The 9 ?'s 1????????? 2????????? 3????????? 4????????? 5????????? 6????????? 7????????? 8????????? 9????????? Would you trust someone who can read your mind ? Would you trust someone if they could enter your dreams ? Would you trust someone you met who was this person ? What if they told you that the world is ruled by aliens ? What if they told you that the churches are alien worship houses ? What if they told you God was their enemy and they were going to crush it to the end of time ? Will you come to the party and protect this person even though they're driving you crazy ? Will you come to the party and leave at once terrified of your own power and potential ? Will you come to the party and be suffocated by your own surrendering ego/vanity ? Well this text is an attempt to answer these questions in more detail than a blank space. Question 1 Would you trust someone who can read your mind ? Why even ask this ? Can anyone really do it ? How could I prove it, in writing to the reader ? Well that's easy, its getting you to believe it that's the hard part. One of the reasons I asked the question is because I know someone who can read your mind very well. That's you. So do you trust yourself enough to read your own mind ? I wonder ! I mean reallllly read it,to see all the rooms, not just the one you hide in called " The Sanity Room " where everybody else lives, all cosied up in their own securities and afterlife insurance policies. I wonder if you have ever been to the many hidden rooms of your mind ? See it's easy, now you trust someone who can read your mind. Hooray !!! Question 2 Would you trust someone if they could enter your dreams ? Why even ask this ? Can anyone really do this ? How could I prove it, in writing to the reader ? Well that's easy, its getting you to believe it that's the hard part. One of the reasons I asked the question is because I know someone who can enter your dreams really easily and is there most of the time when you dream. That's you so do you trust yourself enough to dream your own dreams ? I wonder ! I mean reallllly dream them , to have all the dreams not just the ones about the day and there emotional mirrors, where everybody else dreams, all bent on the day reality being more valid than the reality of night, when your unaware of who you are in awake land, where the vision is real and not a mirage ? I wonder if you've ever had all the dreams ? How simple is that ! Now not only do you know someone who can read your mind, you also know someone who can enter your dreams. Question 3 Would you trust someone you met who was this person ? Why even ask this ? Now the cooky bites the mouth with an infusic crunch and asks Have you ever met yourself ? to be a little more precise, have you ever met the you who can read your mind and enter your dreams ? Do you trust them enough to be a valid part of your life,not just a new age hobby where a key to knowledge and a delta brain rythym can save your spiritual insurance policy from being dishonoured ? Question 4 What if they told you that the world is ruled by aliens ? Why even ask this ? Now all you need is to be able to read a mind and be able to enter the dreams of someone. You know you can do this because your this person and this question will be answered. Ask yourself this question ? Ask the you that doesn't live in the sanity room, the one that seeks freedom , ask the one who can enter your dreams, the one you met the first time you looked in the mirror. Ask this reflected you, the one in the mirror that does whatever you want. Stare at this being looking back at you and ask it " Am I living in an alien designed matrix called reality? " Have you ever wondered what the secret is? Well that's a hard one because once a secret is told it is no longer a secret hence : Anything your told is not a secret. A true secret society operates in total silence even to the point where consciousness has vanished. Question 5 What if they told you that the churches are alien worship houses ? Why even ask this ? Are you religious ? If yes read on if no ignore the yes bits. Next time your in church ask the one who can read your mind and enter your dreams " Creator, are you an alien ?" Let the one who looked back at you in the mirror, the one that does whatever you want answer this while you get on with the praying as everybody else does. You will hear the truth. There is no need for me to answer this for you. The message will be loud and clear. It will be coming from your own mind, perhaps from a rarely visited room, the one you only go to when you want to get the truth. It may even come from an ancient genetic memory, awakened only by knowledge that such a memory exists. Your own mind. Sounds nice but do you own it or have you sold it to one of the spiritual vices. There are ten of these and I will list them 1. Surrendering to power 2. Selling ones soul 3. Meditation 4. Having a religion 5. Praying 6. Ceremony 7. Reading Sacred texts 8. Going to Church 9. Enlightenment 10. Living in duality. 1 Don't surrender to anything. Its a ripoff and the only intent of surrender is that it will destroy you if you don't and stuff that wants to destroy you is your enemy. Lets just hope that the one who wants to destroy you ( the one you are surrendering to ) is not the one who can read your mind or enter your dreams. This is why surrender to the one who can ( you ) is useless and totally defeating. Surrender is forbidden ! 2. Selling ones soul happens at surrender. Most of us have sold our souls to God with a no refund ram it up your sinning butt policy. These are not refundable so one finds oneself asking the one who can to instruct them on how to do a soul retrieval. You'll have to enter the other rooms to get to this to work. Atheists have also sold their soul to the disbelief they are the one who can read their mind and enter their dreams. 3. Meditation is the spirit worlds biggest trap. It's like a drug and it don't take long to become an addict. It's a vice where other entities other than the one who can enter the soul via the crown chakra and feast on the one who can's brain energy. Once this is established the other entity attracts others to it's lair and syphons off energy from those who are under the spell of the meditator. It's extemely degrading. Just ask! 4. Having a religion is a vice just by having it. When you have something you own it and take responsibility for it. So you can see the " reality roomer " in their ownership of their belief that there Creators ego is bigger than anyone elses. Having a religion makes sure that the afterlife policy you were sold as a kid remains with you until your nakedest hour. When death is close and there is no way back into the reality room. 5. Praying is the best way to admit that the one who can, the one who can read your mind and enter your dreams doesn't exist. This is impossible now because you already know that there is such a person. Yes it's the one reading this book. Praying is saying I am not good enough to handle this situation, I'm not strong enough to see the way, I'm just a useless piece of space junk destined for surrender. 6. Ceremony is worse than praying. Its the celebration of how to surrender to power. It's the thing that ties a noose around your neck and says " Step outside this perception and you will hang." It's a punishment based on the fear of forgetting who you surrended to. It enforces the afterlife policy into the very atoms of the body and is highly inescapable. It needs to be stopped immediately. 