Inigo "Today is the first fight, and royal rumble of the new OCWF!!!

Fezzik "That's right It's a whole royal rumble to see which superstar
Will end up as the World Champion, US Champion, and the TV Champion!!

Inigo "And making his way to the ring right now is Pharoh!!"

"Shawn Michaels Theme" hits as Pharoh enters the ring.

Fezzik "And boy does he look ready for anything right now!!!

"Enter The Sandman" by Metallica hits as Ajacks enters and makes his way to the ring.

Fezzik "And here comes his opponent Ajacks

Both men stand at opposit sides of the ring facing each other, when both charge. Ajacks going for a clothesline, but Pharoh ducks it then German Supplexes Ajacks to the matt.

Inigo " OOOOHH!!! that had to hurt, I think I even heard a little snap
when Ajacks' head hit the matt!! Looks Like Pharoh is bound and
determined to win this match even if he was in the #1 spot!!1

As Ajcaks gets up he conects with a low blow, Pharoh doubles over in pain
as Ajacks grabs him and throws him into the ropes and connects with a Choke

Fezzik "Yes but It looks as though Ajacks Is going to show Pharoh who the real boss of this match is!!

While Pharoh is lying on the ground Ajacks climbs to the top rope and just before he jumps the music surprises him.

"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as Suicide Springs enters.

Suicide Springs slides into the ring and seing that Ajacks is a little stunned at his entrance, he grabs the ropes and racks Ajacks on the ropes, then runs and clotheslines Ajacks off the Turnbuckle!!

Innigo "And there goes Ajacks, It looks like his efforts were great, but not
enough, for he is the first one to be disqualified!!"

As Ajacks is being knocked off the turnbuckle by Suicide, Pharoh stands up and runs and clotheslines Suicide in the back putting him into the corner. Pharoh turned Suicide around only to be punched in the face, over and over again, finally letting up on the beating, Suicide powerbombs Pharoh and is getting ready for the pin when more music plays.............

Inigo "What How come there are Two different musics playing at the same time?"

Fezzik "Because here comes Both Ranjer John and Brian Cash from both sides of the arena"

Brian Cash and Ranjer John slide into the ring, charging, they both connect with a clothesline on each other. Both men jump up and glare at each other, when Ranjer John steps back as Suicide spears Cash in the back, Taking his chance, John kicks Suicide in the face, then pulls him up and drops him with a DDT. As Cash stands back up he's kicked in the gut by Pharoh, Pharoh then sets up Cash for THE SANDS OF TIME, when he's Double Drop Kicked from behind by Ranjer John which toppled Pharoh onto Cash knocking cash out cold, Pharoh already on top, goes for the pin...1...2...3!!!! Pharoh rolls Cash Out of the Ring as new music hits..........

"Sexy Boy" Hits as The Mass makes his way in a hurry to the ring.

Inigo "Ranjer John and Brian Cash upset things a little bit, but here comes Pharohs's friend The Mass, Maybe Pharoh will last just a little longer.

Mass slides into the ring and instantly grabs Springs and Bulldogs him face first into the mat. As Springs is lying there, Pharoh climbs the ropes and lands a Moonsault on Springs, knocking him out of breath. Mass Pulls Springs to his feet and pulls off THE MASSOCATOR. Mass then covers for the pin...1...2...3!!!

Fezzik "And Now Suicide Springs is out due to the team work of Mass and Pharoh!!

The two superstars turn around and face Ranjer John, Both charging and connecting with a double clothesline, Pahroh then pulls Ranjer John to his feet and connects with THE SANDS OF TIME....5 pedigrees. Then Mass pulls him up and does the MASSOCATOR to Ranger John.

"Dark and Gray" hits as DeadLock makes his way to the ring.

Deadlock slides into the ring and grabs Mass for a Ground Zero, but is knocked down by a club to the back from Pharoh. As Deadlock recovers he punches both men. Deadlock then grabs pharoh and throwshim into the ropes, follows him and clotheslines Pharoh out of the ring!

Inigo "Look at that, Deadlock is wasting no time in proving his power."

Fezzik "yes, but he threw out pharoh, the one man that has been in the fight since the begining, that had to be a peace of cake."

As Mass regains his breath and realizes that it's just him and Deadlock, he charges with a Clothesline, but deadlock counters it with a missile drop kick.

"Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen hits as Hermit makes his way to the ring.

Hermit slides in the ring and grabs Deadlock from behind holding him in a chokehold, just as Deadlock is about to feint he elbows Hermit in the ribs and shoves Hermit towards Mass who drops him with a european uppercut. Hermit is then kicked to the ground by Deadlokc, who recieves a missile drop kick from Mass. Hermit and Deadlock both get up and double powerbomb Mass.

Fezzik "Man and it looks like there is lotas of carnage going on between these three men, I feel sorry for anybody that gets in the middle of these three

"Real American" Hits as True American KRK makes his way to the ring.

As KRK slides into the ring he's kicked in the gut by Deadlock who then attempts a Jacknife Powerbomb, but KRK reverses it into an Atomic Drop. Hermit turns and throws KRK into the ropes, but is knocked down by a club to the back from Mass who is then knocked to the ground by a big boot from the returning KRK. KRK Pulls Hermit to his feet and is hit by a stf uppercut from Hermit, who then pulls Deadlock to his feet and throws him into the Ropes and connects with UNKNOWN PATHS, sending Deadlock over the top ropes and out of the Ring.

The Commision Theme plays as all three of them step out on the ramp.


Fezzik "Man that's a lot of pressure that I'm sure gald I'm not under, how about you Inigoo?"

Inigo "Yeah, but no matter what all these wrestlers recieve a title of some sort."

After the commission announcement, KRK charges and knocks both Mass and Hermit to the ground with a double clothesline. Both men jump back up. Hermit steps back as KRK and Mass tie up, Mass then pulls off a stalling brain buster. As KRK is lying there holding his back Mass then puts him into a Mexican Surfbroad, but Hermit chages in and stops on Mass. Hermit Pulls Mass to his feet and throws him into the corner. Hermit follows Mass and connects with a flying bodysault. As KRK recovers, Hermit lifts Mass onto the top ropes and steps up, but is grabbed and back slammed from behind by KRK. KRK then climbs up and does a falling brainbuster to Mass form the top ropes.

Fezzik "And it looks like KRK is detemined no matter to win that World Title, but I think Hermit is giving him a run for his abbillities!"

With Mass lying out cold, Hermit crawls over and covers for the pin..1...2..but he rolls off in pain as KRK lands a flying elbow on the back of Hermit. KRK then goes for the cover on Mass...1...2...But before the third count Hermit kicks KRK in the side. KRK stands up and punches Hermit in the gut three times then, STAR-SPANGLED SLAM, and Hermit is lying down hurt. KRK then covers Mass for the pin and win...1...2...3...DING DING DING!!!"

Inigo "And it's like you said Fezzik, KRK was bound and Determined to win, and He has done it, winning the OCWF WORLD TITLE."

Fezzik "That's right but let's not forget the other two Champions as well, HERMIT the OCWF US CHAMPION, and MASS the OCWF TV CHAMPION!!"

Inigo "And there it is, Now that we have some champions I wonder what next week will hold???"

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