Sands of Time
by: The Sandman
News update:  I've release v. 0.3!!!  Get it from the download link below.  Please read the readme for any questions.  Questions not answered in the readme should be posted on my message board, and I'll get them answered as soon as possible.  -The Sandman Great Links:
Grudge Match
ST vs SW Homeworld Conversion
Dominion Wars StarCraft Conversion
Message Board
My Town's WebPage and Message Board
People unfortunate enough to have visited this site:
My Info:
Name: Drew Sanders
Sands of Time v. 0.3
Email: [email protected]
This version includes the Federation and the Klingons.  The mod makes you start out with the early ships and advance through the timeline.  You advance by building year pods at the research facilities.  The only ships present are canon ships, and they are accurately scaled and armed.  The AI is a little better than the last release, but it still isn't perfect.  However, it will whoop you if you're not careful.
The Sands of Time
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