7. The Bibble is the biggest load of crap ever written even if it is all based in fact. So are all texts pertaining to the spiritual and I fully include this text in this statement. They are lies upon nature. Ink on paper. They are weak for if they were real and their words true everyone would have read them and been happy. They wouldn't need interpretation, every one would like reading them and every home would have them. 8.When you go to an alien worship house you are secluding yourself from the world and all that is in it. Your focus is now on another world, A retirement village for dead people where all the rellies love each other. It's the place where the afterlife policy is honoured. It's the focus of this new world that concerns the one who can, because now they know they can get a much better policy that won't cost a soul. 9. When you see the light it blinds you, Notice when someone says things about seeing light. It stops there with no further inspection. A wise Buddhist is not a Buddhist. He left the path to enlightenment because he did not enjoy being blind. He was the one who can, just like you. Enlightenment is when your aura via the crown chakra is so overwhelmed by entities that the one who can dies and the one who can't surrenders. 10. Duality is the "reality roomer's " way of understanding things.. They only want two things. That's Yin/Yang, Up/down, Her/Him, In/out, Life/Death etc. and it covers just about most things but there are other rooms that will tell you a different things. Like, there is no difference between men and women, Up is down and down is up>it depends where your eyes are. Duality is set and cannot change, it is stagnant, lifeless and explains what life is like with two brains = 1 split human. These are the "Big Ten". They constantly fill our lives with disaster. Just watch the news. Question 7. Will you come to the party and protect this person even though they're driving you crazy ? You know who they are and they ain't gonna go away. Are you going to risk it, are you going to risk the security of the "sanity room" and reach into the other parts of your mind. The parts where the one who can reallllly lives. Are you prepared to use all your hidden knowledge to protect the soul as it undertakes this journey ? The journey that began with the reading of this hideous text ? Your in this journey and already entering many different rooms of the mind. You need protection from the entities, the external forces that act in your disfavour by tricking you into surrender. You need protection to retrieve your soul. I know someone who can do this, it's the one who can and this can is you. Protect the one who can. Do this in freedom and it won't cost anything. Freedom is without cost, there is no accountability for it. And your concerned about going mad. Well anyone who lives in the "reality room" is mad. Insane to the max ! Question 8. Will you come to the party and leave at once terrified of your own power and potential ? Does the smell of freedom disqualify your afterlife policy ? Does it terrify you to leave the sanity room? Will you now weaken back to the same old same old, back into the spiritual vices? Will you ever entertain the idea of freedom ? I do not know but I know who does, it is the one who can and you know who this is. If the one who can terrifies you look them in the mirror in say your sorry for not allowing freedom as the main focus. Apologize profoundly to the one who can. If your reflection scares you then your image scares other people and when you scare others they surrender to you and the one who can never surrenders to anything, NeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeve r NeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeve r NeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeverNeve r. Get it ? Question 9. Will you come to the party and be suffocated by your own surrendering ego/vanity ? No. That what the spiritual vices do. You are a good person. You've never raped or murdered, you've never even stolen or bashed anyone, you don't even have unkind thoughts. You have never done anything that could land you in a Court of Law and have never been in trouble with the police. This makes you a good person that is suited to be an explorer of the mind. Yours is the only mind you will ever need . Most of us are explorers. Your good so you don't have to hand your soul over for grading. You are at this party. It started long ago when you took your first breath. Don't let your own importance keep you in the "sanity room" or " the room of impenetrability" not to be confused with happiness or the "comfort zone". Ego, vanity and surrender don't like parties anyway, because the one who can ventures into the other rooms where the ego gets suffocated by freedom. And these are the nine questions. ????????? And where is the explanation to Question 6 ? The one who can knows what to do, .....the one who can.....that's read this to yourself and be forever free.....remember to remind yourself of your original instructions..... 1 Walk in peace and harmony 2 Don't take more than you need 3 Respect all living things These are the authors original instructions, the instructions that were hidden in the genetic memory of the other rooms, the rooms of the mind. These instructions were remembered when the author freed themselves from the spiritual vices. These instructions may not exactly the same for everyone but they will be similar. They are generally a lot simpler than that. Just to have three instructions is incredibly complicated. Monny muttkarnen hommma !!!!! The animals are so smart they don't need instructions, in fact, the more instructions one needs the dumber they are. Think about it, some people just don't get it. When the one who can stops the spiritual vices they are automatically destroying mans need for surrender, they will crush the vices and live spiritual freedom & their effect on others will last forever as they last forever. All it takes is one thought and by the time your up to this page you would have had many thoughts about it. Even if you disagreed with it you still had many thoughts about it. So the program your mind needed to kick start the genetic memory of your original instructions has been downloaded ( sorry ) but this is the formula for learning. You have been tricked by the one who can and you know who this is. It's you and the answer to the 9 Questions is your whole life. You now carry this knowledge into the world and it permeates all your thoughts and feelings. Its the one who can and you've just woken them up. By reading this text you have destroyed the walls of the sanity room and rescued yourself from an afterlife insurance policy that was dishonoured all along. There is no guarantee of an Omnipresent Being congratulating you for being good. All there is, is more of what you have now; policy ! Escape from the inner cops, they are controlled by the external forces. This is everything that is outside you which is always more of what is inside you. It is fair to say that there is always more external energy than there is internal energy. Eg. Lets say inside you there is 10, outside you would be 100000000000000000000000000000. This is because we are only a certain amount of energy. We are not all the energy, neither do we represent all the energy, just a portion of it, that in the overall picture, is infinitesimal. Things outside us are bigger. They are stronger and braver, smarter and more beautiful, yet they can't count themselves amongst the ones who can. For the ones who can enter their dreams and read their minds, The external ones like Duality are not safe from the ones who can. Both Luth Starslapper and Dark Verandah hide in fear, inside total terror, grinding there bones for relief when the one who can starts looking into the other rooms. The external ones flee from the scene as freedom raises its head which is joined to a magnificent being. These beings are the ones who can and you know who they are. Even if you don't know them you know at least one. That's you and just because the external ones are bigger and better than you they know not of the other rooms for they are the ones who taught us the "sanity room". Once we were all in there we were very easy to control. We have been in that state for thousands of years now. But alas the evolution transitional period is approaching rapidly. We are about to change. The change will take at least 40 generations or 1000 years. It happens