Kodak Moments - Chapter 7

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended.
Last Updated:13/9/01

 Back in male form, Ranma walked straight into the smaller guest room Happosai had claimed when he arrived at the Dojo. The light of the dawn outside failed to penetrate the window through the heavy curtains Happi had set up. He didn't need much light to see the carpet of bras and panties between himself and the aged master.

 The wretched old man was sitting on his futon, carefully packing up several items arrayed before him in an area cleared of women's underwear. Ranma glanced briefly at the acupuncture needles and the packs of herbs. Any smell from the herbs was covered by the musty stale air of the room. He remembered Kasumi almost yelling at her Father when Happi told him to tell her not to open his window or air out his room. Tossing the cameras on the bed, he looked down at the diminutive old man. "Done, can I get some sleep now?"

 The old man looked up at him for several moments before his face split with a nasty smile. "Yes, in Akane's bed though, naked. And Akane has to tuck you in. I'll wake you for more tasks in the afternoon."

 Ranma stared down at the old man wondering what he was supposed to get out of this. "That it?"

 The old man returned to his herbs, one hand waving Ranma off.


 Cologne sipped her tea as she watched the statue shiver in the dawn light. The red wooden statue of the horse had been in her village for a thousand years. It echoed disturbances in the lines of power that crossed the world, and its shivering showed a disturbance in Nerima. Her first guess was that her Son In Law was about to have a new adventure.

 When she had come to Nerima to help her Great Grand Daughter, she had never expected the lines of power found here. Only her village had more. It baffled her for almost a month that those who understood the power of these lines inexplicitly avoided Nerima. It wasn't until Shampoo had come home in cursed form every day for a week, during the dry season, that she found the answer.

 The lines of power, often called Dragon or Lay Lines, ran like arteries and veins carrying life and power across the globe. Those with the proper training could harness the power of the right lines to accomplish the impossible.

 The Amazons had founded the village in Joketsuzoku to take advantage of a nexus of power lines. Yang (giving energy of life), Yin (giving power to the spirit), Magic, and Order, all combining in a powerful nexus. A nexus used by her people for three thousand years to secure their heritage and way of life.

 Many cities in the world were founded around such nexi, unwittingly flourishing under their blessings. But industrialisation and pollution were choking these lines, forcing the great rivers of power to alter their paths. The skyscrapers of Tokyo had altered the paths of several lines, the same lines that had powered the foundation of the city, to its outskirts. Many of the altered lines now flowed straight through Nerima.

  The abundant Yang lines burst with energy, nourishing the bodies of the young martial artists of Nerima like no diet could. Shampoo and Mousse had grown here more than any training in the village would have let them, and they spent most of their time working a restaurant. Shampoo was almost ready to learn Bakusai Tenketsu, and Mousse had been ready to learn the Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken for nearly a month, and would be taught if he ever gave her some respect. And this was to say nothing of how far Son in Law and the Hibiki boy had both come.

 It was the two other major lines weaving through Nerima that were the problem. One was a basic chaos line, bringing change and growth, not a bad thing, but a pain to an Amazon who had lived so long under the order of the line in her village. The second was the magic line. When used properly, the line would augment those few spell casters left in the world or those items left over from the past that were still strong with such power. It wasn't till she traced the line back to Hiroshima that she understood why Nerima was avoided.

 The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Osaka had done more damage to the world than the ignorant westerners could conceive.  The loss of life and destruction of the living earth rippled out across the world. The world itself wept of wounds that may never heal. Many lines were lost, and worse, many were polluted themselves. These lines would work unreliably or even drain what they once supported.

 The magic line of Nerima was perverse. Where once it would have nudged the power of magic to greater heights, now it caused the magic to flow erratically. Ancient magic items, the prize possessions of her family, would be unreliable or weak. Those bearing curses were attracted to Nerima. Son in law and his friends weren't attracted to water, the magic line shifted the water to them. Whenever they left Nerima, they had the same chance of getting wet that every other mortal in this world had, but here, every day they cursed their own misfortune.

 Sipping again from the cup, she watched as the statue continued to vibrate. It would continue to vibrate as long as it took to get used to the new element in Nerima. It could be the magic line fouling it again, but her intuition said otherwise. If the magic was working, a major evil was stalking the streets of Nerima. She would let the young handle the restaurant for breakfast, this could change everything.


 Ranma stared at the wooden duck on the door for several moments. Each of the engraved letters reminded him of his actions last night. How would Akane react this morning?

 He didn't even notice Kasumi's approach.

 "Good morning Ranma-kun."

 After climbing back down from the roof he managed a smile. "Morning Kasumi."

 "Oh my, you look tired, when did Grandfather let you go to bed?"

 "Five minutes ago."

 Kasumi's gentle smile was a little unnerving. "And you wanted to speak to Akane before you went to bed?"

