Attraction & Retention Files
Click on Image to Download
Below are invitations (in MSWord 97 format) that will be provided to the youth of 3rd Orleans. They will be given to their friends for our "Bring-A-Friend" nights, scheduled for 22 & 23 October. If you have MS Word, please feel free to download and amend as required. If not, I'm more than happy to assist, if you can provide me with your details, by sending me E-Mail to [email protected]
"Bring-A-Friend" night invitation for Beavers "Bring-A-Friend" night invitation for Cubs
"Bring-A-Friend" night invitations for Scouts in MSWord 97 format.
Below are samples of attachments that can be used with Scouting flyers, or as standalone handouts.
CF / Organization Welcome Wagon / New Resident
CF / Organization pamphlet attachment in MS Word 97 format
CF / Organization pamphlet attachment in Adobe .pdf format Welcome Wagon / New resident pamphlet attachment in MS Word 97 format Welcome Wagon / New resident pamphlet attachment in Adobe .pdf format
MS Word 97
Adobe .pdf MS Word 97 Adobe .pdf
Award Files
Chief Scouts & Queens Venturers Form - 11k
(Adobe .pdf format)
click to download
Administrative Files
Outdoor Activity Form, Registration Forms, Parent / Guardian Consent Forms, Physical Fitness Certificate, Photo Release Form,
Incident Report Form, Tour Permits, etc.
click to goto files
Leader Orientation
New Leader Orientation files (Word format - zipped)

Orientation Guidelines
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