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Fathers sausage

Fathers windy day

Warning from a friend


Cousin Anton's site

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My story starts at home - on the smallholding of my father, on the outskirts of Szeged in Hungary. Szeged is famous for its paprika and its enormous salami sausages, which are made from the meat of an especially heavyweight and large breed of pig, the likes of which can be found nowhere else in the world. Read about my father's struggle to produce a prize winning sausage in...

Attila Fuchs’s prize winning sausage.

Find out how Jonas Strobl took his revenge on my father by tampering with a Jug of  'Old Gut Gurgler', (the finest old ale in Hungary)... If the Rumbling and the Gurgling don't get him then the 'Smell from Hell' surely will, in...

Fathers Windy Day. 

I would also like to tell you some stories about the lives of friends and neighbours of ours here in Szeged. One such tale is a warning to all you chaps thinking about upgrading from a Girlfriend to a Wife. It comes from a friend of mine, who does not want to be named, and tells of his problems following just such a rash action on his part...

Email From A Friend. 


Hear father, my cousin Anton and myself performing 


at the... 

Szeged Country & Western Karaoke club.

It's 'a site for saw ears' as mother put it!


More tales will follow soon...

But if you like what you see, then take a look at the comic capers of my Czech cousin...

Anton Wantovic

and his pipe smoking father, Stefan. There you will discover the wonders of Mrs Knedlik's dumplings and find out just why they filled mother's corsets with 7 pounds of pale malt?

Odon Fuchs

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