 "Ah, yeah."

 "How sweet. We'd best wake her then."

 Before she could be stopped, she had knocked on Akane's door, opening it a fraction and calling out "Akane, wake up please."

 Moments latter, a tired looking Akane slowly opened her door. "What's the matter Sis?" At the sight of Ranma, all tiredness and thoughts of Kasumi vanished, replaced with a dark, hungry smile. Reaching out she grabbed his shirt and dragged him into her room, kicking the door shut and flipping him onto the futon before straddling him.

 A surprised "Oh my!" was heard from outside the door.

 Ranma finally got his thoughts back, and was sorely tempted to throw them right back away with his arms full of beautiful fiancee, her tongue firmly exploring his mouth. Only Happi's words of hurting her if they did 'stuff' while he was still seeing auras kept him in check.

 Finally breaking the kiss, Akane moved up slightly so their faces were only inches apart. "Morning."


 The two simply stared into each other's eyes for several moments before Akane realised exactly how tired his eyes looked. "When did you get to bed?"

 Stifling a yawn, Ranma shook his heard, "Haven't yet. He just let me go."

 With a poke to the chest, Akane climbed off him, a slightly angry expression on her face. "Then get to bed."

 He snuggled back slightly into the futon, a smile on his lips. "It's gotta be your bed, and you have to tuck me in. Masters rules. I get to sleep while you're at school and he's off preparing his next torture."

 Akane was sorely tempted to climb in and tuck the both of them in, but remembered that they still couldn't... finish last night. "I've still got to get ready for school." As Akane spoke she sat down on her bed, and immediately got up from the cold moisture of Happi's bucket of water last night. Looking over at her fiance she put a stern face on. "Get up, your Master wet my bed and before I tuck you in, you'll help me get the matress outside."

 Stifling another yawn Ranma rose, another smile crossing his face as he remembered the kitchen last night. "Fine, but you owe me a kiss or a cookie for it."


 Nabiki woke with a shiver, one hand moving to cover her eyes from the morning sun, coming in the window. Glancing at her alarm clock she saw she had another half hour before she had to get up. It was when she rolled over to go back to sleep she noticed the lack of pillow. And the lack of blanket. Sitting up she noticed the lack of pyjamas, the lack of underwear, the lack of sheets, and the lack of bedspread. Looking over she saw her empty drawers hanging out of her dresser and the open and emptied wardrobe. Even her curtains were gone.

 Sucking in deep breathes to calm herself, she counted to ten. In control, she rose and moved to the drawers. Pulling the lowest out she turned it over to get the sexy body suit she'd bought herself long ago and didn't want Happi stealing. It was at least something to wear before she could borrow her sister's clothes and begin to get her revenge over this.

 She had to suppress a growl when she saw Ranma found it as well. The plastic wrapping was still there but now it held the gold framed picture of herself and Ranma from when they where engaged.

 "You are so dead, Saotome. Future brother in law or not."

 Checking the clock, she saw Kasumi should be the only one up right now. Standing up she grabbed the larger two saucepans from her failed anti-pervert alarm of last night. She listened carefully, before cracking the door open and listening again. The only sound was Kasumi heavily chopping vegetables in the kitchen below.  Heavy cutting was a sign of Kasumi's worry, a sign Nabiki had known for a long time. Ranma must have done something to her too.

 Stepping out, she held the pans to preserve her modesty and moved towards her sisters' rooms. She heard a sound a second before her sister led her waterlogged mattress from her room. When Akane stopped in wide eyed surprise, Ranma leaned his head out the doorway to look at what had stopped her.

 Nabiki held her head high, as she stared a hole through the smirking head of the pigtailed boy. Her voice was at its most calm and dangerously even. "Where are my clothes, Ranma?"

 She had barely gotten the words out when Akane's eyes went wider at something behind her and Ranma began to laugh uncontrollably. His laughter didn't drown out the masculine 'Ack' behind her. Spinning in place to find out what it was, turned out to be a worse mistake. She sharply inhaled when she banged her elbow painfully on the wall, the nerve bunch firing out in the sensation known as the funny bone.

 Genma Saotome looked at his best friend's second daughter standing naked in the hall, one hand having dropped its saucepan to rub at the opposing elbow while its pan had was held to only preserve the modesty of part of the wall.

 Nabiki's eyes bugged out as Uncle Saotome's nosebleed attested to how much of her he had seen. Blushing badly, she fled back into her room. Genma just turned to retreat back into the guest room, while Akane looked at Ranma who had fallen down on the ground to continue his laughter.

 Akane stepped over her fiance and reached for her robe, before stepping up and knocking on Nabiki's door. The door opened fractionally with a brown eye staring out before a hand shot forward and snatched the robe, the door again slamming shut.