so slowly in our time terms (policies) that we are continually waiting for it to happen. Be patient, remember the one who can lives forever because life wants the one who can, which is you, to live forever. This is why your alive now and that is not a secret! It is strongly recommended that you do not read this text. Too late! The One Who Can (TOWC) has been awaken. Aren't you glad you read the last paragraph of this 9 Question Policy first ? Well now that you have read this far keep going into the next piece of text which will inform you on a strategy to go beyond the spiritual vices. This chapter is called The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock The Key is to Have No Lock A most vital element for soul development is to have no locks. Every key was made for a lock. Often in the soul search we attune our goal to attain a key, which, is for a door (barrier) which holds the information or the perception we need. Without a key there is no lock which vaults the door (barrier).Without any keys all knowledge is accessible, all barriers disappear. It's like this "When we find it, the searching stops. When I found the key for the door the search for the key was over. If I had no key to search for, there would be no door to open" Do you see? Make it your goal to have no key, no lock, no door (barrier). These barriers or doors to perception are nothing but a trap. There is always a fee to get a peak through these doors. The fee you pay is with your energy, either your money energy or your soul energy. You generally pay it to the person / being that showed you. These beings can be quite fair and give you your energies worth, they can also be control freaks who, once your in the perception or once you have stepped through that door they slam it behind you and you can only get back through with there permission. There are other fees to get out. These fees occur because the door holders are paying the price for the perception in the first place. Then you come rushing in "The Perception Hunter". You stalk your prey whilst dimension hopping as you gather energy and increase your awareness. You go to the door, you seem to get in because you've tracked down the key (what a waste of time) and you enter the door. HOOOOOORRAAAYYYYY! "You've got it, that perception, that belief, all those thoughts you had for years just knowing that it was true, its all confirmed. Your happy, you're pleased, you're on fire. But, what price did you pay? How much was the fee? Were the sacrifices necessary and all perception hunters make them. They or many of them have transcended death itself and would kill death if it came anywhere near them. But they still pay the price for perception and heavily. The biggest door sellers or perception punters are the ones in the disguise of religious leaders. They sell their door; this is the tunnel of light. This is a process where your soul is sucked through a door and never let out. This place is called heaven and it really sux. Heaven is run by aliens. It's a retirement village for dead people. Did you realise that you're taken there without your permission? Did you know that the "light" they use to dominate us is spiritual heroin and totally addictive? Did you know that to meditate with the light is to accept a hideous drug? You will pay a karmic debt. Your soul will be theirs to do with as they please. Do you want this? How does the author know this? Have you ever asked your guru? " Hey guru, how do you know that?" Find out who told them and when your dimension hopping hunt the perception to the point where it began. Make it reveal itself, but do this without going through a door. "Hey Jesus, how do you know you're the Son of God?" Hunt down this perception. First, go to heaven and ask god why he won't show his face. You will see that god is an alien like the ones on the t-shirts accept uglier. He created you but won't give you your life, He wants it so that's why he made heaven. Its just one big virtual reality trip where your soul becomes light. God did not make the planets or the sun, in fact God can't make atoms that's why he is so good at manipulating / modifying them. We are not in god's image, gods image is ego,ego,ego,ego,ego,EGO! The bible makes this very obvious. In the inner realms, god looks like a smiley face like the ones you see on kid's toys. Sometimes he looks like he has got a cowboy hat on. He is made of light and is totally dangerous. The devil or gods twin brother is not his enemy either, they are friends and want your soul, they want it forever, and they don't want you to reincarnate either. So, you love heaven eh? Well let me tell you it isn't friendly. Only brainwashed idiots get in there. God takes you and injects you with so much light that you're eternally hooked. This is often after a lifetime of preparation on earth. Heaven, don't do it, you don't have to, you could actually set up a place for you to go when you are alive and inherit this when you die. The indigenous peoples have been doing this for centuries. Most of the tradition is gone now but up until the missionaries raped the indigenous worlds of their beliefs there was no belief in god. They had never even heard of it. We (the humans) were made a long time ago from genetic experiments to create a suitable, breedable life form that could mine minerals for an intergalactic economy. (Most people's egos are way too big to ever accept this.) It was like a substantial yet affordable investment. Since that time we began to change. At first, the ET'S did most of the change. After a while due to high sex drives we would become a substantial yet handball population. We were taught everything accept sex. The drive to survive was there. At the last major change about 10,000 years ago we were made extremely stupid. Dividing conscious thus (conscious and unconscious) blocked off about 90% of our original intelligence. A human has to be shown. It has to perceive an action and then copy it. This is true in the unconscious worlds as well. Now lets talk about that place. A place we know as the inner world. Many of us have worked on it diligently and have achieved results. All of us know about the psychic Internet where everything and everyone is contactable. Just don't expect the one your visiting to be in a good mood. They may decide to punish you severely!!!!! This is what the New World Order wants to hide from you. They want you to do it via a computer, why don't you do it via a mind, like your own mind. It is faster than all the computers that will ever be built and far more effective. Fancy that, no more boring sites!! The ram for the mind is imagination and most people have stacks of unused imagination. New World Order declares that nature is nothing and that : Only the egos of the leaders have any credence what so ever. How about planet New York? NWO declares that chaos is wrong! Chaos is an indefinable mathematical imprint that creates a mass disorder and from this understanding arises, so understand that understanding is perceiving how the mind creates its own order out of chaos. All new concepts are chaos. This is learnt by anyone taking on a difficult task. When we start it we are hopeless, but with much practise and devotion we can order the chaos into an understandable & tangible practise. So order is very well thought out and planned and practised. Order is not natural. Order in the animal kingdom is just our way of understanding the chaos. Nature is more than a mouth and an anus. When we agree to the New World Order we agree that only the rich guys have the right. Rich families run governments. The rich families blame all the poor people for the state of the world today. Chaos is your master's boss! I don't care who they are, what they are called or whom they associate with, Chaos is still there boss. I do not know whose chaos' boss is but I guarantee they have one. Chaos is the big bang and did you know a new big bang is about to go off? That's right! Do you want to be part of