: Lucky Pierre (vocals)

: St. Joseph, Michigan; 1981

J'HABITE: Nowhere, I've been visiting for 3 years.

J'AIME JOUER : Anything and everything.

LES INFLUENCES: Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa, Mitch Mitchell, Flea, Fishbone, Living Colour.  So many... so little space.

LES CDs FAVORIS: Fugazi "Repeater", Fishbone "Fossil Fuelin' the Fonkay", Descendents "Two Things at Once", Black Flag "Damaged".  That's about it for now et deux nouveaux, tous les albums de Superbus.

LES CHOSES FAVORITES:The Chicago Cubs!  All of my French books and pissing my friends off by speaking French.  I can't believe Turbo thought of this before me but learning different languages.  Last but definitely not least, drivers who get their due when they crash because they were messing around.*(see next section)

LES CHOSES QUE JE N'AIME PAS: People who don't signal.  People that talk on their cell phones while driving.  People who cut me off and slow down. (the least they could do is speed up)  People who think it's funny to drive like an idiot.  People on the highway that don't move to the right lane when I'm baring down on them.  Also, people who like to sit in my blind spot, and last but not least, homophobes.
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