 Only a few seconds past before the angry, robed Nabiki stepped out and headed for the laughter coming from Akane's room. The laughter stopped as soon as she turned the corner, the room strangely missing a pigtailed martial artist. It didn't stop Nabiki, "I want my clothes back, Ranma!"

 Moments passed with the two girls listening for any reply, until they heard Nodoka's voice from the guest room.

 "Oh Genma!"


 Ranma was still missing after breakfast. A quiet breakfast with only the Tendos at the table. A search of the house (excluding the guest room) and Dojo had revealed none of the stolen clothes, so Kasumi had dug out an older school dress Nabiki had grown out of, yet technically still fit her, snugly.

 Akane was following Nabiki out the door, when Ranma's upside down face appeared before her, his hand covering her mouth. Hanging from the roof with no apparent effort, he pointed up to her room before releasing her and hiding back against the roof, scurrying towards the stairs.

 "You coming?" Nabiki's voice from outside was still peeved.

 "You go ahead, I'll catch up."


 Making her way up stairs she entered her room and found Ranma naked to the waist in the futon she slept in last night. "Sorry about all that. It's just some payback for some of the pain she's caused me."

 "Careful how far you take it. Nabi..." it was as far as she got when she noticed his boxers were in the pile of his clothes. Wiping some drool from her chin, she got her voice back and lifted the boxers, "What are you doing?"

 "The Master's orders, now come tuck me in so I can get some sleep."

 Akane took a step forward before a devilish smile grew on her face, and she stepped back. "What will you give me for it?"

 Ranma looked up, very tired, but willing to play this game once more. Though Akane wasn't putting this much yellow aura out last time. "I think you still owe me a kiss."

 "Try again, you only carried the mattress to the door."

 "So what do you want?"

 Akane used her best smouldering gaze. "We'll start with a kiss." Stepping over, she closed the door, but remained in front of it.

 Ranma smirked as he sat up and puckered his lips, arms ready to embrace his future wife, who was still standing by the door. "Well, come here."

 Akane's dark smile was working well with the smouldering look she was still wearing. "Over here will be fine."

 Ranma began to get out of the futon before he realised what he was wearing. With part of the sheet his only covering he looked over at her. "Maybe you should come here."

 Akane merely shook her head. "I said over here."

 Ranma's eyebrows rose as he stared at this new Akane. Not that he was going to complain. He matched her smile before he threw modesty away, standing to his full height. He moved with short steps to cross the distance, before stoping inches from her, looking down into her eyes. His breath was as heavy as her own, the brown eyes locked with the blue, waiting for the signal to begin.

 Akane widened her smile as she brought up her hands without breaking eye contact. She moved her faintly quivering hands over his chest, almost but not quite touching, moving them up over his shoulders.

 Leaning in, Ranma placed his hands on the door, either side of her. He tilted to stand more over her, encompassing her against the door, still not touching.

 The corners of Akane's mouth still showed her smile as she puckered her lips and she blew over the tiny hairs of his chest. Her eyes flicked back to his own, smirking as the blue orbs lost focus slightly with each breath.

 Ranma's eyes focused again with a sharp glint, his mouth twisting to match her smirk. He began to slowly dip at the knees while gently closing the distance. Akane wasn't sure what his goal was but he stopped with his face only an inch from her heaving, still clothed breasts, eyes still locked on her own. It wasn't till he began to rise, dragging her dress up with a convenient appendage, that she understood. Ranma's peripheral vision saw her aura flare again brighter and smiled more, noticing how his own purple aura would flare as hers did.

 Akane gently grabbed the sides of her skirt, slowly swaying from side to side, letting it slide over Ranma's 'hook', even as her breasts inched closer to Ranma's chest. Ranma's shuddering breath was enough of an indicator for Akane, who started to sway a little quicker, the 'whisp' of the cloth heard between them.

 "I hope you two aren't doing anything dangerous in there." Happi's voice stood up and took a bow, accepting the 'most hated thing in the universe award', as its prize performance was heard through the door.

 Akane swung around to glare through the wood like it wasn't there and so missed the emotions on Ranma's face. The flash of anger at Happi had warred with fear of losing his control and hurting Akane cause of this damned spell, topped with a minor flinch of pain as sensitive skin complained of cloth burn.

 Yanking the door open, Akane again glared at the diminutive master, who sat with a big smile opposite the door puffing on his pipe. "How soon will this damned thing go away?"

 The old fart didn't lose his smile, but ignored the question, looking past the furious girl.  "If your not going to bed Ranma, you can go to school with Akane, but you have to feel up a different girl's breasts every ten..." It was as far as he got before Akane had grabbed Ranma and tossed him to the futon, dragging a blanket over him. His muffled cries of surprise and indignation were ignored.

