Hot Summer Night.

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended. This story contains lemon elements that younger readers shouldn't be reading.




      *Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*


      Akane smiled as the fire works of the summer festival lit the sky before them.


      The reds, blues, and yellows washed over the crowds, sighs and exclamations rising from them towards the cracks and booms of the pyrotechnics.


      She had always loved displays of such colour and light, her minds eye blurring back to much younger days when she watched it from her father's shoulders, with her sisters and her late mother. Then, she recalled the meteor shower that they had watched, just last Christmas, from the balcony of the house. Herself, her sisters, and her fiancé.


      With a smile, Akane glanced towards her family to see that the sights above captivated them like it did the rest of the crowd. Hesitantly she stepped back slightly, her back bumping into; then resting against the chest of the young pigtailed man behind her.


      She released a breath and she smiled wider as she felt his arm hesitantly hold over her shoulder, his touch only barely felt. She tilted her head back leaning it on his shoulder, looking up at the fireworks and glancing at his handsome profile.


      The red of another bursting display hid Ranma's strong blush for a moment but as the next was a blue hue, the purple over his face gave it away.


      Akane settled herself against him a little more. She rather liked him like this. No arrogance or pride making him a jerk, just a sweet boy who honestly cared about her and enjoying being with her.




      The warm summer night air was wonderful for the evening out, letting most wear comfortable thin summer kimono's with colourful patterns or prints, which created bursts of colour to rival the decorations of display sites and many vendors selling souvenirs and ice-creams.



      But, when the show was over and the crowds' head home, the warm summer night becomes confining. Crowds reformed at the train stations, people wanting to get home, the confining and heat becoming a palpable pressure.


      Or so it was for most on the station platform. One group of two families had a comfortable three paces of breathing room around them. No one was willing to get close to them.


      The problem was your average Japanese citizen simply isn't sure how to deal with a giant panda. Especially when the beast growled at anyone who came close to the families.


      That Nodoka didn't complain about her husband's rude actions wasn't what surprised Akane. No, it was that Nodoka had been the one to bring out the water to splash him. 


      Her future mother in law was a very strange woman, Akane thought to herself, and most certainly not for the first time.


      The next train didn't take long to arrive, and with Genma keeping people at bay the families were in position to get straight on board when it stopped and the doors parted.


      Akane followed Ranma as he got on and moved to one end of the carriage, turning around with his back against the wall. She moved to stand beside him but caught the frown forming on his face when he had turned. When she turned she saw Genma had led the others away towards the lower split-level of seating in the middle of the carriage. With the crowd filling the carriage they had lost any opportunity to move back towards them.


      She smiled again and leant against Ranma's arm, imagining that their family wasn't around at all. That it had just been them together. Her heart panged a little, 'If only the wedding hadn't failed...'


      Soon enough, the electronic tones rang and a voice warned the passenger's away from the doors as they closed and the train set out with a slight rocking motion.


      Very quickly, the heat began to sit heavily on the pair like everyone else, and with the press of the crowd there was not private enough for even a whispered conversation.


      Akane let the time fly by in a haze, trying not to allow this train ride to ruin, the night in any way, wanting all the good to be preserved in her memory.


      It was then that she felt something brush the side of her breast through her kimono.


      A horrible cracking sound was followed by a high-pitched scream that pulled everyone away from their corner of the train.


Akane looked down at the man on his knees before them, his hand held in Ranma's crushing grip pulled slightly back from her kimono.


      The man's begging cries for forgiveness and whimpers of pain were over ridden by the sounds of the electronic train voice calling the next stop and the doors opening.


      The people didn't require an order to clear the path between the furious Akane and the door as she wound up for the kick.






      The man flew out the doors and out of sight, followed on foot by some of the more nervous passengers.


      Taking back her position beside Ranma she felt much more relaxed than she had even before getting on the train. She smiled up to him. "Thanks Ranma."


      Ranma just shrugged, avoiding making any deal of it, "Nice kick."


      The crowd soon spread back into the cleared area, though it was slightly less oppressive. It didn't take long for Akane to notice that the men thought this end of the train was less desirable, as most of those around her were now only women and girls.


      She smiled and relaxed to enjoy the rest of the ride... and then tensed as a few too many eyes were watching her fiancé.


      Akane was beginning to accept that Ranma was always going to get attention. But that reasoning wasn't going to stop her from getting angry and jealous when other girls did it in front of her, like they couldn't see he was taken.


      With a small step, she moved in front of Ranma, blocking him further into the corner and giving a challenging look to any girl who looked their direction.


      Well, at least she tried to at first, as his breath on the back of her neck was very distracting. But soon enough she got her point across.