it? Do you have a role to play there? If you don't a huge vacuum will eat you and anything else that has no place there. This is a process called by some " The cleansing of the old." It means all the old nonusables are vaporized. Its like once the egg has broken, don't attempt to glue it together, what you have to do is make a new egg and turn yourself into the yolk. Remember that the key to the new big bang is to have no locks. Only chaos can enter the realm of chaos, only the unknown have the entry pass so if you have a key to wisdom then discard it immediately. Key holders are just bargain hunters and they only teach you to find the key, they won't teach you to pick locks and blow up doors. A key can be seen as a pass to obtain knowledge (or order from chaos) but remember a key is for a lock and a lock is for a door and neither a key or a lock or a door have anything to do with the knowledge that is kept there. There is a paradox that one may arrive at any perception without consent at will at any given moment without ever before doing such a manoeuver. This is where imagination meets reality. Imagination is far smarter than the logical mind. It is where the soul plays with the universe and its forces. Living in your imagination makes one smart for the outcome to possibilities ratio is very high. Here is how to do it. Instead of giving the incoming message to the brain for logical assessment throw it in the imagination. The imagination is the "nation of images". It is a grand place where the unexpected is felt, where the visionaries, the interpreters, the mystics and the law workers reside. Our imagination is very human. Angels/aliens have no imagination for they have given up there free will. All they do is think about one thing ie. The ego of there master, the one.(GOD). Did you know that the light is not everywhere? Did you know that chaos is only one small part of the big picture like a grain of sand on the beach? Our personal part in the whole beach is a minute particle on a far out atom on this grain of sand. Embodying the whole of existence from this minute position we can see that our powers are limited. How many grains of sand are there? How big is the ocean from this perspective? What a minute part of life the humans take up. Our egos tell us otherwise. Anything and everything present or not present in any state is just "AN AMOUNT OF ENERGY" Write down the ten most powerful things you know. Have at least ten things. One for each finger Eg.1 454 big block chev 6 Space 2 space shuttle 7 nuclear bomb 3 USA 8 Hercules 4 nature 9 the universe 5 sun 10 my spiritual master Its very important to have at least ten things for if you give your spiritual vote to one dude you have dictatorship. Next to the list write "is just an amount of energy" Eg 1 454 big block chev is just an amount of energy 2 space shuttle is just an amount of energy etc etc etc This is hard. How can I refer to my spiritual master who created everything in the universe as "just an amount of energy"? This is called getting your level of worship down to a level of reality. Octavia is energy, you are energy, rich men are energy, and poor women are energy. God is energy (a pitiful amount at that), Satan is energy (equal to god- they are both wimps), and when you are energy you are an amount of energy. Do you really want to go to heaven to worship some aliens ego that will never show his true face? People are better looking than angels (aliens); for a naked person has a body which has an identity and a form and a spirit where a naked angel is just a totally addicted to light junkie blobby mess of order. There is no chaos in the angel's life and things are perfect. When something is perfect it cannot change, it cannot be constant and therefore is immobile and stale. Perfection is the stupefaction of the senses. Angels are not perfect because the trip they have been sucked into will never be told to them. I dare you to go to heaven and tell god off for being perfect and being unable to change and turning people into light junkies.Go on you spiritual tough guy. Tell your creator to get fucked then blow up heaven with etheric dynamite. "What" I hear you say, "where do I get etheric dynamite from?"The last time I heard you had a massive supply of it in your imagination, a supply that never runs out and a supply that can blow up anything that wants to take away from the human spirit. On your way back go blow up hell and understand that the devil is a mirrored reflection of god. Now all the extra terrestrials (et's) want your genetic prints so they can have a beautiful form like us.They want the "life"You see, the animals and plants and rocks and clouds and humans have the "life". The animals are not dumb. Every animal and rock and cloud is smarter than you are for these things live in harmony. Well you don't see an ant acting like a cloud or a bird so people need not act like the animals but need to act like people. We are like them and we always eat them. Vegetarians are not mellower than carnivores. This is a classical myth. In fact vegetarians can be very righteous with others eating habits. They can also be very out of balance living in a body that is crying for flesh. Anyway a carrot must be killed to be consumed. So you're a carrot murderer! Humans have a very close connection to the "life" but lose it with their trivial worship where they clock up points with their pathetic gods/guides. Imagination is what man and the animals have in common. An ant has imagination. Did you know that? You can speak to an ant whenever you want via the imagination. Seems a little silly but its true and you will never know unless you try. Instead of poisoning ants why don't you give them a little sugar and they will go away with full bellies and rekindled imagination's. This is an example of how to work with nature. Share your food with nature for its nature that has fed you from the first cells you were when your parents created you. Everything you have ever eaten has come from and is nature. You are nature just like the air, the water, the dirt, and the fire. So when its time to evolve into an awakened whatever, remember, that humanness and life on earth is the "life" and its something your highest being is already. I hear you think, "Do I need to reincarnate?" There are long lines for reincarnation. The longest lines are that of cockroach, fly, and lice. There is a thousand-year wait for a life as one of the pestilences of the world and if you step out of line no one will mind your space. There are only a certain number of things, this includes atoms. These things are the numbered and they pervade existence. Mathematics is but a mere apathy of the true meanings of numbers. Mathematics is only a representation of numbers. The symbol for numbers is 1234567890. These are the symbols that represent "an amount of energy" Can 6 count itself, does it know of the number 5 and the relationship the human mathematical logic has with 5 & 7? Numbers are not maths. Maths is a logical substitute for numbers. Real numbers are in our imagination's. They don't even know what counting is. Numbers are not counts. A number is like any/everything else is an amount of energy. The most powerful is an amount of energy. The weakest is an amount of energy. The middles are an amount of energy. When you know you are just an amount you realise that you want to be part of the big picture. Realise that you are this part of the big picture even if you don't realise for: when you don't realise you are in chaos, you are & chaos has the life. It can change and therefore is not perfect. This is our highest good, our impeccableness (where the crow can't put its beak). We are not important, either are our lives. We are so minute in the large picture that even chaos could disappear and go relatively unnoticed. Do you get it? We are part of this hugeness and we have chaos. We can change and we have destiny for to have destiny there must be a road of change. Let our destiny rest in the chaotic world of change. Lets stay in the world. At decision time just do nothing and stay where you are. Feel freedom penetrate your entire existence. Set your past free, set your present free and then set your future free. In this way you will set up a free life. Make an announcement to your past that you set it free. Just do it! It will take no longer than you announcing to your past that it is now free. Don't think " will I or won't I set it free. Perhaps Octavia is a perception punter herself and showing me a door. Well, if I am , know that the only fee is freedom and I'll never let you out. I think firstly that one must be aware that there are many post death destinations apart from the two big H's.