USS Cerberus - Alien Database


Race Name: Bajoran (plural: Bajorans)
Homeworld: Bajor
Notable Locations: Bajoran Wormhole
Affiliation: Indepedent


The Bajoran culture is one of the longest-lived in the alpha quadrant; their civilisation flourished over half a million years ago, and they first gained interstellar capacity over eight centuries ago. The dominant religion of the planet dates back at least ten thousand years, and is centred around worship of the aliens living within the bajoran Wormhole - the Bajorans refer to these entities as 'The Prophets' and to the wormhole as the 'Celestial Temple'.

More recently the Bajorans have suffered setbacks. The Cardassians invaded Bajor in 2328, driving much of the native population from the planet and enslaving the remainder. Bajoran culture suffered greatly during this period, with many living in squalid conditions. Despite this, the Bajorans maintained a small but aggressive resistance effort throughout the occupation and by 2369 the Cardassian government had become frustrated with the military's inability to crush this movement. Weary of decades of terrorist activity, the Cardassians pulled out of Bajor and turned control of the orbiting Terok Nor station to the Bajorans.

During the Dominion War, Bajor declared itself neutral, and was able to avoid a direct invasion of the planet when Dominion forces took Deep Space Nine. The Dominion War ended in 2375, and the planet has since resumed its former relationship with the Federation.

The dominant religion of Bajor dates back at least ten thousand years, and is centred around worship of the aliens living within the Bajoran Wormhole - the Bajorans refer to these entities as 'The Prophets' and to the wormhole as the 'Celestial Temple'.

A major factor in the Bajoran way of life has been their relationship with the wormhole aliens, who the Bajorans think of as gods. Much anguish was caused when the Pagh-Wraiths managed to close the wormhole, but Captain Sisko was successful in using an Orb to reopen it. Sisko also participated in a final battle against the Wraiths in the Bajoran Fire Caves, sealing them into the caves forever.


The Bajoran Wormhole was discovered in 2369 soon after the pullout of Cardassian forces from the area. The Bajoran Wormhole is notable because it is not only a stable wormhole, but it is a constructed wormhole. It was built by the entities that inhabit the wormhole itself, called the "Celestial Temple" by the Bajorans.

The Bajoran Wormhole leads to the far side of the Gamma Quadrant, to an area near the Dominion territories in that area. There is a collection of inhabited worlds in the vicinity of the wormhole in the Gamma Quadrant, and the wormhole is used by both sides to trade with each other.

The Dominion has been forced to move their homeworld in order to maintain their secrecy.


One of the Alpha Quadrant's more humanoid species, the Bajorans are distinguishable from humans primarily by the appearance of their nose, which is both ridged and slightly more prominent. Female Bajorans have a relatively rapid gestation period of five months, which leads to a very fast vascularisation process.

Other from that, Bajorans are virtually identical to humans.



In most cases where they are given prominent roles, Bajorans seem to have incorporated a lot of their suffering into their collective culture, and they tend to show a tough face to the world.

As of yet, there have been no Bajorans aboard the USS Cerberus in a major role.

Alpha Quadrant Races

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