 Looking back at the old freak, she stepped out of her room and slammed the door behind her. "Keep pushing, Happosai, and this agreement is over."

 The old Master put his best innocent face on, eyes as wide as they would go. "The Boy needs his sleep, I promise not to bother him at all till after school."

 Akane's eyes narrowed on the old pervert, before she turned and stormed down the stairs. She got as far as the hall clock when saw how late she was and started running.


 Nabiki didn't waste time as she stormed into the school grounds, heading straight for Tora, Midoko and her other friends/business associates. Tora and the girls saw the anger on the face of the icy businesswoman approaching and knew hell was about to break loose. Nabiki strode up and handed a folder to Tora and a video cassette to Midoko, before looking at her inner circle.

 "Girls, we have a job. I want you to offer every girl in school up to five thousand yen for the underwear they're wearing, start with those who owe us money. Tell them it's for use in trapping the pervert. I want a pile of at least fifty pairs ready by lunch, more if we can. Tora, hit the photocopier, I want that whole album, up sized, black and white, grainy but visible. I want to see naked Ranma, both forms, from one side of this school to the other, every room. Mikodo, I want the projector set up in the equipment room so that Ranma's little strip is seen above the stage during assembly."

 Mikodo was a bit hesitant in talking back but the thoughts of the money from this tape had given her such good dreams last night. "But won't we lose sales?"

 Nabiki almost snapped back but quickly regained herself. "Only show a minute from the shirt coming off, cut the very ending and the girls will be lining up to get a copy. Besides, we always make the best money on external sales with the tapes. Ladies, think of this as a big advertising drive, pervert bash, and Ranma suffering session, all in one. Now get to it."


 Kasumi felt down the mattress to make sure it was drying properly in the morning sun.

 She'd just finished sorting Nabiki's clothes for cleaning and decided she'd have to have words with Ranma about this if he kept on stealing clothes. She had been quite surprised when the missing clothes appeared, bundled in Nabiki's bed sheets, in her own room. Nodoka was just getting some breakfast for her husband and had said she'd help with the washing after.

 Turning to go back inside she almost missed it, a tiny glint of silver on the mattress in the sunlight. Gently drawing it out, she found it was an acupuncture needle. But why would Akane have an acupuncture needle in her bed?


 "Konatsu honey, can you take the grill?"

 "Of course, Ukyo-sama."

 He wasn't sure what was going on but Konatsu Kenzan was worried. Firstly the strange lady who had been with Ukyo last night had vanished and now an odd collection of men had been arriving, and Ukyo was giving them free food. He remained watchful as Ukyo went and quietly spoke with the group.


 Nabiki looked out the doorway at the filled auditorium. Closing the door she helped Mikodo set up the projector. They should have about a minute before the teachers figured out there location, and her girls were in positions to distract the majority of the teachers anyway. More than enough time for the school to get another eyeful of her dear future brother in law. The door opened and closed with Tora coming in.

 "Akane isn't with her class."

 Nabiki considered this for a second before dismissing it. "Good, she won't do anything then."

 Hearing Principal Kuno begin a new nonsensical lecture, Nabiki looked questioningly at Mikodo who nodded and held up her fingers as a 'V'. The tape was started and the door opened.

 A murmur ran through the audience as above the principal, a dancing Ranma removed his gi top while moving around the Dojo, whipping it back and forth to an unheard beat. The film continued to Principle Kuno's praise of the Hawaiian Geography student's marks for a good twenty seconds, before it was lost to snow.

 The picture came back with new shot. A smiling Ranma, silently speaking to the camera before swinging around shakily and showing Nabiki Tendo. Nabiki Tendo in sheer blue negligee and black panties lying back on her bed, apparently asleep.

 A crash was heard from the sports locker/projector room as the picture vanished. A school's worth of boys still watching the blank wall with blood trickling out their noses.

 Tora and Mikodo vanished from the room as the blue aura of Nabiki Tendo became blinding. Pulling the mallet from the projector, her eyes were wide with promised suffering, her mouth spilling mumbled words promising hell on earth.


 Akane rushed into the girls toilets. She had sat through morning classes thinking nothing about the subject, only Ranma. Ranma practicing, Ranma running, Ranma's head down there, naked Ranma in her bed at home. She was sure everyone was looking at her during the class, it was so embarrassing. She knew everyone was thinking she was a pervert, but she couldn't help it, from the moment she saw Ranma this morning, she had been constantly aroused. She had to stop herself from stroking, when she had been in the furo with the angry Nabiki. She could make out the beginning of assembly in the main hall but didn't care.

 Stepping into the girls' toilets obviously wasn't going to help her calm herself. Photocopies of Ranma naked were everywhere. The walls, the mirrors, the stall doors, the ceiling. With a groan she ducked into one of the stalls, hiking her dress up and pulling the close up polaroid of Ranma from her pocket. It was a far as she got when she heard the voice.

