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It would be appreciated if you sign the GUESTBOOK.above. Also you can pass on FEEDBACK and most importantly, join the MESSAGE BOARD (FORUM, MONTADA).
If you are interested in posting any article under any appropriate section on this website then feel free to send me the article by Contacting Me. This will give me the opportunity to review it (to check if it is suitable for that particular category) then when it is posted on this website, it will be listed under the name of the poster or submitter unless stated otherwise. Keep checking this homepage regularly for latest news and updates.
In the name of God, I do what I do. This site is dedicated all my family and friends. This site is suitable for children unless when stated, a warning should be available.
This site includes various sections to satisfy all needs. Feedback and comments from visitors are appreciated and signing the websites guestbook above is even more appreciated. Everyone wants to leave his mark and I, Odali, am making a mark with this site so be part of it by leaving your mark on this website.
27th February 2006
- A new look for the website has been provided as the background has changed from black to light gray and new icons and logos have been added for your pleasure. Please enjoy and if possible, provide feedback at the Message Board.
18th February 2006
- 'Message Board' updated with new boards and topics. Become a member and start enjoying it. Your thoughts and discussions are always appreciated.
17th February 2006
- Some new avatars were added to the 'Message Board' and it is important to note that you can type in either ENGLISH or ARABIC in both the 'Forums' (Montada) and the submitted articles throughout this website. I am encouraging visitors and friends to join the 'Message Boards' and share their wisdom.

- The opening of
'Aicraft Engineering Studies' section started with an 'Aircraft Electrical Instruments' assignment that has been solved and approved by the tutor.
16th February 2006
- The 'Islamic Studies' section has been updated with the first article and what a better way than to start with the 'Pillars of Islam'?!

- The '
VIP Links' section has been updated with a list of websites where you can find Odali in as direct links have been provided. In addition, link of general interests has been posted with a description for each.

- A new hit counter has been installed on the main page.
15th February 2006
- A 'Message Board' or 'Forum' (Montada) has been added so please feel free to join and post.

- The
'Submit Article' section has been completed with an optional survey added and it would be appreciated if viewer submit their thoughts.

- The
'About Me' section has been completed with a mini bio taken from the words and writings of Sam Mathews.

- The
'Privacy Policy' section has been completed.
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