave the sanity room? Will you now weaken back to the same old same old, back into the spiritual vices? Will you ever entertain the idea of freedom ? I do not know but I know who does, it is the one who can and you know who this is. If the one who can terrifies you look them in the mirror in say your sorry for not allowing freedom as the main focus. Apologize profoundly to the one who can. If your reflection scares you then your image scares other people and when you scare others they surrender to you and the one who can never surrenders to anything, NeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNever.
Get it ?

Question 9. Will you come to the party and be suffocated by your own  surrendering ego/vanity ?
No. That what the spiritual vices do. You are a good person. You've never raped or murdered,
you've never even stolen or bashed anyone, you don't even have unkind thoughts. You have never done anything that could land you in a Court of Law and have never been in trouble with the police. This makes you a good person that is suited to be an explorer of the mind. Yours is the only mind you will ever need . Most of us are explorers. Your good so you don't have to hand your soul over for grading. You are at this party. It started long ago when you took your first breath. Don't let your own importance keep you in the "sanity room" or " the room of impenetrability" not to be confused with happiness or the "comfort zone". Ego, vanity and surrender don't like parties anyway, because the one who can ventures into the other rooms where the ego gets suffocated by freedom.
And these are the nine questions.


And where is the explanation to Question 6 ?  The one who can knows what to do,
.....the one who can.....that's you.....so read this to yourself and be forever free.....remember to remind yourself of your original instructions.....
1 Walk in peace and harmony
2 Don't take more than you need
3 Respect all living things
These are the authors original instructions, the instructions that were hidden in the genetic memory
of the other rooms, the rooms of the mind. These instructions were remembered when the author
freed themselves from the spiritual vices. These instructions may not exactly the same for everyone but they will be similar. They are generally a lot simpler than that. Just to have three instructions is incredibly complicated. Monny muttkarnen hommma !!!!! The animals are so smart they don't need instructions, in fact, the more instructions one needs the dumber they are. Think about it, some people just don't get it. When the one who can stops the spiritual vices they are automatically destroying mans need for surrender, they will crush the vices and live spiritual freedom & their effect on others will last forever as they last forever. All it takes is one thought and by the time your up to this page you would have had many thoughts about it. Even if you disagreed with it you still had many thoughts about it. So the program your mind needed to kick start the genetic memory of your original instructions has been downloaded ( sorry ) but this is the formula for learning.
You have been tricked by the one who can and you know who this is. It's you and the answer to the
9 Questions is your whole life. You now carry this knowledge into the world and it permeates all your thoughts and feelings. Its the one who can and you've just woken them up. By reading this text you have destroyed the walls of the sanity room and rescued yourself from an afterlife insurance policy that was dishonoured all along. There is no guarantee of an Omnipresent Being congratulating you for being good. All there is, is more of what you have now; policy ! Escape from the inner cops, they are controlled by the external forces. This is everything that is outside you which is always more of what is inside you. It is fair to say that there is always more external energy than there is internal energy.
Eg. Lets say inside you there is 10, outside you would be      100000000000000000000000000000.
This is because we are only a certain amount of energy. We are not all the energy, neither do we represent all the energy, just a portion of it, that in the overall picture, is infinitesimal. Things outside us are bigger. They are stronger and braver, smarter and more beautiful, yet they can't count themselves amongst the ones who can. For the ones who can enter their dreams and read their minds, The external ones like Duality are not safe from the ones who can. Both Luth Starslapper and Dark Verandah hide in fear, inside total terror, grinding there bones for relief when the one who can starts looking into the other rooms. The external ones flee from the scene as freedom raises its head which is joined to a magnificent being. These beings are the ones who can and you know who they are. Even if you don't know them you know at least one. That's you and just because the external ones are bigger and better than you they know not of the other rooms for they are the ones who taught us the "sanity room". Once we were all in there we were very easy to control. We have been in that state for thousands of years now. But alas the evolution transitional period is approaching rapidly. We are about to change. The change will take at least 40 generations or 1000 years. It happens so slowly in our time terms (policies)  that we are continually waiting for it to happen.

Be patient, remember the one who can lives forever because life wants the one who can, which is you, to live forever. This is why your alive now and that is not a secret!

