The Shaman Series
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Shipping, insurance and applicable sales not included in the quoted prices
and will be additional costs.
Sun Shaman Song Moon Shaman Song Acrobat

Sun Shaman Song, 2000
48"x 14-1/2"
Acrylic on wood

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Moon Shaman Song, 2000
Acrylic on wood
48"x14 1\2"
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Acrylic on wood
48"x14 1\2"
make me an offer

Ghost Moon Shaman
Ghost, 2000
Acrylic on wood
48"x 14 1\2"
make me an offer
Moon Shaman, 1997
24" x 24"
acrylic on wood

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Shipping, insurance and applicable sales not included in the quoted prices
and will be additional costs.
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