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Let’s get some light up in here … LET THERE BE LIGHT!
I’m going to make a heap of stuff and I’m gonna do it all in six days! BOOYAH!
Sorry I haven’t kept up to date today, I was busy separating the waters into two. Not as easy as I thought but I got that shit done!
Big gardening plans today :D I think what this place needs is a little bit of dirt and a lot of bit of tree action up in here!
Now if I could just find my gardening gloves and sun hat.
Today was a hectic one to say the least! I thought that earth looked kind of loserish and lonely by itself so I made some more planets, I mean I did have a lot of space to fill (pun intended) but now it is all outta space (secondary pun intended). To remain superior I have made all the other planets inhabitable so that EARTH RULES and all other planets drool. Day four and I feel like I have made a lot of progress with this whole creation thing! Go Team GOD x
Today I’m going to make some fish and birds so that my planet has colourful skies and oceans. So close to my 6 day deadline but I feel like I’m gonna make it!

OK… first mistake :’(
I made this bird called a chicken today and everything was going good until I tried to make it fly. Damn thing wouldn’t do it! As punishment I have made sure all chickens will be super tasty tasty tasty with a capital T! HAH take that chicken!

I just realised that chicken rhymes with licken … it was meant to be :D

Today I’m going to make a new friend. Seriously I can make people! I’m gonna make a bro to hang with and his name is gonna be Adam … Best idea ever!
Adam looks bored
Ima make me some lady up in here!

Let’s just hope she doesn’t eat off my special fruit tree.

Nah she looks trustworthy :)

Jeez I hope she’s trustworthy.
Dinosaurs will get along with Adam & Eve right?