 "Akane dearie, isn't it nice to be the fiancee of such a popular man." The eyes of the old man looked down over the stall door.

 A boot sent the door slamming into opposing wall, denting a metal wash basin. The old pervert simply landed on his feet looking back at her. Standing and jabbing the photo into a pocket, she stepped out ready to make the little turd suffer.

 "Now, now my little heiress. Stay calm or else..." it was as far as he got before forced to dodge the attacks from the furious woman. Two pokes with the pipe left Akane on her knees.

 Akane felt the jabs and her arousal flooded her body again, her vision swirled, images of Ranma, naked, practicing or any of the other things he did which turned her on, swirling around her mind. She didn't even care that Happi was there as she jabbed her hand down in search of release.

 Another jab to the back was felt and ignored in the search for higher pleasure.

 "Would you like some help Akane?"

 The question in Happi's most perverted voice was almost as good as a bucket of ice water. Quickly standing, Akane stared at the old freak. She was still almost painfully aroused but she had her control back. The fact that if he had just tried to join in she might not of stopped him doused her fires even further.

 The smiling master puffed on his pipe. "Now if you're a good girl and get back to class, I'll make sure Ranma is over the ritual tonight. Do we have a deal?"

 Akane's glaring eyes weakened to the point were Happi knew he'd broken her, like he had Ranma. He smiled as he saw her aura pulse. A little more and she'd be ready.


 Konatsu poured another base on the grill, assessing the last two joining the group of Ukyo's 'friends'. They made twelve in all, all male, mainly Japanese but several were Westerners, though where from he had no idea. Being raised at a Sexy Ninja Teashop in the backwoods of Japan and rarely allow to watch television had left him with poor ability to pick accents. He had been quite startled when the men started arriving and Ukyo had been herding them to the back corner booths and tables.

 The last two in particular worried him, with the way they stared at Ukyo, himself and at the other various females in the room. A hungry look with underlying contempt for all but Ukyo. One was a large caucasian with curly dark hair, a tattoo of a skull on his bulging arms. The second was a much smaller Japanese man with a shaved head. The entire group wore t-shirts and jeans or shorts, in most cases dirty.

 Taking the next load of free orders over to the table, he managed to hear Ukyo welcoming them and calling one Arcus, but the entire table went silent as he approached.

 Ukyo-Bu stood with a smile for her employee, reaching out to take the tray from him. "Thanks sugar. Do me a favour and pull in the shop curtain."

 Konatsu's face showed his confusion with an odd, feminine, half smile, "Ukyo-sama, are you sure you'd rather not wait till after the lunch rush?"

 "No sugar, bring it down now. Let the other customs finish but, and keep cooking for my friends here, but no one else comes in."

 The group watched the waitress retreat, the big caucasian turning to Ukyo-Bu. "So what's the offer Bu, you know the court forbid any meetings of groups this size without permission, and we all know how dangerous Nerima has become."

 "Relax and eat the food, you still owe me for taking you in after Hiroshima, Arcus. If everyone keeps their mouth shut then the council wont even hear.  Even if they did, Diamyo Tenpo would understand my reasons."

 "Oh yes, it's easy for a greater Magatushi (evil spirit) to get away with this crap, but us Akuma and Gaki (devils) have been burned too many time by promises like this." Several of the figures were nodding with the statement, but all knew if Arcus was in, all were in.

 Ukyo's voice was light an disinterested, "You want a better reason, how about a Chinese girl? A virgin Chinese Amazon?"

 The smile on Arcus's face was more than enough for Bu to know he would support her, and with him the rest of the corporeal devils, the other Magatushi would follow her orders regardless. Turning she addressed the whole group.

 "I want you lot to stay here, I'm going to try and take him without a fight first, then we'll pick off his friends tonight. I know this feels like overkill, but I've seen how these people operate. They aren't to be taken lightly."


 Nabiki smiled as another bag was added to the pile. Putting down her lunch, she looked up at Tora, "Are yours in there too?"

 One look into the still angry eyes of Nabiki Tendo convinced Tora not to argue, especially since Nabiki had tossed hers in the very first bag straight after assembly. "Ah, no. I'll just go to the change rooms now."

 Nabiki watched her oldest friend leave. She could see in here eyes, and the eyes of the others, they thought she had lost it. And she knew she was being driven by anger, but after Ranma's pranks she'd see him pay. A tiny part of her mind cynically warned her that karma was on his side here but the thought was quickly shouted down by a recitation of business laws she had learned from a book when she was ten, starting with number one: 'The world feeds those who help themselves'. The fact she'd tossed in her own underwear was just a mark of her desire to get that polaroid, and not her anger getting to her. Besides this over tight school dress was more than supportive enough to lose her bra.

