1- When submitting an article, please try to keep the language clean and the topic on point.

2- When surveys are up, please answer the survey once.

3- When signing the guestbook on the homepage, please answer the fields required or include a N/A (Not Applicable) in the box that you do not feel like answering.

4- Certain contents on this website may be locked by a password that certain people shall know (for privacy).

5- When submitting an article do include the section were you would like to see your article in.

6- When submitting an article, anything can be discussed but try to be polite. In other words, no rude 'freedom of expression' articles against any religion.

7- Please try to avoid spamming.

8- If a message board is included, it shall be moderated frequently against spamming and improper language or irrelevant articles.

9- Links in the VIP section does vary. This means that there are some personal links like groups or profile website (hi5.com) where I can be found while other links include popular sites recommended by me where I do not neccessarily have anything to do with them but view them.

10- Al Lujain and Castle offices are related business offices located in Dubai so if you have any business or interest in their respective products, please feel free to either contact them through the phone numbers and addresses provided or alternatively, contact me and I will do my best to help.

11- The assignments in the 'Aircraft Engineering Studies' section were done in my own words (some exclusions may be available).

12- The contents on almost every page on this site shall hopefully be updated frequently so please do check frequently and the sections updated shall be summarized in the 'What Is New?' area on the homepage.
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