      The train ride continued smoothly with its gentle rocking motion as she leant back against her fiancée. 'I could get used to this,' she mulled to herself, her eyes closing gently.


      Then Ranma moved back.


      Akane gave him an odd look over her shoulder, but he had pressed himself into the corner and had his eyes firmly out the window. So she backed against him again, pressing against his chest and body.


      Reaching back she grabbed his left hand and draped it over her arm, enjoying the contact with him even in the heat of the train. 


      Unfortunately, Ranma had something in his pocket and it was pushing into her backside. She shifted her hips to get more comfortable.


      Ranma gasped against her neck.


      Akane's head swung around so fast she nearly got whiplash.


      Ranma's eyes were closed and his face was beet red.


      She wiggled her hips again and watched him gasp and wince harder, waiting to be hit. That was not just something in his pocket.


      Facing front again, her mind whirled, warring between this true evidence that he was a pervert, and other parts of her reminding her that she is the one pressing against him, and that he is hardly enjoying it, standing there waiting to be hit.


      As she considered it more, she realised that she was still pressing against him. The thin material of her flowery kimono and a pair of cotton panties did not stop the feeling of the canvas covered bulge pressing against her from her fiancé. And the gentle rocking of the train certainly didn't help.


      She didn't realise she had done it till she felt the cheeks of her ass squeeze on Ranma's erection, and another gasp from him near her ear told her he certainly felt it too.


      The feeling of power she suddenly felt over him was flushing her body. Part of her worried if encouraging him like this might make him not hold back, like when he had jumped on her in her own bed back a few months after he moved in. But another part of her was thinking that wasn't that bad an idea.


      Regardless of where Akane might or might not have wanted to go, the electronic voice announcing the Furinkan station was like a bucket of cold water and she stepped fully away from Ranma.


      It took her a few moments to turn and look at him, and caught his eyes before he looked away. She noticed with a smile his heavy breathing, and smiled as her own was similarly bad.


      "Akane? Ranma? You coming home?" Nabiki's calling voice brought them quickly off the train, hurrying to catch up to the others, each snapping quick glancing at the other.




      Akane looked out her open window into the night.


      She had given up trying to sleep, having spent the last two hours tossing and turning and getting nowhere on that front. Her mind was completely alert, and had one thought on her mind.




      She knew she found him attractive, and that one-day that they would... share a bed. But that always seemed far off. Not so... soon...


      And though they had been getting on better since the failed wedding, she wasn't sure how Ranma felt about her like that... Though the truth from the train sent a tingle through her whole body.


      Finally she got fed up and stood. There was only one way she'd get an answer. And that was from him.


      She reached the door and turned the handle, but stopped there.


      She glanced down at her pyjamas. The yellow top and pants with simple swirls patterned in a few random points. They had seemed so... safe.


      She still occasionally wore a nightie but she never felt quiet right about that any more... It was too much like lingerie or something when her own father was pushing her at a man under the same roof. And now even her pyjamas didn't feel that they could protect her from her future adult life.


      The worst part of the change wasn't because of Ranma's reaction from the train. It was because of hers.


      Could she trust herself with Ranma? It was so easy to yes right now, but she had been on a train packed with people and actually encouraged him. What could happen if she was with him alone?


      She pulled the door open and leaned her head off the edge, her knees feeling suddenly weak as her body tingled and ached, her mind feeding it as her imagination ran rampant.


      Slowly, she stood upright again and let out a sigh.


      Seeing Ranma alone at night right now was strictly a bad idea till she worked out where Ranma and she were now.


      Her thoughts were interrupted by a scuffling sound and muffled words from up the hall.




      Ranma was still awake in the guest room. The gentle breath from his mother and the ugly snores of his father for once not a peaceful echo that let him find slumber.


      His mind was going straight back to what happened on the train and waiting for the hammer to fall.


      He had long ago gotten used to that fact that Akane wasn't ready for anything sexual. Kami knows she had shown him often enough that she wasn't comfortable with the issue. Unfortunately any time she thought anything about it she'd blame him for it, normally leaving him on the run from her attacks about him being the pervert.


      Not that he couldn't understand why she was like that. He had had enough nightmares about that pervert Kuno, and bokken boy was no challenge to his skills, and while Akane could top him when they went toe to toe, if she got scared or tired he might have won. And being charged by a group of hentai boys every morning for the months before he arrived, combined with that perverted imagination of hers no doubt made sure she was terrified of anything intimate.


      He rolled over to look up at the ceiling.


      Well, he thought he knew and understood Akane about that. But normally Akane would have decked him for his body prodding her on the train, despite the fact it was her pushing at him that caused it. She certainly wouldn't have moved to keep rubbing at it.