 A shadow falling across her broke her from her musings. She looked up into the handsome face of Mousse, the blind duck boy of the Amazons.

 "As you requested, Nabiki Tendo, I have come. What is this 'deal' you offer?" Mousse's voice was low as he stood over her with his hands in his robes, attempting to be as imposing as possible.

 Nabiki smiled as she stood, she had intended to use Kuno but he was still missing in action since lunch yesterday. Mousse might be more useful anyway. "Happosai has a photo on him, he's using it to boss Ranma and Akane around. I want it."

 "What's it of?"

 "I'm not sure yet, several possibilities. And part of the deal is Shampoo and her Great Grandmother don't even know it exists till I give the say so."

 Mousse nodded pushing his glasses back up his nose. "And why should I help you?"

 "My personal assistance in finally breaking Ranma and Shampoo up. For free no less."

  Mousse looked down at the middle Tendo sister. When he had originally come to Nerima, she had made this same offer, but for five hundred thousand yen. He was tempted, but he also knew his love. Unless Shampoo saw she couldn't oppose Akane for Ranma, she would never give up. Akane's ability to control him in the Nekoken left Shampoo's only hope in picking up the pieces when she finally dumped him. No potions or spells would break their connection, but if he went to any other girl, he would be dragged back to China so quick his head would spin.

 "I want you to personally swear to help, regardless of if you get the photo or not. Then I'll help."

 Nabiki almost snarled at the questioning of her deal, and trained dislike of guarantees when not in absolute control of a situation. Controlling herself she reasoned out Mousse's request. "Fine, but you have to do whatever I say when I'm breaking this 'kiss of marriage'."

 Mousse tilted his head as he gazed at the angry eyes of the previously icy maiden. But to have Nabiki Tendo assistance's sworn assistance, especially when she learns Saotome must become her own brother in law, was too good a deal. "Agreed."


 The possessed Ukyo Kuonji felt her memories being sifted through again, this time for everything on Akane Tendo.

 The demon known as Bu sorted through them, even as she went through the closet, owned by the previous resident of her body, wondering why the hell this girl didn't own any dresses. Finally down the bottom she found a girl's school dress, still in the plastic wrapping.

 Quickly changing, she was surprised at the breast bindings, even though she'd been wearing them for nearly six hours. Finally redressed, she stood before the mirror on the closet door, concentrating on Ukyo's memories, especially those of a time just before Akane Tendo was possessed by a Spirit Doll. The image in the mirror began to shift.


 Happosai tossed the spiked pork bun from hand to hand trying to think of what to command Akane to do.  It was perfect luck that his supply of Kairaishi was still fresh enough to work. Once Akane eats the pork bun he could give her a command, like 'hug', and a signal to trigger it. But he had to make it so she wasn't absolutely powerless, especially with the pervert talent level of the boys at this school. If only he'd brought his slide whistle. He needed something that would turn her on just that little more.

 His thoughts were tossed out with the appearance of the panties, just lying on the ground, six feet in front of him. Dashing forward he picked them up, feeling the slight surge. His voice was full of love as he spoke, "How did you get out here, dearie? Did some nasty owner through you out? Never fear, I shall protect you."

 Then he saw the bra, and further up, another set of panties, and another. Heading towards the gym.


 Racing up he collected the undergarments till he froze at the door. A huge pile, at least two of his sacks worth of panties and bras. Just sitting in the middle of the gym hall, surrounded by eight suspicious sheet covered piles.

 Ignoring the sheet covered piles, Happi charged with a huge smile and dove into the large pile of undies.


 Happi barely had time to wipe some of the panties off the hidden anvil, when the eight members of Kuno's Kendo Team sprung from their sheets and attacked.

 The first bokken would have been dodged easily, had it not been wrapped in panties. After the first knocked him down, all eight got around him, hammering down into the indenting floor.

 Happi slipped out early and sat on the anvil rubbing the panties in his face as the Kendo team continued to hammer the floor. It was a costly mistake in this fight. A metal mesh net covered him as Mousse jumped from above the ceiling lights.

 In the projector booth, Nabiki waited for this moment. With Nabiki's nod, Asagura of the science club activated the electromagnet.

 Happi was about to rip the metal mesh off him when suddenly it gained a *lot* of weight, pinning him down against the now magnetic anvil. Nabiki shook her head as she saw Mousse slide a little forward before holding himself in check. During the testing, Mousse had been pulled from the roof, and, after much complaining, ditched many of his chains and weapons, but obviously not all of them.

 Mousse moved quickly, reaching in through the mesh's hand sized gaps to rifle through the old man's gi in search of the photo. Pulling the polaroid free, he was about to shout his success when he saw one of Happi's hand slip through one of the holes, a extremely large firecracker suddenly held aloft, the fuse disappearing quickly.