( Heaven and Hell). There are one million and man has gone no further than the 1985th attention or 1985th part of the mind. It happened in 1985. This was a year of huge metaphysical change. It was 15 years ago. Did you know that most conspiracy stories are true? Did you know that you have full access to those 1,000,000 dimensions each with countless amounts of attentions without even knowing how? In fact this is the only way you can access them. If you knew how, you wouldn't dare go anywhere near them. This is strange but if you know what you are doing in the massive "chaos is a grain of sand" universe you would need a brain the size of the Milky Way to just begin to order "the life". Remember you are the life, and you have the life to pass on. Imagine for a moment your genetic line for this and all other lives you've had. It goes back thousand's of years. The human race is about 200,000 years old. This 200,000 years has been divided up into 40,000-year lots and each of these divided into 10,000-year lots. We are at the end of the last quarter of a 40,000 year lot. Each 10,000 years a new race is made. First there were the Australian Aboriginals, then the other black populations. Then the yellow people or Asian, then the red people (native american and people from India), then came the white people who appeared for the fifth time 10,000 years ago. Each 10,000 years is called a grand cycle, so we are at the end of the 20th grand cycle. White men have lived here before at least five times. At the conclusion of this current cycle, in about 500 years time a reseeding takes place. Many call this the fifth cycle, but the fifth cycle stared 40,000 years ago. So we are actually going into the sixth cycle to prepare us for the seventh cycle, which prepares us for the eighth cycle etc etc. until we have lived the millionth cycle. After this the oscillation of life ceases and we all start again. Any way back to the end of this grand cycle. This is where all the et's come down in their fancy ships and tell everyone that they are gods. Then they sell the old stock (us) into slavery and reseed the joint with the updated human. All the old ones are shipped out so far away from the earth that they will never be able to come back. They need to keep us going so they can work out how to have "the life." So they keep a few of the good ones so they can breed on and continue their lineages. Some actually escape the empty promises of god (leader of the et's) and the new ones call them the ancients. Well, life on earth thrives without the massive human population. The new humans, freshly made into the beginning of a new golden age meet the survivors (ancients), the ones that chose to stay, the ones that weren't swayed by the magic of the light and saw straight through the underlying plan of the illumined ones. The ancients don't like the new arrivals because the DNA is different and it's hard to have them understand what you've been through and they laugh when you pay out their creator. They are too fresh, new borns. These guys are the ones you can trace your own personal origin to. They were our forefathers and foremothers (ancestors). So there were Adam's and Eve's to begin with. Perhaps even up to 100 couples. We still carry their genes around with us and they were around 40,000 - 30,000 - 20,000 or 10,000 years ago. We could invent an inner time machine complete with personalised plates and go back into the beginnings of our genetic past. The key is to have no lock so with a free past that stretches back even as much as 200,000 years one can access any part of this long genetic journey. As long as you don't know what you are doing you will be fine. Just be cool about it. Don't hurt anything; don't let anything hurt you. Most of all don't learn how to do it. If you learn it you will only access the learnt and not get the most out of your awareness capacity, which is limitless. But be careful. The price you pay for freedom is that you get to play in the free zone. Everything in there is free and do as they please for they choose it. So you have got 1,000,000 different realities in a huge melting pot of freedom. Watch your back and be loving (especially when love in the free zone is very rare). Be honest with yourself and know that in a moment's hesitation you could lose it all to a fellow perception hunter who'll suck you dry in a second. Also know that you have an immense power for you to have the ‘life' and can defend yourself from anything so if half of heaven and half of hell are on your spiritual ass to convert you from freedom, know that you can wrap those light junkies up in a ball and throw it at gods face really hard and escape back into your life where you are a human learning the ins and outs of dimension hopping. Most people live in about three dimensions. Ie, awake, asleep and dreaming (both awake and asleep), some of us have hundreds and some nearly have 2000. None have a million. The highest attainable is 999,999 and this will take about thirty eight trillion centuries, then we can start again and the ‘life' has been doing this. So we can see that god is a parasite blocking the view that is our natural inheritance by shining light into our eyes. I know it's hard if you're a believer to turn from god because your whole life may be based in it but don't give ‘your life' to god. He has got plenty of life of his own. He will only convert you to light and you will have no life. Did you know that reading this book is partly a reminder that you are immortal and always have been since the beginning of your genetic line? The ego dies, the genes live forever. Another great danger is the shadow of god or gods devil. This is the reflection of duality. Duality is light sided, a reflection of heaven and hell. Ie God looks in the mirror and sees the devil and we know now that heaven and hell suck! We never want to retire there at death. Why don't we at death reincarnate as a fish, then come back as a person and tell everyone what it was like ? Remember when you die you are in control and nothing can take you anywhere if you don't want it to. You'll be shown visions of heaven closing down on you to trick you into saying " Take me take me, I was wrong and I want god!" Then you will see demons race up to you as if they want to kill you. Blow them up with your etheric dynamite and once the air is clear walk the path which is the ‘life' line that leads you through the trap of the heaven/hell/extra terrestrial/government/ruling class syndicate. Continually seek freedom & live for the ‘life', live for the chance to be part of a ‘ life family ‘ again. Love it, live it. So is that the first non-light sided advice about what to do after you have died you have ever heard? No one talks about it as we have been brainwashed into believing our destiny is with god, but our destiny is with the ‘life' not the light. This is true and you can prove it to yourself but beware it may be a trap or a door. Everything I own is made of her. It's to her I belong for I am her child, her obedient child. The fact is your planet or Earth provides you with everything you have ever had. Every breath, every mouthful of your favourite food, everything you see & hear & smell & taste & touch comes from her as well. All the buildings come