It is strongly recommended that you do not read this text. Too late! The One Who Can (TOWC)
has been awaken. Aren't you glad you read the last paragraph of this 9 Question Policy first ?
This book is about every book ever written. 
To easily view this book hold left mouse button and run it over the text
Another slab from the gift of the tree to fill with the bullshit of the biro.
Man thinks he has conquered but  paper, the gift from the tree, did it all !
Those who have paper rule the Earth !?
But what of Ink or the formations of colour which gives the paper its identity.
Pens and other ink marking tools including monitors and printers are independent
entities that are made and used by humans. Dogs use them as well but mainly for
chewing. Humans use them to decorate paper with writing and art.
The ink has the power as the paper and the human are left only with a blank
stare for each other. 
The main reason for writing and art is to manipulate / substitute reality with ink.

Look at Law. A whole bunch of words to manipulate our reality. Its the words of
these books that controls all the people and many of the animals. Words took
over when writing was only available to the elite classes. This is fully unjust.
Everyone needs to write down one law and that should do.
Anyway governments and law have failed because they cant make us obey.
The government trap is so big now that to be a politician means you have to be
part of the trap.. Its just too big to reset. Its like a tugboat trying to pull the
river out to sea, possible perhaps in another reality.

So this book is about what all books are about. Words ! The words we speak,
think, and spell to our conscious.
All words belong to the ink. It is the keeper of all secrets. Ink is like
unprocessed thought. Once you grab a little you can stretch it  making symbols
and writing.
Anything is only worth its money in Ink. Even money itself.

I like things that are ink free, the sound of a bird, dog, sight, thought, feelings,
the sun, rivers, and love dont cost and aint worth a cent. Yet with all these
freebies we continually whinge for more

So why do we want more ink. Even gold aint worth a cent unless Ink on a piece of
paper says its worth an ammount.
The thoughts coming to me to write this book didnt cost a cent.
People are like this " I'll share my skill but not until you give me Ink" The prime
example here is you buying this book or buying into reading this book thus far.
So I am the main offender here. I have sold you Ink. Now to get it to you I
needed paper/monitor, and to be human. I then added ink/keystrokes to create
this cacophony of lies so the Ink wins again.

Why do I call this writing lies when Im attempting to tell the truth.
If I call it lies you may believe it or if I call it lies you may use the information
better. Perhaps weve been telling the truth all along and need to tell lies for a
while to balance things up. Well I dont agree with that sentence.
I wont even attempt to tell the truth for its meaning is too varied. I wont tell
lies just perception as it happens. Remember: this book is about words and above
all words mean something, words are substitutes for reality. The words of this
page sink deep into your living brain, they collide with other pieces of
information that act as a blockade to the new information. New information can
be so powerful it can work its way through and the perception is reached. The
old pattern is shifted and amazingly the person is freer.

Why does it take years to understand philosophy ? Because we have too much.
Throw it all away, free yourself of ownership bondage. Do you really need a
million dollar house ? Get rid of one item at a time. Go Liquid and melt into the
horizon.  Humans are the only ones who take more than they need. No other
species does this !!!!! If you have nothing to throw away then toss out your
beliefs. None of the animals have personal items. They all live together and offer
themselves to each other for food. We call this predatory analysis, the animals
call it Im hungry. They are so much smarter than us. The animals know what to
do. They know what harmony is, what balance is, what spirit is. Humans know none
of this but we call ourselves superior.
How much do you want ?
Havent you enough ?!
None search the truth, we just like being morbid robots.
We like it when our freedom is taken away. We call this discipline, we call this
the word "No".

Moving into the ink I see that all text is the same. You see, the pen knows
everything that will ever be written. The Ink knows. Seems ludicrous that the
Ink in my biro controls the world but it does. The Ink, the permanent stain
spread out into thin threads and placed upon paper is what we call our truth
about reality.
" Well folks its all in the ink"
And I ask you " Do you carry the stain of writing or the fetish of interpreting
these stains as in readership ?"

How can the camera catch the image and show no guilt to the crime it filmed ?
I blame the film here. That wretched recording device that stole our privacy,
exposed our sacredness and bled us of purity. TV is very impure. It has little to
do with the camera operator. They are innocent of the tool of evil they possess.
The camera in this instance is the paper and the film is the ink. The readership
is the viewing of these hideous recordings.

Readception: The perception of a read word.
So what of Destitutional Readception ?
Are we destined for a life of Ink worship?
Governments are Ink worshippers. They enforce their Ink on to society. If
society disobeys there is punishment.  So....
If Ink strands are lies as I am telling you a lie why do we live in
organised Ink?
Its worse than organised religion, but hang on religion is Ink. Oh shit, Im out of
here !
Are you guilty of Destitutional Readception , are you guilty of guilt ???
Guilt will only rob you of a guilt free life. Never feel guilty again ok. Can you
manage that at least ? This does not mean you can shoot me !
Ink is more powerful than bombs.