 Mousse managed to turn his back and brace himself well enough to be only thrown through a wall. The eight kendoists were left crumpled around the room. A tragic amount of tattered underwear was lying around the large hall. In the middle, dusting himself off was the diminutive master of Anything Goes.

Picking up a single, singed bra cup, a tear trailed down one of Happi's cheeks. Tossing it away, he bounding towards the hole Mousse had made to the boys' locker room.

 Nabiki pushed the fallen door of the equipment room off her and got up, intent on getting the polaroid before Happi did. She ran out of the small room, heading for the same hole in the wall Happi was already walking through.

 Mousse was almost to his feet when he saw the diminutive master of Anything Goes standing on the rouble a few feet away. Shifting his stance, he slipped the polaroid into his robe, bringing out curved blade in the now empty hand.

 "I want that photo back boy, it doesn't belong to you."

 "You want it? Take it!"

 Nabiki looked into the boys' locker room, through the new 'door', and saw the two martial artists going hard at it. At least they were until Happi vanished.

 Mousse had just taken another swipe at the perverted old goat when his target vanished. Looking around he couldn't spot him anywhere. Looking over at Nabiki, he could see she was just as confused as to the pervert vanishing.

He didn't feel it till it was to late, the old letch diving back out of the white robes, the polaroid in one hand and the other holding his nose. Taking deep breathes the old letch made some gagging noises before finally hacking, and looking at the young warrior.

 "What the hell died in there?!"

 The surprise was plain on his face before Mousse lifted one lapel of his robe, sniffing gently.  "What are you talking about?"

 "You been keeping animals in there? You've forgotten to feed one."

 "Why you..."

 Nabiki was almost behind the old pervert ready to snatch the photo when Mousse launched an angry kick at Happosai. The pipe twirled, flicking the Chinese man into the showers, the breaking of tiles and the spray of water from within attesting to his fate even before the quacking began.

 Nabiki lunged for the polaroid, only to find Happi vanished again. She spun to try and find the pervert, looking around the hall and it's scattered piles of underwear for the aged master.

 She almost missed the feeling of her dress being raised from behind. Slamming her hands down to hold her skirt against her skin, she spun, acutely aware of her vulnerability.

 "Tossing your own panties in just to get me and this? I'm honoured." The pervert's smile was disgusting as he waved the polaroid at her, still only showing the white backing.

 Before Nabiki could answer, a white blur shot through, grabbing the polaroid, it's wings fluttering to gain speed and altitude. By the time Nabiki understood what had happened she could see Happosai bounding out the gym doors shouting at the duck to give back his photo.


 Konatsu looked up from the grill as the American man sat down in front of her. The odd hungry look in his eyes unnerved him more than he cared to say, especially since Ukyo had gone upstairs alone nearly half an hour ago and the last paying customer had just left. "The next Okonomiyaki are almost done sir, I'll bring them over in just a second."

 "Your boss said your name was Konatsu didn't she? It's a very pretty name, Konatsu."

 Faking a blush, as he'd been taught to do long ago, Konatsu looked back to her work. "Thank you sir." He knew something was wrong, he wished he knew where Ukyo was.

 "Hey, your boss said she had a friend, a Chinese girl, you know her?"

 Konatsu looked up, and put on an innocent smile. "The only Chinese girl Yuriko-sama is friends with works over at the Nekohanten?"

 The smile on the foreigners face was broad and dark. "Do they deliver?"

 Konatsu managed to keep the smile on his face as the man failed to recognise misnaming of Ukyo. An idea came to mind. Faking some confusion, she tried to lead the conversation. "I believe they do. Do you feel like some Chinese?"

 "I sure do. Tell them to send this friend of Yuriko's to deliver it, get enough for every one, we're big eaters."

 Konatsu put on her best empty smile as she reached for the phone.


 Kasumi walked over to the ringing phone. She had been forced to stop helping Aunty put out the laundry, since father and Uncle were to busy with there game to get it. Keeping the irritation from her voice she answered brightly.


 "Yes good morning Kasumi-san."

 It took several moments for  Kasumi to recognise the voice. "Oh, Konatsu is that you?"

 "Yes, I'd like to place an order, start with..."

 Kasumi was baffled as he began rattling off lists of Chinese food. She tried interrupting "Ah Konatsu, I'm think you might be confused... Did Nabiki tell you I'd cook these for you?"

 Konatsu's voice was like he hadn't even heard her. "No, the grills working, it's just some friends of Kounji-sama are in town and they want some Chinese as well. Please make sure Ranchan delivers the food."

 Kasumi's heart rate jumped as she caught on. "Oh my, Konatsu, are you in trouble?"

 "Yes, it is a lot of food, twelve big eaters."

 "Okay Konatsu, I'll go tell Ranma."