      He glanced down his bed at the tent that had formed and winced that he had come to let her have such power over him. One flash back and it sprung up again. He glanced to make sure his Mom was still asleep and looked back at the ceiling, willing it away, in vain.


      He smiled as he recalled how he had actually gotten ready to be slammed hard when they got off the train and away from the crowd, but still nothing. Once in bed, he had laid awake waiting for her to come charging down the hall and stomp him through the floor, but still nothing from her. Could she have not thought it was important? Who knew with that girl? Could he be blowing it all out of proportion?


      The sound of light footsteps on the roof caused him to look up at the window in time to catch the figure hook and swing silently in. The figure and the long hair of the woman in the dark blue pants suit would have identified her to anyone, but even in a whisper her Chinese accent was obvious.


      "Nihoa Airen. Wife have gift for manly Airen."


      Ranma rolled and stood from his blanket, clad only in his muscle shirt and boxers. "Shampoo, what are you doing here? You're gonna wake my parents." He whispered back at her.


      Shampoo smiled darkly and held up a strip of cloth like a gag. "Shampoo be too too quiet." She replied, unbuttoning her top.


      He crossed the distance in an instant, holding her top closed. "Shampoo. No. Please go home."


      Shampoo didn't even hear his words, her gaze going down to below his waist. "Airen is happy to see wife. Husband let wife have now, yes?"


      Ranma glanced down as her hands reached towards him, specifically where his flagging erection of earlier was poking out the fly of his boxers.




      Not the most masculine answer he could give, but Ranma wasn't thinking in those terms as he jumped back from his Amazon wife, hands covering and trying to tuck himself back inside. 


      Seeing Shampoo still coming he continued to back up, but soon bumped into the wall with a thump.


      Shampoo grinned slyly as she cornered Ranma and moved in to finally claim her prize. And that of course is when the water splashed down on her.


      Ranma glanced up as the girl vanished in the trickle of poured water. In bumping the wall, he had nudged the shelf above, which held ornaments and photos from the Saotome household moved here while their home was being rebuilt. Nodoka had insisted some flowers would brighten the room up, and it did except for its annoying habit of turning two of the three occupants into their cursed forms.


      In this instant, Ranma decided that he now liked the vase here.


      The pool of clothes at his feet moved, bringing him back to reality with horror filled eyes.




      The horrid smell of fish cakes and the visions of claws and evil eyes overtook Ranma quickly, his deep seated fear from the Cat Fist training driving him into action, leaping over the fallen clothes and slamming out the door at a run.




      He almost made it to the top of the stairs when a hand reefed him off course and into a doorway.




      Nodoka sat up in her bed to look for what the noise was. Her eyes spotting the small kitten charging out of the room just as her son had done shouting about a cat. Her brow furrowed as her eyes turned to her husband.


      "Genma, wake up. Does my son have a problem with cats?"


      The husband in question had been planning on faking that he was still asleep but knew the jig was up when he flinched at the mention of Ranma's fear. Nodoka may have considered their son manly despite the curse, but no doubt his life was far from safe if she learnt about the Cat Fist training. The uneducated like her and Kasumi just couldn't understand how a few minor rigorous training techniques could really help a student. He needed to distract her or he was dead.


      "No, of course not No-chan." His eyes gleamed slightly in the darkened room, and his arms encircled his wife. "But let's not waste this privacy, ne?"


      Nodoka knew he was hiding something by the fear in is first actions but as he started to kiss at her ear, his hand caressing firmly over her hip searching down her thigh for the base of her nightie, she decided it could certainly wait.




      Akane could hear his heart beating as she held Ranma against her door with her body, her head against his chest and her hand on his mouth.


      A slight scratching down low on the door followed another 'meow' from the hall. Shampoo obviously knew where he had gone.


      The scratching stopped quickly but the pair stayed together as moments passed.


      Akane dropped her hands from Ranma's mouth and the door handle, but stayed where she was, leaning into her fiancé. Her ear pushed against the top of his breast bone, his ragged breathing pulsing down on her hair as her head pushed in under his chin.


      Closing her eyes, she listened to him calming heartbeat and breath. He was suddenly so masculine to her, his scent in her nostrils, his rasping breath in her ears...


      She pushed her body against the heat of his chest, her hands coming up onto the sides of his torso, her palms pushing down and followed by faintly trailing fingertips, flowing over the contours of rib and hard muscle.


      "Akane?" Ranma whispered, his voice uncertain.