The point, apart from being a thing which makes the mind go ouch, is that words
have meanings and origins of intent. If you want to work out the origin of a word
then read the book " How to find the origin of a word". If this book doesnt exist
then I suggest you write it yourself because someone on this planet knows about
all this stuff and their name is destitutional readception. Why not buy a bottle
of Ink or a pen, for they know every answer to every question there ever was.
Its only ink that says "Truth" How about truthlies ? Sounds good to me.

Everything that was ever written tells the story of Ink. Authors are keepers of
the Ink. They keep large amounts of thought, unprocessed Ink, like an idol biro
waiting at the stationery store in its little phallic capsule with its ball point knob.
Pens are masculine. Printers are feminine so neither escapes the Ink.
Are these statements correct. Well only Ink can tell us.
All I can see is a view of you reading this Ink.
No animal has ever had readception. Humans have distorted beauty with Ink.

Analysis is anal.
Writing is analysis.
Analysis of what the Ink knows.
Men love ink. Its no wonder they love porno. A convenient substitute for reality.
All that lovely Ink and its instant readceptionalism.
To see how words rule lives wear a badge that says " God Sux!". Watch the
reaction of the readception within the destitutionalism of the people who view it.
Ink Rules

The stain of Ink creates a tyrant within the personal mind. The tyrant is
worshipped because that is what makes the ego strong.
Humans were made to mine minerals for an intergalactic economy. Then they fed
us Ink. The human brain loves Ink. Yummo, give me more and more. The addiction
to Ink is giving over to video screens. This is called electronic Ink and all the
implications are the same.

Now you know why countries are forced into Ink worship.
When communication goes to writing our inner psychic abilities cease. The book
takes over and the power of the word is born.  All the education systems are Ink
worshipping institutions. Look at what the bible did with its Ink stains.
Look what Ink did to our minds. It took over! The ego is the main Ink addict!
The ego relies on Ink within the formation of brain activity. This is the proof.

Tear this page out and scream. Set it on fire. Scream at the Ink that stained
and sustained  your life. Jump up and down on the ashes and declare to
everything including your personal religion that Ink has no power over you.
.Go on, what have you got to lose ? Rip this sucker out and burn and destroy the
power it has over you.
If you are reading this you have not done what the Ink has requested.
You are free. If you did burn the page then you wouldnt be reading this and you
definitely would be ruled by the Ink. But you would be free of its addiction, and
that you are not, but keep a promise that one day you will be free of Ink.
Why not burn a few books. Books are forest graffiti. Tree mockery !

How many books do you have ? Are you a keeper of the Ink ?
Can you burn any one book ? How attached to them are you ?
I command you to destroy one book. Especially this one. Dont pass it on to anyone
have fun destroying my words and laugh like a mad person. People are made mad
by Ink so they dr-Ink and th-Ink and s-Ink.

The OTHer ink or the hidden Ink is that of the Akashic Records. These records
are found in the subconscious. These records are not personal perceptions about
you. They are more like an informed report on all your lives events including the
future ones. Its important to be careful when viewing these records because
it feeds the ego enough to convince it that Ink is the destiny of ones life and all
there is at the Akashic records is more Ink.
Just because Ink told you something doesnt mean it told you the truth. Just look
at a contract.
Just read a news paper. Look at your school report or your parking fine .
Knowledge is the greatest prisoner but it gets you what you want but I bet you
didnt want that parking fine. Was it the parking inspector who gave you the fine
or was it Ink ? It was Ink and Ink you will pay as your punishment.

Is it the Ink or the author that tells the story ? Neither, its the reader that
tells the story. Dont blame god for the bible, blame Ink ! Heaven is Ink, an
empty promise.  Ink is the stain of blasphemy.
We have all replaced symbols with Ink, rituals with Ink, global villages with Ink,
relationships with Ink, rights with Ink, protection with Ink, Ink with Ink.
Are you free of this book yet ? I dare you not to read on. Do you believe the Ink
or the author ?

This is the book of lies because the pen says so,
this is the book of truth because the pen says so.
This book like all books is Ink.

Hooray for love and freedom and hooray for
ink free pages like toilet paper just waiting to be wiped with shit. Shit wipes are
a more accurate description of life than a thin blue line. Fancy that eh !
They contain more information about life than all the books ever written.
Now get ready for more Ink. Its coming and they are making tonnes of it.
Now burn/delete this book. Do it Now !!!!!!!

For a strategy to go beyond the spiritual vices go to the site below
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