In the year of 200X, a super robot named Rock Man was created. Dr. Light created Rock Man to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily. However after his defeat Dr Wily was filled with jealousy and rage of his past partner Dr.Lights...

Dr Wily used the old blue prints of the original robot masters designed by Dr Light to create the new robot masters in Rock Man 2.

Rock Man was resting at the top of the old robot museum to overlook the city which was saved after Wily's defeat.

Moments after Rock Man was just thinking how nice and peaceful things finally were an explosion from the near by destroyed one of the buildings by the museum. Rockman
went to investigate, and saw a large robot destroying the city... local police were unable to stop the raging machine. Rock Man ran towards the robot and started blasting it with his megabuster.

After defeating the big robot the local police thanked Rock Man for his help. He then teleported back to Dr Lights lab and told him about the robot. Dr Light told Rock Man that it must be Dr Wily back for revenge. Dr Light went to look in the computer to see if the satellite system could pic up any energy signatures, the points of position popped up and Rock Man immediatley set out to defeat wily's new army of Robot Masters.
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