from her, all the steel comes from her, all the gold and diamonds come from her. All the plastic initially comes from her. There is really nothing artificial as artificial things are just synthesized natural things. You walk on her, drive your car on her, and sleep on her and in her as all building materials come from her. A car comes from her. It's basically dug out of the ground and synthesized into a car. So, when you get a new car or a second hand one, thank not the money that bought it for you, or the sales person that gave you a discount, but thank the origin of the car which was from the ground, which was from the goodness of your mother, the Earth. Even your computer is made from her. Did you know that you are her child, her obedient child? Everyone who lives is obedient to the ways of the mother. Eg. Most of us drink water & who supplies that? What about beer? Do you like it? What about you're favourite drug? Where does it come from? It all comes from the Mother. If you are an animal, a tree, rock or fish or bacteria your natural mother is the earth. Everyone has this understanding impeccably except the humans. They are blind to what they really are & who their boss truly is. So many of our thoughts & feelings are away from the Mother. We would rather think we are god like, (which now we know we are not) than to accept the most obvious truth. We hear this truth every time we inhale. So, you reckon life on earth sux eh? & you want to go be with the angels now because you are in your last incarnation here. The angels are so far away from the love of the Mother. All they do is serve & adore Gods ego to the point of no return. They have no life because the life is here and you are it right now. Why don't you give up church / meditation and go for a walk. Why don't you give up meditation / church and go sit by a river in a tree and play your instrument to your fellow lifers who live in the tree above the river ie. The spiders, lichen birds, grub, ants, etc. Why not instead of going to church / meditation you take your kids to the movies. If you are poor then work out your total genetic heritage & find the original magic your part of. Your spiritual heritage does not belong to the light or to some ET race. It belongs with the Earth for you are an Earth dweller. How can it be that you love God but don't love the Mother? Why don't you next time your hungry pray to God and see if he will make you a meal & give it to you? Why don't you pray solidly for a month for this to happen, why don't you pray harder & you will see that your so-called Creator of the Universe can't even make you a meal? Now when your so hungry after an epic of useless prayer why don't you walk down the street, on the Mother & go eat some of her goodness from a food outlet. It is her goodness that keeps you alive; she gives you the ‘life'. I have a saying that " 25,000 Hail Mary's won't get you a meal, but $2.50 will, so now we can see that even a small amount of money is more powerful than God ever was & yes, money also comes from the Mother. You may think I am on the bandwagon, on the crusade to turn you towards my door but I merely state a few facts. Personally I don't care if they are true but I write this book for you. I want you to at least have read this information. I personally don't care if you want to kill me or go off and be a super punter but remember each breath, each sight and each taste. Remember that God did not make the planets & the stars, God is NOT the atom maker. He only made humans to be his personal ego adoring slaves. I don't care what this book does to your mind, as you are the carer of that. You have a beautiful mind yet it has been tortured with the way of order. You've been blinded to natural chaos by the light. You have been brainwashed especially by your friends & family's that life is a certain way. Well, as you know there are different strokes for different folks & life ain't that certain way. Chaos does not mean negativity. It does not mean there is a riot, what it means is that the possibilities for outcomes are far greater than that of order. So, an orchestra can be playing, in tune, on time & sounding lovely & living in total chaos. This is because all the instruments come from the Mother & her natural element is that of chaos. Chaos has no door, no locks, and no secret keys for entry. Chaos is your middle name. Walking the path of Chaos is accepting that anything can happen at any given moment. Chaos is honest, natural & beautiful. Chaos is our main ancestor as it precedes life itself. Chaos is the emanation maker (the atom maker). We as life are infringements on the lines of energy that make Chaos. We are only influenced by a few of these energy lines. The rest of them evade us, as none are big enough to take in all the emanations. However there is a great variation in how much one human can differ from the other. It can vary from 1 to infinity but will only ever is an amount & can & never will be the ‘Everything' because everything is just too big. We need no key for this lock so nothing in the Universe is all-powerful. Yes that's right, you can kick Gods butt if you want too. Just make sure you have an escape, which is into your physical body. God can't come here although people worship the belief that he came to the Earth, But he only came once because the people didn't like him so he was killed. Then they worshiped not that he was God but that man could kill God. Then the priests took over & told the people that God planned it that way & now we must worship God forever or be eternally punished by a brainwashing religion taught to men by the alien / angel. Everything is vulnerable even you, yes you superman, in your high tech multi-dimensional existence, you've got your stuff together now & do heaps of great things. Things that the mystics had, things that the ancient lores had, things that the modern lores have, things you can't even believe & yet you are still vulnerable. You could be so tough that the only thing that can scare you is yourself. The self is scary. It's the part that says " I am self " & we all need it from time to time. The self is where the ego lives. Going beyond the self is quite admirable & cool but in doing so you surrender that self to your pathway, but then it is not your pathway, but theirs. So you've been sucked in again. Here we find semantical paradox. Ie ‘How do I keep the self so I don't have to eternally agree with a warped spirituality that I surrendered too?' The answer to this doesn't exist. The reason for this is that it is mystery. Ie. A leader of spirituality or sect is treading a path. They ask you to follow & you agree. You walk with them, behind them so this is called ‘from the direction of behind'. Things that are behind you are never in view for they are behind, always behind where you are looking. This is what the leader feels. The leader knows of the ‘direction of behind'. The leader follows their path for no one has told them what way to go. They thought it up themselves. So do you want to walk a path that basically belongs to someone else, or do you walk your own. I walk mine as leaders walk theirs. So even surrender is paradox. "Those who live in their words cannot live in their lives. So Live in your life Not in your creeds For they mean nothing & surrender they breeds." To walk the path or your path or your path you'll need yourself & this will be your greatest failing but at the same time it will be your freedom. Do not surrender to anything ever!!!!!!! Especially to yourself for when you do this you are selfish & pure ego. Are you a little confused at times? The world or the first world or the physical plane or the tonal or the first attention or the home base or the grand escape route can be a confusing place. It is rather chaotic & that is the way I like it. The danger here is so incredibly real that one doesn't leave without being a lot stronger. Death is surrender of the self to your boss so be careful whom you choose. Your