      Her eyes opened slowly, looking out over his muscular shoulder, tracing each muscle exposed from his under shirt. Finally her eyes traced back up and she moved her head back to follow it up his neck, to his jaw and onto his face. She looked at every detail of his face, as if seeing it for the first time. Her memory flicked back to that same face looking at her from the naked boy in the bathtub looking at her body. The face had changed over the year, not a lot, just a little around those perfect blue eyes and the jaw had hardened.


      It was easy to see too, as he had almost the same lost frozen look he had on back then.


      "Akane?" Ranma asked again, swallowing his dry throat. "What are you doing?"


      Akane smiled as he swallowed, the bobbing of his Adam's apple seeming so masculine to her eyes now. She didn't even think about it as she moved in and planted a suckling kiss on it.


      Ranma's head tapped the door lightly as he tried to pull back without success. "Akane?!" he hissed, near panic.


      Akane pulled away from her fiancé's neck and looked him in the eyes before they dipped to his lips. Her mouth worked for a moment without sound, no right words coming to her. Her eyes focused on Ranma's lips longer and longer till the need for words faded over the need to kiss those lips.


      Brown eyes glanced up at his blue eyes again and closed the distance, rising on her toes, her face tilting as she finally kissed her fiancé.


His lips, his muscles, his entire body, was stiff as a board. Frozen in place by his inability to deal with her attentions but Akane didn't care right now. She just knew what she wanted, needed, and that was in her arms. She pulled herself even harder against him, wanting him closer despite the fact that she was almost crushing herself against him.


      A moan escaped her lips as her partner finally started to return the kiss she had begun and refused to end. She felt his strong hands slowly encircle her, a sigh passing into his lips as the first held her high, becoming a moan as the other hand touched down on the top of her ass.


      Akane gave a surprised grunt when as suddenly as it had been there; the second hand was gone, joining its partner at the top of her back. She pulled back from the kiss, glancing into his eyes.




      The word didn't make any sense to her brain till the blue eyes flicked away from her brown orbs. He was guilty...


      "Baka!" she hissed back at him, rising to kiss him firmly again, her own hands moving around to drop to his own backside, firmly gripping his flesh willing him to understand she wanted it too. Akane had no aversion to putting her hands on his tight buns, she had had them shoved in her face often enough over the past year from atop the fences on the route to school.


      It was Ranma's turn to gasp at Akane's actions, and in opening his lips, his fiancée wasted no time, her warm soft tongue, sliding against his lips, pushing and prodding on his tongue till it warmly reciprocated the actions, breaking only to share ragged breathes before starting a new.


      After several minutes of thoroughly kissing each other, Ranma's lips left hers and began to kiss a trail up her jaw line. Groaning and rolling her head back to let him at her neck, she leaned into the strong hands that had been kneading the flesh of her ass, letting them support her as her overheating body grew weaker, only her hands having the strength to trace his strong shoulders and back before returning to his boxer covered flesh. She pulled them together there again, her need overwhelming her, and with a smile felt the hard shaft pressing her belly, only inches too high...


      Letting him continue to kiss her neck and ear she pulled her waist back, her hand coming around between them, fingertips brushing his shirt. His breath exploded against her neck and ear as she traced up the mount in his shorts, telling her more than the feel that she had found him.


      "I thought you said I had zero sex appeal?" she asked huskily, recalling an insult from long before. Obviously her fiancé had been lying...


      "Yeah, you... Shampoo!"


      Akane looked angrily at his blue eyes in the dark, but before she could ask what the hell the bimbo had anything to with them at this time, she felt herself yanked across the room.




      Shampoo opened the door quickly but carefully, glancing around the dark room to see if she could see her Airen hiding in here.


      After she had gotten clear of her clothes, she had given four-legged chase of her terrified Airen, but she had lost him when he had run into Akane's room, the door closing all but in her face.


      That she had power over Ranma, even just fear in her cursed form, was a luxury that she thoroughly enjoyed, but that he dared run to that overindulged brat of a tomboy raised her hackles more than Mousse ever could. Every time she scared him he'd run for that damned weak girl. She shook her head, her wet hair whipping around, trying to clear the haunting words of her great grandmother that he felt something for the weak flat chested girl...


      Her eyes searched the room, not seeing her Airen cowering anywhere. Just the fairly neat occupied, bedroom and the window open to the warm night air.


      Her eyes slowly came to rest on the sleeping occupant of the room, her main, feh, only rival for her Airen.


      The short haired girl was sleeping on her side in her bed, facing her, but tucked right up with her blankets. As she looked closer, a smile was tugging at the girl's lips, like she was having a pleasant dream.


      Opening the door more, the Chinese girl fully entered the room, closing it quietly behind her. She turned back, tightening the tie on her borrowed bathrobe, and moved over to look down on the girl.


      She looked at the figure in the bed for a moment, her mind whirling with anger at the girl that was somehow always coming between her and her strong, handsome husband.


