05/02/04 9:17 PM.

04/25/04 5:33AM.
holy shit it's late. ok, well, i've been up late making the new ohsnap! site. yeah, this one is pretty much done with.  the new site will prolly be online in a few days and will be a lot nice than this thing, so watch for it. the address is http://ohsnaprecords.xasm.net. if you head on over there now you can see the new website i made for departure from apathy. yeah, so, like, go do that. here, i'll make it easy for you: http://ohsnaprecords.xasm.net/departurefromapathy/.

04/11/04 11:15AM.
EVERYSMITHEVER "BEDROOMS AND IGLOOS" CD-EP (OS!#05) IS NOW OUT AND IN STOCK! yeah, this may only be a second pressing, but it might as well be the first, as the initial pressing has just temporary packaging and was given out to some friends. and once again, this thing is 100% DIY. check out a picture of the cover art here. and if you want to hear some mp3s of the record, take a listen. oh, that reminds me: i now have a livejournal for oh snap! related shennanigans at http://www.livejournal.com/users/shirtsforpants/. yeah, i feel dirty for having a LJ now. heh, sean morrill is fucking emo. end.

04/08/04 5:49PM.
news news news... ok. the second pressing for the everysmithever bedrooms and igloos ep is just about complete. the cds and inserts are done, and the remainded of the covers should be completed and ready to ship today or tomorrow! woo hoo! to anyone who was sadman22 because you missed out on the first pressing, don't be. not only does the new pressing look fucking awesome, where the original one was very simple temporary packaging, but the last track has been remixed and sounds a lot better on the new version, anyway, so hooray for you! order one of them babies before they're gone, as i only made about 40 of them. yeh, check out the new merch in the distro as well, new stickers from DFA and S4P, as well as new DFA pins. they're free, so eat that shit up. speaking of departure from apathy, the full-length is now all mixed. one step closer to being released. most of the packaging supplies have also been ordered, so keep them fingers crossed and this thing will be done on time. over and out, homeboys.

03/22/04 5:03PM.
howdy, kids. well, another school vacation hath been spent, the last for me this year until summer, and once again i have spent the entire break working on the departure from apathy full-length. well, boys and girls, that fucker is done. that's right. recording is all finished and everything has been unplugged and NO MORE COUNTLES HOURS RECORDING FOR THIS THING EVER AGAIN. I AM NO LONGER A SLAVE TO THE RECORD! WOO HOO!  i'm pretty sure i have the final mix of 3 or 4 of the songs, and i'm going back up to maine to mix the rest in a couple weeks (and to get more stuff for the distro). then it'll be mastered and we'll do art and packaging and all that shit, and hopefully this sucker will be all finished and out by sometime in may. also, if any of you guys have pictures of DFA that i may not have, please get in touch, as I'm probably going to use some for the record layout. if any of you guys still want the DFA demo, download it now, because it's going to be replaced by some unmastered tracks from the new full-length. that way you can compare the two and realize how incredibly shitty most of the demo is. in other news, buy the new circle takes the square "as the roots undo" gatefold LP on that bad ass color vinyl. i've been saying it since the summer and i'm going to say it again: best album ever. really.

03/16/04 10:58PM.

alright kids, here it is: THE OH SNAP! ONLINE DISTRO IS FULLY OPERATIONAL! yeah, just like the death star II
(return of the jedi, bitch!). right now a bunch of stuff is out of stock, but that should change within the next week or two. sex. also, a new band site for departure from apathy is on the horizon, as the current one is pretty inactive. midriff too.

03/16/04 9:53PM
the peter ferrante/nicholouse ferrante split cd-e
p tale padre, tale figlio (OS!#06) is out! and man, does it kick some ass (and i'm not just saying that because i play drums for both bands. haha.). i'm pretty sure no one liked us at the release show, haha, but it didn't really bother me, since the whole point of both bands was to be a sort of anti pop band and try to be really noisy and dirty. i thought NF played a pretty sweet set considering not practicing, although PF was really in no shape to play and probably shouldn't have. but it was fun all the same. it's all about playing to have fun and be loud and not think too much about it. real punk like. this is a nice release, so check out the mp3s online or something. i think the artwork came out fucking fantastic, and shawn huber's ramblings between songs on the NF side are worth the $3 alone. IN OTHER NEWS, the first pressing of the new everysmithever ep bedrooms and igloos is pretty much all gone. but fear not! i think i am going to do a (very small) second pressing with some fancier packaging, so be on the lookout for that in the next couple weeks. i'm expecting this to sell out pretty fast, but i don't want to spend a lot of money on another big pressing right now, as the DFA full-length will be out soon and i just spend a whole bunch of money on the PF/NF split. yeah, so buy those so i can be in less debt and make more crap for the betterment of humanity or scarborough maine, or something like that. IN OTHER OTHER NEWS, the online distro is coming very very very soon. keep on your toes, junior.

03/05/04 3:48PM
yeah, show updates. DFA has been booted from the 12th show due to lack of time and other such poopness, but that show was an invite only deal anyway, being a birthday party. so, i have decided to set up a show for the 13th (saturday), which will serve as the release show for the new peter ferrante/nicholouse ferrante split ep (oh snap number sexxx). the cds should be all finished by that morning, in time for the show, and man they shall be the sex. you know you need one. this show will also serve as the (probably) last DFA show in maine for the next couple months, and the first shirts for pants show since their first show on may third of last year. i'm still lookign for confirmation on S4P and hopefully midirff or ESE or some other sexyness that i've been missing out on while at school. also, REMEMEBER TO BRING YOUR VIDEO CAMERA, BOYS AN GIRLS! we need to keep documenting this shit so the oh snap! dvd can rule ass instead of sucking it, and who knows what there will be another chance to get S4P, NF, and PF on tape again?! also, PF is playing an open mic night in south portland on the 16th, so watch for that as well. ummm, oh, and the DFA 9-song full-length should be all tied up and recorded/mixed by the 20-something of march, so that thing will probabaly be all pressed and done in the next couple months! if nothing more, it's sure to at least blow the april demo piece-of-shit out of the water. ah, yes. also, chris (everysmithever/DFA) is singing for a new band called
in the arms of providence, which nick referred ot as "romance metal." heh, they gots music for download, so check it out. i'd recommend the first track. that is all i have for now, you little dickens'!

03/01/04 12:28A
new band page up for muthafuckin' shirts for pants. check that shit out. hopefully no one actually went to the party on the 27th for the purpose of seeing us, because DFA was unable to play at the last minute, as chris couldn't go. yeah, shitty. i was really looking forward to it. hopefully we'll have a show somewhere in new england before summer break rolls around, though. i'll be going home for a week break from school soon, but i don't think we're gonna get to have a show. i'm gonna have a lot of work to do in finishing up the DFA full-length and releasing the PF/NF split, but hopefully will go down.
click here for older news...
upcoming shows!

hit up that shit! (most shows [all, thus far] are in the east coast/new england area.) for directions try mapquest or e-mail me or something.

4/8/04 - scarborough high school. scarborough, ME.
               talent show
Everysmithever, Logen (of Midriff)'s solo project

this is outdated, so just go here.
new releases!
fresh from the oven.
OS! #04

BiMonocle Man EP
OS! #05

Bedrooms and Igloos EP
get in the true spirit of [insert upcoming consumer-driven holiday here] by buying a lot of stuff with sweet sweet money!

get the
here at the new mailorder distro!
OS! #06


Tale Padre, Tale Figlio split-EP
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws