The Quest For Colours Homepage

Quest For Colours (QFC) is an adventure game created by Pham Hai Dang (me) using Chris Jones' Adventure Game Studio during the 2002 summer. It was initially supposed to be done in a week or two, but the fact is that I have a life, which turned out to be more time consuming than any cyber thing. Tomorrow (September 9th) I will leave my city for university, and by some miracle I've mananged to finish the non-sound version of the game at about 23:59, September 8th. Gee, that is close.

People could have made a game 10 times better than mine with the same amount of time given. But after all, I'm making it purely out of my love for adventure games. It's not a piece of professional work but actually, a part-time and mostly depending-on-my-mood activity. I spent like two or three times a week on the game, each including 1 hour 45 minutes of blankly staring at the computer screen and the rest 15 minutes of nonchalantly typing and clicking.

This site may be too boring but, forgive me, I have no time left. After all it has a download section, a screenshot, little Mr. Walkthrough and even some links.

This game is for free, but if you would like to use any of the materials from the game for your own purpose, please contact me first.

Although the game is unreasonably hard at times (my own opinion), someone magnificiently finished it and sent in a walkthrough (see Walkthrough section).


The zipped file is only over 700 kbs. To play QFC, download and unzip the file, then run the qfc.exe file. It's that simple. NOTE: I tried to keep it virus-free, but I can't be sure it is. If you feel the need, just double check with your virus scanner (so far I haven't received any report, guess it's fine).

Download QFC

This is an uncomplete version of the game. A friend of mine has agreed to do the music but he is now in another city. It's most likely that my game (originally supposed to be OUR game) will miss his musical talent. I hope he will be able to start recording someday.

Additional download: background scenes in their original hi-res and hi-colour format. If you haven't played the game I don't recommend downloading this. The reason is the same as why I didn't upload many screenshots.


This is a small game. Indeed, very small. There're hardly 10 scenes in the game, so I guessed presenting too many sceenshots would somehow spoil your gaming experience. This one is to give you a brief grasp of how the game looks.

Walkthrough (new)

Great thanks to one of our players. There's a walkthrough here. Click with care, it may bite.


The Adventure Game Studio website is at

Adventure Gamers, a website dedicated to adventure games

In case you want to contact me, email [email protected]

Thank you for visiting this site and playing QFC. My only hope is that you will enjoy it. Feel free to email me (spammers, you didn't hear anything).

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