      She let out a sigh and let her shoulders slump. All the anger in the world was useless since she couldn't attack this girl. She knew how far Ranma would go for a friend, and his l... care for this girl made that scarier. She was sure that Ranma would come to rescue her just as quickly as he did for Akane, but just as she wouldn't let anyone hurt her, he would not let anyone hurt this weak girl sleeping before her too.


      She knew it was only a matter of time before Airen saw what she was offering was far more appealing than what Akane would never give him, and the more they fought the sooner he would wake up to that fact.


      She froze in place as the girl moved in her sleep, but settle down again as she didn't wake.


      A grin came over her face and she reached for a pen on the desk. A little ink based make up should have Airen and her fighting...




      Akane was warm. Very warm.


      She had had no idea what Ranma was thinking when he grabbed her but suddenly she was in bed, tucked in and alone. She had moved to sit up when she felt that pressure around her stomach and on her leg as she lay on her side. Then her fiancée had whispered right in her ear to pretend to be asleep, Shampoo was outside.


      She had barely heard a word of it; it hardly mattered to the real fact here. Ranma was in bed with her, holding her down. She could just feel his presence as he sunk deeply into his father's silent thief secret school. He erased all signs of his presence, but she could feel him spooned in behind her, so warm as he huddled close against her.


      She didn't even care that he was doing this to hide from the bimbo; she just wanted to stay like this forever...


      The opening of the door brought her back to the moment, but all she did was close her eyes and tried to pretend she was asleep. She was more than content to let Ranma deal with Shampoo and just enjoy the feel of his warmth around her.


      It was a few moments later when she felt Ranma's breathy whisper on her ear and his hand on her wrist, "Right hand, punch up... Now!"


      Not asking questions, she lashed out with the hand Ranma had aimed, connecting solidly with Shampoo's inbound hand with a crack.


      She opened her eyes watching as Shampoo spun in place, holding her hurt hand and muttering curses in Chinese. She turned back to face Akane, kissing and blowing on her injured fingers.


      Akane had wanted to say something witty, very confident with the hidden Ranma in her bed still holding her, but she burst out laughing at Shampoo. The pen in her hand had burst open when hit, ink covering both her hands and mouth.


      Shampoo looked confused than glanced at her hands, then with horror at the mirror on the desk. Furious eyes fell back on Akane.


      "You Die!"


      Watching the angry Amazon charge blindly almost made Akane laugh again, her arm coming up to grab her wrist, her body rolling to hold her above, before reversing the move to throw the girl across the room and out the window.


      Getting up, she had a big smile on her face, despite knowing Ranma had helped in the throw. She peered out into the darkness, looking down on the shadowy form of Shampoo sprawled on the grass blow.


      Her brow furrowed and she looked back at Ranma, who was still lying in the bed, a smile on his face, and in one hand he held Shampoo's robe.


      "Why?" Akane asked bewildered that Ranma would do so.




      Akane strained her ears, her eyes widening in fear.


      "What a haul! What a haul! What a... Shampoo-chan! Are you waiting for me? Finally want me to show you the true art of the unrestricted grappling style, ne?"




      Akane watched Shampoo blur as she got to her feet and fled bare assed over the roofs, the little Hentai giving chase but losing ground rapidly.


      She looked back at Ranma, smiling. "You are evil, you know that?"


      Ranma smiled. "Not really, just thought that you'd rather not have her around." His face went absolutely white then red. "Not that I'm... I mean... I don't mean..."


      "Oh I know what you want," she said as she crossed the distance in a heartbeat, straddling her word bumbling fiancé on the bed. She tried to speak as huskily as she could, "What we want."


      Bending down she kissed him firmly on the lips, her hands gripping his head as he lay there like a stunned fish.


      Finally needing air, she broke off to give little kisses over his mouth, cheeks and nose, wanting to kiss him all over, and her enthusiasm growing as he finally started to return the attentions, his hands rising to rub her sides cautiously, then more firmly.


      His chin soon gave way to jaw then neck and up to ear, the kisses varying from quick pecks to longer sucks on his skin, even the occasional gentle bite. It was as she sucked at his earlobe that she felt his tongue on her own ear, her chest falling against his as she lay on him, felling both weak and strong and oh so hot.


      Moans joined the sounds of kisses as the two continued, bodies rubbing together slowly as kisses and licks moved back and forth over faces and necks. Akane felt like she was going to burst, her body was sweating from the heat, her breasts ached for more contact, and she knew she was wetter than she had ever been in her life, and she just wanted more. Her hands leant on his shoulders, pushing him down some as she ventured lower than his neck, kissing at his skin and muscle above his undershirt, her teeth finding and trying to nibble gently up his clavicle, not sure what she wanted, but just trying to get more of him.