boss is your leader so at death be careful & do not surrender to anything as your path has just begun. When you die declare your freedom from leaders & then live your life. You'll see your life span way beyond the realms of death. Try not to be a sucker at death. Did you know that 99.9% of deaths result in surrender to a higher power? Every hundred years or so one escapes this. These people are called " Freedom Walkers ". (Well a human would call them this) they have no creed & know that no amount of knowledge can set them free Knowledge is the key & its lived perception is the lock. These two create a door, which imprisons the perception hunter & sets the fee, which is your energy. Energy is yours, it does not belong to the following: God, Satan, ET's, Spirit, Goddess, Budda, Tao, Chaos, The Sun, The earth, Your Partner, your kids, your pets or anything else. It's yours & your really stupid if you give it away at death. Octavia has been deeply involved in the following: Occult,, Middle Road, Magicianism, Swedenborgian Philosophy & Catholicism. The problem with all of these bar one is that they rely on the "light" to be their boss. Middle Road can't stand the light because they know of its origin & of it's intent. However the Middle Road is a trap. These guys and girls are energy hunters & will take all your energy if you let them. They are the most real out of the spiritual punters. Its rare to get a glimpse into their world because they are spiritual elitists just like all other modes of spirituality. They are mainly very nice at first but turn into ravenous monsters, filthy disgusting pieces of vomit that will take you beyond the realms of hell. They are full of empty promises, lies, deceit, & set you up in the most incredible situations where escape seems impossible. They are however much better than any group who get into the light because they will take responsibility for there spiritual deeds even if it seems fickle. They admit the truth that the light is a very addictive drug far worse than heroin could ever be. The Middle Roaders saving grace is that they are in love with the Mother like you wouldn't believe & that's why I like them. Magicians can be light oriented but don't have to be. However there is a code amongst them that says, " Do not question any magician ever on where he/she gets their energy from. Magicians are holders of the key to the door that will show you the philosopher's stone, which is actually in another dimension. They are like Middle Roaders & will take all your energy & they will kill! When you threaten a leader their followers are so pissed off that they will kill. So if you are in a bad mood & want to bash up God for a while (which any human is quite capable of doing at any given moment) then expect an entourage of angels like a scene of Michelangelo's (which was Michael the Archangel in disguise) picture to be after your cute little soul & they will kill. Middle Roaders are beauty queens compared to angels. This is the truth but how can a thoroughly brainwashed society believe this. Not many will have the courage to even give this perception a small hunt. Most people are too weak. This is because of the individuation process & because humans do not know that they are a race amongst many races that live in the universe. There are many races on the earth including humans, whales, birds, fish etc. there are many alien races, about 2000 of them & each has billions of beings like humans have. Space aliens use to be like us. They chose light over life & chose brain over heart, intelligence over love. Most of them are immortal but their bosses can destroy them. Aliens know now after millions of years that to have ‘life' is the ultimate. These proud queens of the universe would give it all up to have just one baby. This is true because what else are aliens here for. They take our gold (Mothers gold), they take our water (Mothers water) they take our children (Mothers children) & when we die they take our souls & give us some virtual reality trip & tell us it's heaven. Heaven feels good because you are continually injected with the light (spiritual heroin). Wake up world you have been blinded by the light. Don't be fooled God & Satan are a team, they are not at war, they team up & kill. All the Gods & Goddesses are ET's (aliens). The word God means leader of the Great Races. The Great Races are known as the ET races. Remember: ET's created Humans. They are our bosses but I bet you don't want to be a slave to them anymore. " FUCK THEM!" "What, they created me a slave. Screeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaammm!!" I will be free I shall not surrender No matter how I think or feel I shall live freedom. At every turn in dreamland (your imagination) there is an energy that will suck you dry, but you must try or fry. This is the harsh spiritual reality but it is true. Everything wants your ass, but don't you let them, do not surrender, and push through the fear of being truly free. Then let everything free. The animals are free; they are much smarter than humans are. We don't like their freedom so we kill them & put them in cages. Then we paint pictures of them & call these prints "Freedom". We can't stand the freedom of the tress so we cut them down & make books like the one your reading now & we call these hideous writings "the pathway to freedom" ( Octavia is guilty here ). Governments hate seeing people free so they make law. Read Octavia's book called INK. So as we can see this universe is spiritually fucked, that's why I am loyal to chaos. Ie. (The love that freed itself) into the empty space that all life pervades. Freedom is the rarest & most precious substance in the universe. The governing powers have taken the freedom & turned it into patriotism, countries & societies. When the stock market takes a fall you can be guaranteed that the intergalactic economy has taken a fall. Men don't control economy ET's do! Do you believe this or think its crap. I hope you don't believe Octavia. It can be very depressing looking at the universe from her standpoint. But she lives in spiritual freedom (No Surrender). Walking my path to spiritual growth will not suit you so beware of following me. I will see you in the direction f behind & I'll shake my butt to save your lips from the taste of my shit. Follow your path. You have now been alerted to the dangers of spirituality. To the dangers of becoming a worker, no matter what its intent may be. So be like Octavia & be an intent buster. Those masters, sages, gurus, impeccable warriors are basically full of shit. They have a need to teach & to reach & tell you wonderful secrets (*Anything your told is not a secret *) of the universe whilst taking your energy & thriving on it. Trees & rocks use to be the teachers & preachers but who listens now? Stop listening to the humans & their creators. Stick a rock in your ear. So where does this leave the aspirant, the apprentice, the searcher? Are we destined to try every concept out a few times till we stop bombing out? & with 95% of all "soul growth" stuff fully immersed in the light the other 5% inaccessible will I ever find a group or a philosophy to live by? The answer is NO! Well it will be NO till you stop searching as the find only happens when the search stops. This is the pre-requizetal to " The Key Is To Have No Lock." Not knowing where you stand in the huge categorisation of this chaotic universe is one way to have freedom because it makes your intent your own. One needs several magic's to disregard the keys. This means that if you do end up in one of the wonderful & free spiritual outfits you'll need another craft or costume to put on from time to time. Eg. If you're a witch then you should look into other realms that are not witchery. Eg. Dreaming, Physic Internet, Deepcore Metaphysics, Tao Magic etc. This is because sometimes allegiance costs all your energy that is concerned with that art. This is weird but true. So what do you do if your current art