 Kasumi quickly put down the receiver as she raced towards the stairs, and was surprised to find Akane half way up them. "Oh Akane, what are you doing home?"

 Before she had the opportunity to answer,  Kasumi rushed past her on the stairs. "I think Konatsu is in trouble, and Ukyo too. We have to wake Ranma."


 Konatsu gently replaced the handset to the cradle and turned to face the foreign man, a false smile coming to his lips. "It shouldn't take too lo..."

 It was as far as Konatsu got before the large man's hand clamped over the crossdressing waitress's mouth, red eyes boring into him. Before he had time to fight back he felt something like snakes coiling quickly up his legs.


 Mousse landed at the back door of the Nekohanten. Dropping the polaroid he got his first look at the most prized photo. The naked Akane Tendo riding her fiance in apparent bliss, while the perverted smile on Ranma attested to his pleasure, one hand firmly on Akane's breast.

 "Quack Quack QUAAAACK!!" (Yes, Yes YEEEESSSS!)

 'Yes, he chose. Shampoo is mine! Can't let Shampoo see this yet, I have to get this to Nabiki."

 Once again picking the photo up in his beak, he slid it under the door mat. Waddling up, he nudged at the door with his beak till it swung open enough for him to slip in. He continued to waddled through the back storage room, listening intently for either of the two Amazon residents.

 He heard the humming of his beloved working in the kitchen. Remaining quite, he waited for the opportunity to get to the sink.

 Finally his opportunity came as Shampoo left, carrying several orders for lunch time customers. In a running and flapping motion he lift off enough to get to the sink and stuck one wing into the still warm water. A change of clothes was in a nearby cupboard and Mousse was soon dressed and ready to get Saotome out of his life.

 Slipping back out through the store room, he lifted the mat and again looked at the polaroid. His voice was low as he spoke to himself. "Saotome, you are hereby out of my life."

 "What picture, Mousse?"

 Mousse spun in place, drawing the photo into his sleave, his face almost as pale as his robes as he considered how to keep this from his purple haired goddess. "Nothing Shampoo, honest, just a picture of a... a... girl riding a horse."

 Shampoo's eyes narrowed, "Then why Mousse say Airen out of life?"

 "I... I... I didn't say that."

 Shampoo pushed out her chest and pouted, blinking her lashes at the duck man, his denials transparent to her. "Mousse please give me photo. Maybe Shampoo reward with date?"

 Mousse managed to stick to his guns despite the tempting offer. "It's just a picture of a horse, Sham..."

 It was as far as he got before the bonbori landed in his face. Rolling with the blow, he backed off, even as Shampoo reached for his sleeve in an attempt to get the polaroid.

 "Shampoo, it's nothing, please calm down."

 Shampoo lowered her weapon, her eyes boring into his glasses. "If nothing, let Shampoo see."

 "Don't worry about it, it's just a girl riding a horse."

 The dark voice behind them sent Mousse into the slump of defeat and giving Shampoo a smug smile. "If the photo is of nothing, then you won't mind giving it to me." Cologne of the Amazons pogo'ed out of the restaurant on her stick. Mousse was even more nervous that she wore her belt of herbs and charms she normally saved for major combat. The Amazon equivalent of a small arms arsenal.

 "I...can't. It belongs to someone else."

 "Who?" There was no smile on the old ghouls face.

 "Ah, a friend."

 The face of the withered elder cracked in a sneer. "I have no time for games Muu Tsu, there a demons afoot in Nerima. Give me the photo."

 Mousse nodded, knowing he couldn't oppose an Amazon Elder if there is a possible threat to members of the tribe. Reaching into his sleeve he pulled forth the polaroid. With a shaky hand he held it out to the elder, waiting for the beating to start.

 It started on his wrist, a thrown metal pipe banging his hand hard and knocking loose the polaroid as Happi dove in after the dropped picture.

 The small red and brown squirrel from the nearby park was hopping over the roofs nearby and saw the ensuing brawl kicking up a large dust cloud. Two languages being yelled as four people fought to get or destroy the photo being banged from one hand to the next.

 Three of the combatants flew backwards as a battle aura burst, bright and forceful. The purple haired young woman at its center stared wide-eyed at the polaroid in her hand.


 Every window, mirror, picture frame, and glass, in a three block radius shattered.

(To be concluded)

 I, as the author would just like to say I do not condone any perverted acts out side of a consensual relationship. Any perverted acts I use in Kodak Moments are only used for there amusement value to the story. All peeping acts are a major invasion of privacy. I hope any person who wilfully commits any act of sexual assault or invasion of privacy, no matter how minor they may seem, are caught and persecuted to the full extent of there countries laws.

 Final thanks to my proofreaders: Michael Ahlf and Ray De Vore.

 Any C&C will be appreciated.

 Thank you for reading.

 Trent O'Donoghue.

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