      She leant up so suddenly that the surprise was obvious on her fiancé's face. She blew a kiss at him to reassure him that he wasn't the problem, her eyes trailing to what his tight muscle shirt, an object that was coming between them. Griping the shoulder straps she reefed the material apart, tearing the cotton to reveal more muscled chest for her.


      Bending down, she kissed at his pectoral muscles, her mouth soon finding a nipple and biting and sucking at the protrusion as she used her body to hold him down. She revelled as his breathing fluctuated, its heavy ragged tone broken with gasps and hisses at her actions. She loved the feel of his hands on her back, moving up into her hair before going back down, pressing firmly against her still covered skin.


      She sat up again, sitting on his firm thighs and took a few breaths, watching his wide blues eyes as they watched her. Slowly, she nodded and took up his hands, placing them on her chest, a little higher than her breasts.


      "Undo it," she said huskily.


      "Huh?" came his rather unhelpful reply.


      Her voice showed her annoyance, yet only slightly less husky, "Undo my top. Hurry up, Ranma."


      She smiled as he swallowed, the way his throat bobbed so manly right now, feeling the control she had in his nervousness.


      Shaking hands began to deftly undo the buttons, eliciting a gasp as they brushed between her small firm breasts.


      The blue eyes staring at the naked skin between the sides of her top washed away the last of her nervousness at being naked before him, knowing she was going to be rubbing their bare chests together in only a moment, or have his hands covering them, or his mouth...


      A sharp shiver of anticipation wracked through her body and she reached to open her top, but his strong hands closed over hers, stopping her.


      His face was nervous as he looked up at her. "Akane..." he got out before gulping again. "Are you sure, what if... what happens if...?"


      Akane's eyes widened considerably followed by a bright smile that led a charge across the distance to his lips, kissing him firmly before breaking off to lay a multitude of kisses over his face.


      She almost got lost in rewarding Ranma that she forgot the point of what he said, finally breaking to leap off him and dart across the room. That he had been so thoughtful and considerate at a time like this was beyond anything she could have dreamed. She had almost risked both their futures she was so lost in this heat.


      Yanking the door of her closet open, she began to pull out items, tossing them away like mad, not caring where they went in her search.


      "Yatta!" she whispered finally, turning back to him, holding the box of condoms she had stashed there and tossing them to Ranma.


      Ranma deftly caught the box and sat up, holding it to a weak shaft of streetlight, his eyes going wide as he looked back at Akane. "What are..? Why do you...?" It really wasn't his day for sentences.


      "Kasumi got them for me a while ago." She replied quickly, tossing her top to the ground and walking slowly back to the bed, her hips swinging. Kasumi had gotten her a box of condoms after Ranma had woken up the house trying to sneak into Akane's bed a few weeks after he arrived. She had actually thrown those away almost immediately, but had bought this box the day before the failed wedding attempt. Not that she thought Ranma needed to know that...




      Ranma was still staring wide eyed at Akane as she came back across the room. He wasn't sure what to think really. He knew what he wanted to do, but had always thought Akane had no interest in that.


      Now in one night they had gone farther than he had ever thought, and Akane's attitude was that it was far from over. Even when he had tried to bring up the problems they would have with the other girls and admirers she had cut him off and started kissing the hell out of him before getting out condoms!


      He could only watch almost mesmerised as she crossed the distance again, her small but oh so nice breasts heaving with her breaths even as they swayed with her walk. Her small nipples tight, dark, and erect, as they swayed lightly with her steps as they came near.


      His mouth opened as they came close but before he moved in Akane grabbed his head, bending down as she forced his face up to kiss him firmly, her tongue twisting with his as their lips meshed passed each other.


      When she finally broke off, she smiled and knelt down before him.


      Ranma watched almost paralysed as she looked at the tented mound in his shorts, her tongue licking her lips as she slid her hands up his thighs to his hips, and began to drag his shorts down.


      Her eyes flicked up angrily at him after a moment and he jolted, lifting his body with his hands like he had been commanded, feeling his shorts slide over his cheeks, his manhood pulled before finally springing back upright, free from confinement.


      He watched Akane look at it for a moment, then one hand moving forward towards it. It stopped just shy and she looked up at him uncertain for a moment, then back at it.


      The feel of her touching his shaft shot through him like a lightning bolt, making him gasp loudly, his head going back as his spine locked straight. The gasp seemed to open the gates for Akane, as the fingers brushed it again, then wrapping around to grip it.


