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Since this is a Viking unit I decided to give some credit to the real Vikings, bieng a Viking fanatic myslef I found it not that hard to write this all down!!!
The Vikings were the most feared raiders that ever set foot on Europe soil. Their reign of terror started when they raided the English Monastery of Lindisfarn in 796 A.D. And continued for 300 years until 1066, when the last true Viking King, Harold Hardrada fell at the battle of Stamford bridge against the English king Harold Godwinson. Soon after the battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold Godwinson was killed by William the Conqueror, at the battle of Hastings. He then marched unopposed all the way to London, where he was crowned King on Christmas Day.
  That was the end of the Viking era; already they had all been converted from their Pagan Gods to Christianity. So when the last true Pagan King fell, so did the rest of the Scandinavian countries. All Civilizations die out at one point or other, but the Vikings had the best die out scenario, they were not extinct, like most ancient tribes, they were assimilated into the European society, in fact, William the Conqueror was of Viking descent.
But this is all of the end of the Vikings, I will tell you all about there era of raiding and exploration. Most People thought of Vikings as heathen Pagans, who though nothing better that burning churches and monasteries down after being pillaged and raped of all gold and treasure. But that�s quite ironic considering that Vikings were the best sailors of there time. Discovering far-away places like Iceland, Vineland (known for it�s many grapevines.) Greenland and the New World!!!
They were also very rich merchants and traders. But they also found it quite convenient to raid all over Europe, Russia, and parts of the Middle East. They were very successful in there raiding because of their technically advanced ships, called longboats. They were clicker built which meant that there hulls (sides of the ship) where built with over-lapping wooden planks, like shingles on a roof.    They were also known for there Pagan Gods, there was Odin who was the chief God, he had a missing eye that he sacrificed to drink out of the well of Mimir, to gain more knowledge. He was the God of War, Berserkers, dead warriors, poetry and wisdom and of the Viking runes called Furthank, he hung himself on the tree of Yggdrasil for nine days, so he could unlock the secret of the runes. Odin had two ravens by the names of Hugnin and Mugnin, they would fly out every day and collect information on what was going on in the world. Wednesday was named after him. Frigga was Odin�s wife and she was the god of Marriage and of midwives. Friday was named after her. Thor was Odin�s son; he was the god of farmers, workers, battle, industry and forging weapons. He had a hammer by the name of Mallijnor, and a flying chariot pulled by goats. The day Thursday was named after him. The good gods, called Aiaser, they resided in the heaven of the gods called Asgard, and Odin lived in his castle Valhalla. Where his Valykries brought all the warriors that were slain in battle to fight to the death, and then brought back to Valhalla to feast, this was to prepare them for Ragnorok, the ultimate battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Most of the Gods will die, including Odin, Odin kills many evil giants and evil gods, but is swallowed up by the god of death called Fennris, (a wolf.) But good will prevail and new gods will be created.
Viking warriors were the most fierce brutal warriors in the world at that time, They had a type of soldier named Berserkers, they were wild Viking warriors that worshiped the God Odin, they took drugs that induced craziness, they rolled there eyes, bit there shields screamed and felt no pain in battle often killing many of the enemy with dozens of wounds all over there body, but once the battle was over they became exhausted and often died from there wounds. The Vikings did have a type of society; there were thralls, which were slaves, Karls that were working middle class. There were also Jarls, which were noblemen, Jarls often led there troops into the thick of battles, they usually never had that large of armies,(they sometimes did though) so they were not called armies they were called li�ds, li�ds were the closest well trained warriors that a Jarl or King had, they were very trustworthy. There was also a form of government, like a council of elders, called, The Thing, it was on an Icelandic isle land called the Isle of Althing, if you were in serious trouble you could be hung or banished from a/all Scandinavian countries, which includes Norway, Sweden and Denmark, If you were banished you were called an outlaw.
There were many famous kings, like Erik Bloodaxe, Harold Bluetooth, Harold Finehair, Erik Forked Beard, Erik the Red, Leif Erikson, Harold Hardrada and Hakon the good. Harold Bluetooth was the first king to be converted to a Christian; he then conquered Norway and forced the people to worship Christ. (Typical Christian) I hope I do not offend anyone! Then there was Harold Hardarada he was the last Viking from Scandinavia that was 100% pagan, but alas he was killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge. The sagas tell us that he put up a great stand killing many and having many arrows and sword slashes all over him, but he was finally brought down to a group of men with long spears, they ran him through. So it was the end of the Vikings, but not Viking society. Hundreds of words were derived from the Vikings; I will soon have a Viking Vocabulary and language page.
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