Video game page!
Quinn  and Damon got a account at gamezilla (impman and kirby)  so we  have been reveiwing some games there, Damen makes reveiws for the school newspaper. And Now all of the makers make reveiws for chelsea Gamer HQ! Click above fool!
Hey Kids! This is the  video game page!
Click the reveiws link to go  read some reveiws  of video games! Be Sure not to click the dead or alive picture  if you like men in that surtain special way.  And if you don't be sure to read this first. Im sure your thinking heeeeeeey Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volley ball is right there. Pretty tempting huh? Dont click it though. If you can read this whole thing you will get a nice treat at the end. The makers of this website  strive to make the best Video Game website there is because we have lots of spare time. We like to make this website and stuff. Well I can see your getting pretty bored but were almost done. If you want to go back to the home page <================= hes your man...errrr squirrel. We  have everything at this site and we are always open for requests. Just e-mail [email protected]. Then we will take your suggestion and throw it in the trash because you dont run this site, Hee hee just kidding! Ok at the bottom of this page click the duck on the left. We are kinda like a people site because we  are people. Yes and ummmmm were done now.!!!
its finally here !Sex Appeal! I mean dead or alive extreme beach volly ball yay!!!! click on the picture to see more pictures
Squirrel can give you a ride home! Click him!
mario vs goomba
Our own little stick death
Mario in a screen shot of zelda 64!
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