      He glanced down again, amazed at seeing his manhood held by her small hot hand, squeezing just shy of firmly, stroking up and down the length. His eyes locked with hers again, just lost under her bangs, as her head came closer to lay a soft kiss on the rich purple head.


      His heart was pounding in his ears as he jolted again, her tongue flicking out and dragging warmly over the head as he gasped loudly again.


      Akane's other hand raised onto his chest, pushing it back till they made eye contact again under her bangs, her lips parting around the head to take it into her hot wet mouth. The deep groan he gave just seemed to inspire her as she sucked firmly on him, her tongue swirling around the head as her hand pumped him from below.


      He had never felt anything so intense and hot in his life. It was like the soul of ice reversed to a degree he hadn't thought possible. He looked down at her bright eyes in the darken room, not even realising he had put his hand on her head, not pushing but guiding gently.


      With a last flick of her tongue that jolted him again, Akane pulled away with a sexy smile, her hands quickly fumbling with the condom box till it burst open, it's contents spilling out. She muttered something he didn't catch, picking up quickly one satchel and tore it open, bringing out the lubricated ring and holding it up trying to recall the instructions.


      Her off hand reached for him again, closing on his staff, pumping firmly for a moment encouraged by gasps and moans, before holding it steady as the latex sheath was rolled down.


      Reaching for his hand, Akane pulled him back up to sitting on the side of the bed, kissing him firmly. Standing straighter, she leant over him, placing his face almost in her breasts, her hands lying on his shoulders.


      Ranma didn't need any more of a hint as he looked at the dark nipples on her milky smooth skin, his mouth quickly closing on one, kissing and sucking much as Akane had done to him. His hands coming up, one squeezing gently around the breast he kissed, the other caressing the whole of the other breast. He felt the nipple in his mouth hardening under his attention, trying to suck harder, and even gently bite at it to see how far it could go.


      He began to feel her motions and noises over his explorations, some driving him on, others signalling her approval for some actions and surprise at others. He began to move around her upright body like a predator, his hands moving over her back and hair, stroking at her flesh, while his mouth continued to work at her chest. He pulled her closer against him, revelling when she gasped or moaned, fingers digging into his shoulders or pulling his face against her to the point of smothering. He wanted to take her higher with what she was offering.


      A hand in his hair began to direct him lower than her breasts, kisses and licks over her stomach getting a rich result of shivers and gasps, culminating around her belly button. But they died down quickly as he began to move back up, the hand in his hair directing him lower again.


      Mind, body, and heart warred for a moment, arguing that they both wanted this, that it could ruin everything between them, and that this was right. He looked down at her, visualising her hips and legs hidden beneath the lose pyjama bottoms, and knew her words were right. They both wanted this, a lot...


      Hooking his fingers into the elastic around her hips, he began to draw it down, exposing more and more of her to him in the poor light. Once past the hips, the elastic loosened and pants and panties fell to the floor. His eyes caught the glistening trail on her thigh trailing up to the dark nest of curls that covered her naked treasure, and without thinking stretched a hand out to touch her inner thigh.


      The loudness of her gasp snapped him back to awareness, and he slowly trailed his fingers up her skin. He watched her eyes as he touched her juncture, her eyes closing as her whole body dipped on weak knees. His other hand grabbed her waist, supporting and directing her fall down to sit on his knee, even as his finger slipping in between her petals.


      The whimpers on her exhale were the focus of Ranma's being as he worked his index finger back and forth in the hot wet tunnel. He kissed her cheek gently, and she turned her face to him to kiss him firmly, but lost her strength as he worked his finger in and out of her over and over again.


      Brown eyes opened and the whimpering stopped, Akane's hand gripping his wrist and slowly pulling him out of her. She held his hand up between them, looking at the glistening fingers.


      "That's because of you Ranma," she said in a husky voice, taking the fingers in her mouth and sucking firmly.


      The motion was erotic beyond words to him, his hard staff ached as he recalled her mouth sucking on him only moments earlier. With a firm action he pulled his hands free and replaced them with his lips. His hands rose under her shoulders, lifting her back up onto the bed and taking her down to rest her head on the pillow.


      He smiled in the kiss as he felt her leg hook around the back of his legs, drawing him against her, his sheathed cock prodding her stomach. Pushing down on her shoulders, he moved his body over hers, his lower body laying against her, between her legs, Akane wrapping her second leg back around him as soon as she could managed it.


      Breathing heavily, faces and bodies slick with perspiration, the two looked at each other for a long moment. Akane's eyes softened and her hand caressed his cheek before they flashed and her hand gripped his pigtail firmly, holding his head steady to bend up and kiss him firmly again. Her eyes opened boring into his from an inch apart. "I want you Ranma, do this."


