Online Money Making Sites

These sites acutally work, I personally use them and have gotten money off of them. Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Treasure Trooper, a great site that i started out on. Basically you go and sign up for offers, some are just things so you get spam mail, (so you may want to make a different e-mail that you can just empty out). Others are stuff you can acutally use. If you buy stuff online, it'd be a great idea to sign up at this site becuase you could be getting money back on stuff you buy online. Try it! Any questions? Look at the How to work it page or just ask me on the contacts page or in guest book.
MaviShare, Another site that's like treasure trooper. I've just started out on this site so I haven't done much on it. Once I have an update I'll post it.
Treasure Trooper Proof
Treasure Trooper Link
MaviShare Link
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Treasure Trooper - How to work it.
PaidToShare, is another site like Treasure Trooper and has alot of the same offers. But has better referal commission. If you're one to refer alot of people.
Why did I make this site? I'm a college student money's tight. One of my friends here at college showed me Treasure Trooper and it went on from there. Doing these offers has brought me some free stuff along with extra money to help pay for a little fun time while giving all my other money to the lovely college. So try it out it hasn't hurt me, if anything, if you sign up make some money you help me out also, so right now I will Thank you! for helping me out. Or if you get really into it you can make your self some extra money to buy that new TV or Sround sound system you've been waiting for.
Thanks for stopping! ~ Michael
FusionCash - Great site if your out to just complete offers yourself and not worry too much about referals. You can easily make 100 dollars in a few hours with FusionCash.
PaidToShare Link
FusionCash Link
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