This is the first time i been to KL. With my darling, yan, and 2 jc classmates, Kejie and Kenny. These photos are taken in the KL Chinatown, named "CHEE CHEONG GAI" in cantonese. Well, i don't really know what it means. This street is like a normal street during the daytime, but at night, it transform into a large pasar malam, selling lots of branded imitations and of course, food!
  This place is filled with good food... i can still remember i ate the best assam laksa for dinner during our first day here! The assam laksa is super yummy, and really hot and sour and i really like the pineapple and onion and shredded sardines. WOW!!
  And also not to forget the yong tao foo for supper on that very same day. The yong tao foo is very different from Singapore, the the ingredients are fried instead of boiled in soups. And we ate it with rice, instead of noodle or vermicilli. The beancurds are fried to crispy on the outside, soft at the inside., not to forget the beancurd skin, its damn crispy.
  Not to forget the smell of claypot rice on the way of the street, its really smell good, too bad we didn't have the chance to eat it.
  Inside the pasar malam, there is a stall selling one of the best herbal drink i ever drunk. Its a white fungus longan drink, its damn refreshing and cooling, the best drink to quench for thirst and you will ask for more.
  Its such a fun and memorable trip, i really go back there again. Hope there will be another chance... :)
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