      With a nod and another kiss, he manoeuvred down slightly, feeling the head of his manhood dragging down past her curls, two gasping in unison at the feel jolting through them, then giggling and kissing again.


      Holding himself over her with one hand, he reached down with the other. His eyes slowly traced down her beautiful naked form, taking each curve, each patch of skin, each muscle, where her hips flared out from her waist, then over her delta where his hard member stood proudly pointing at her bared treasure.


      Positioning himself, he closed the short distance between them, rubbing his head against her lips, watching her writhe beneath him before slowly sliding into her. His eyes closing as he felt her sliding over him, engulfing him, so hot, so tight.


      A deep gasp from her froze him in place, watching worriedly at her furrowed brow as she bite down on her lip, whimpering.


      "Are you alright?"




      "Are you alright?"


      Akane opened her eyes looking up at his in the poor light, accepting the new sensation of him filling her, willing down the pain of his size in her without losing any of the pleasure she was receiving from the same.


      The feel of him pulling out of her rose over any thoughts of pain and she locked her legs, pulling him back against her, both gasping as he went deeper. Her hands encircled his back, pulling him down against her, her lips missing his mouth and indiscriminately kissing over his cheek and jaw.


      Ranma's lips finally found hers and they lay together for a moment kissing, their sweat slick bodies quivering slightly at the pleasure, panting between kisses. She gasped again as Ranma gently rolled his hips, nudging back and into her, moaning when repeating the action.


      Loosening her legs, Ranma pulled back and pushed in again, another moan driving him on. Using his upper arms, he lifted himself off her, getting better position to thrust into her, quickly building a rhythm marked by their moans and gasps.


      Akane was lost in the feel as his shaft moved in and out of her, her whole body rocking as he moved. Nothing else seemed to matter in the heat of the act, her bed nudging the wall, the occasion slapping sound as his hips hit her thighs, her moans seeming to be blur together as if echoing in the room. Pulling her hands to her lovers face, she held in his hair, keeping him looking at her.


      Grunting Ranma pumped into Akane, torn between going somewhere with his actions in a damned hurry and wanting it to last forever. Her hands tugged at his hair, then again, making him look down at her rocking beneath him, her small breasts shifting with the motion. Her grip tightened again and got firmer as she tried to drive him on, wanting more.


      Drops of sweat flicked from his nose and chin, landing on Akane's sweaty face as she writhed and moaned. She could feel herself building, like a tightening through her body, heaviest in her stomach and pussy. She wanted this and wanted more despite this was being more than she could stand. She gasped and moaned, wishing she could tell Ranma what he was doing to her.


      Knuckles clenched the material together, Ranma's hands bunching the sheets as he held himself over her, Akane's hand tugging his hair painfully, but the rhythm continued, harder firmer.


      Toes curled, behind Ranma's back and over the end of the bed, as Ranma rocked into her, her lower back rolling up with the motion.


      Akane felt it coming, the build up ending, the fire ready to burst out, and pulled herself up, kissing Ranma as she came, her body shaking as she gave a squeal like sound in the kiss, her breath erratic, her heart racing in her ears.


      Ranma tried to adjust position as Akane raised herself to him, desperate to keep the motion going, but her shuddering body and desperate kiss pulled him down, his arms giving to drop them to the mattress. The feel of her canal squeezing and almost fluttering around him taking him past the edge, his seed jetting out, filling into the condom.


      The two just gave laboured breaths for many moments afterwards before Ranma rolled off Akane, pulling out of her as he came down from the heights she had taken him, his breathing hard. Akane rolled with him, hugging his sweaty body against her in the warm air of her room.


      She stretched her neck kissing him softly once, before pulling him tighter against her, laying her head on his neck and shoulder.




      Nabiki listened to the music of her headphones, vowing to make Genma suffer a little more tomorrow. First her sister's fiancé had woken them with screams of a cat and charging passed her door, then before she could get back to sleep she had heard Genma and his wife beginning to make love.


      Normally she could just put the headphones on and wait them out. This time they had built up to the nosiest session yet. She could hear the banging over the damned headphones!!


      Might be time to convince Akane to swap rooms with her, it might be only moving one room down, but that would at least let her get away from the moans. She'd most likely still hear the headboard banging the wall though she considered, rolling her eyes.


      Her eyes snapped wide open. Genma and Nodoka have a futon. That can't bang the headboard on the wall.


      Her eyes slowly traced to the other wall, the one that Akane had her bed head against. "Nah..." she muttered to herself and rolled over. She'd better get to sleep now in case they start again.


      Over on the wall, a piece of plaster fell away...

The End.

This came from a special request and fortunately wrote itself.

Thanks for reading.

Trent O'Donoghue.

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