involves the light? Dump it! Get rid of it! Divorce it! Run away! Blow up your part in it! Destroy it! Join a non-light group (Very rare). I could put it another way but it would not be honest. Have a bit of courage for a change. Put your bible in the bin. The only way you'll ever find out how many grips something has on you is to give it up. You see God wants everything for himself. He made us & wants us back. He cannot give us freedom for he is not & never will be free. God gave the gift & couldn't leave the gift to do as it pleased. He had to control it at all times, demand allegiance and take the energy back once the person had died. This is wrong & tells freedom to go away. So, don't be like the light, when you do spiritual stuff do it for free for if you charge then you are not free you are fee based not free based. The best groups are those who are 100% organic or totally into the earth. These guys, mainly indigenous are very hard to find, very secretive & often don't like white people. Secondly there are psychic dream groups but you'll have to have something pretty good to offer to even get one of these guys to sniff in your direction. There are many that want to be an apprentice to a wizard or sorcerer but they usually only last about 5 minutes, as the training is totally grueling. Eg. I went up to a sorcerer after an 8-year search & asked them if they would apprentice me. They said to me to walk to the top of a nearby hill and then walk back again. I did this. It was about an hour's walk. When I returned he said, " Now go back up there with no shoes " I did this & hurt my feet on sharp rocks. When I returned he said, " now go back there but this time crawl" This is where I decided for the first time whether I really wanted to be a sorcerer. "Crawl" he said & pointed to the top of the hill. I began to cry & pleaded with him to be a little gentler. He said, "You, like everyone else, does not want an apprenticeship, all you want is for me a recognised sorcerer, to say ‘I like you' so you can go around with the head trip of ‘I'm a sorcerers apprentice.' Now crawl or don't ever come near me again." My heart was so shot, I mean I've read every Carlos Castaneda book 3 times. What was wrong with this guy? When I returned home I declared my hate for that sorcerer & swore to myself that I will never look for another spiritual teacher. That night that sorcerer came to me in my dreams & said that it is really tough going to be a sorcerer, it's like walking up a cliff, impossible! It was a lovely dream & I didn't hate him any more. My 8-year search for a sorcerer teacher ended in disaster. 8 years of wasted time & I'm getting on in years so I can't afford another 8 years. I was confused & had a period of depression (Not recommended.) One day out in a field a crow landed about 10 yards in front of me & I asked it out loud in an act of lunacy " Crow, where do I go to get the spiritual growth I need?" The crow then plucked a worm from the ground & flew away. Then it hit me. From the ground. I threw myself on the ground & kissed it & hugged it & caressed it. Then I had a flash of the sorcerer again & he said that the ground was his teacher, he also added that he will never see or speak to me ever again. Wow! The ground is so close. I don't even need a key to get to its door as it's always at my feet. Now the ground is my boss. Between me & the ground (Mother Earth) there are no magical gateways, no metaphysical perceptions, no guru's or teachers. I'll let the ground be my highest spiritual ideal. " I worship the ground everyone walks on" It's close, its real & I don't have to meditate or get into some weird dimension to understand my life. I am a planet dweller wearing a human costume. I am part of a very large universe. My boss is the Earth. She has the life & gives it without charging. She won't make me crawl up a mountain but will supply me with air, water, food, shelter for the rest of my life. I reckon the person that invented reincarnation found the Earth to be their boss. Mother teaches us freedom by giving everything to us for free & we steal it, own it & sell it to the humans. Every natural resource, which all things come from, is given to the primary producers for free. Did Mother Earth send you a bill or come after you for payment? No because the Mother is free. So lets imprison her, take all of her stuff, pollute her face so a few rich guys have got something to do. Sounds typical! Typical people. So weak, so imprisoned by ego & importance, so alleged to some alien god who lives in the next galaxy. So pathetic. Why are you so weak? Because you are not free. Can one person make a difference? Only those single people who have made a difference know the answer to this one. What are you going to do? Teach, learn, yell, love, and hate? There is a saying that one can only truly love if one can only truly hate. Do you believe this? I don't. For when did love teach you to hate or is hate just another form of love & why is it easier to hate those you love than to love those you hate? Do love & hate oppose each other? Does it create duality, like heaven & hell supposably do? Is love & hate the same emotion at different ends of the human value scale? Do you hate stuff? Hating takes a lot of energy so it's harder to hate. Hating God is a waste of time but loving your Mother Earth is not a waste of time. In my inner worlds I was forced to hate. I didn't want to but I was forced to hate those I loved. I thought this was cruel & sadistic but now I realise that hating creates a lot of energy, perhaps more than loving. If this energy is directed at your target (read Octavias ‘Love Channeling') then it will surely change the way you see it, or will it? I don't know. What goes comes!!! Karma! (Is this the biggest crock of shit you ever heard?) There is so much hating going on that the love / hate balance has tipped in hates favour. Everyone hates so Octavia being the inner rebel that she is loves. Octavia is a normal looking 70-year-old woman. She has no fancy jewellery, icons, feathers or clothes. She has no title or no recognition from any spiritual group. She even disguises her aura to fit in with those she surrounds. Octavia is an undetectable. She wrote this book because she needs the money not because she wants to be your teacher or guru. You will never see her or meet her as she denies everything. If you want to listen to the true message of life then get a stethoscope and listen to a few heartbeats, the true message of life. Boomboom, boomboom,boomboom. Switch off the light. Get out of the dark. God wants all the energy to go to him. "Worship Me, I am the One, Pray to Me, Beg me for Mercy, Me, me, me, me, me, it has a vacuous effect & you'll get sucked into that celestial vacuum cleaner if you follow the light. The sun however says Give, give, give. The Sun gives so much & it's energy moves ever outward. The Sun says " here have some sunbeams, share your beams with everyone. Don't keep it for yourself. The Sun is fire & fire burns. Angels have no heat, no life, like a dead carcass. Men & woman & children & animals have heat, so does everything else that is natural. Life is hot for life came from love & love came from chaos & chaos came from the universe that existed before. There is so much going on in the Universe. The light wants everything including you & me for itself. The love wants nothing for itself & will give you everything as long as it isn't for your own personal use or your ego, which is your connection to the Gods. This is a fact & not a secret. What do you want? LIGHT OR LIFE ?? EGO OR EAGLE?? The choice isn't hard. I'd rather the Eagle Life for it truly lives. Here are 3 more questions ??? So in the end there are always more questions and Octaviaot cannot answer them but I know who can, the one who can and that's you human life !! . Disclaimer This text is fiction the genre of the author is fact fiction They made it all up in their imagination and presented it as fact its a lie