Organization Of Day Care Providers
1650 Elm Street, Suite 201, Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 622-5009

[email protected]
ODCP Member Directory
Join the ODCP
Learn about the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Who we are:
The Organization of Day Care Providers (ODCP) was formed in 1977 by a dedicated group of family day care providers.  It is a private, non-profit organization that continues to exist because of the volunteerism and support of its members.  We are a group consisting of licensed and license-exempt home day care providers.  In the state of New Hampshire, a license-exempt provider may not care for more than three children in addition to her own.  Most home day care providers are licensed to care for six children, including their own preschool children.  A few providers have group home day care status, which allows them twelve children, however, they must employ full-time help in order to maintain a six-to-one ratio.

  It is a federal law that all providers, licensed and license-exempt, claim their income on their tax return.  Your provider should supply either her social security number or tax identification number to  you during tax season so you may claim your child care on your income tax form.

  The ODCP meets on a monthly basis for general meetings and workshops.  We also organize and participate in regularly scheduled field trips and we sponsor a resource library from which members may borrow on a monthly basis.

  The ODCP sponsors the
USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, which is an extension of the School Lunch Program.  Many of our members receive reimbursement for the meals they serve to the children in their care.  In order to qualify for reimbursement, meals must meet nutritional guidelines set up by the USDA.  This helps assure that your child receives nutritious meals in a healthy environment.  Meal service is reviewed during a home visit three times a year.  You'll be asked to fill out a food program registration form when enrolling your child.
For Parents seeking child care:
You can
visit our Member Directory.  Membership in our organization is not a guarantee of perfection;  everyone's idea of the perfect day care provider is different.  We encourage you to interview many providers and make your choice from those whose child care techniques match your own.  We also encourage you to ask for references from your top choices before making your final decision about whom you will trust to care for your child.  Please let the providers you have interviewed know when you have made your day care decision.

Parents have two options for childcare, in-home childcare and day care centers. The best choice depends on your specific situation - your child-rearing preferences; the age of your children; and the cost, availability and quality of services in your area.
Benefits of Membership:
If you are a day care provider in the greater Manchester area, please consider becoming a member of the ODCP.  Many of our members receive reimbursement for the meals they serve to the children in their care.  Our monthly meetings range from informal get-togethers to formal workshops.  Our
membership form is available online, if you are interested in becoming a member.
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