Quest for Colours Walkthrough Watch the cutscene. Now you have to find the tape.... Use the eye icon on the pulled-up corner of the black and white Jackie Chan poster. Now do it again. Write down these numbers. Use the hand icon on your pillow. If you look in your inventory you'll see you found a key. Use the hand icon on the notebook on your desk to look through it. You'll find a flattened leaf. Now do it again and Milli will pull out a piece of paper and put it on the desk. Pick it up with the hand icon. Look at the paper in your inventory. Write down the numbers after 2. Use your key on the drawer of your desk. It fits! now use the hand icon on the drawer, Milli will say you need a 12 number combination and a box will pop up. First write the numbers you saw at the edge of the black and white Jackie Chan poster. Then write the numbers you found on the piece of paper that was in your notebook (except for the 2.) Now the drawer is open (yay!) so use the hand icon on it. You've got a stethescope! se the hand icon on it again and you'll get the... TAPE! But if you look at it in your inventory, you'll see it has dried chili sauce on it! Can't have that now, so you should clean it, but how? Look at the hole in your door. Milli will tell you about it, then he'll cry, interesting eh? Now walk close to your pillow and look at the hole in your door. Milli cries on the pillow, leaving -- a tearstain! Use the tape on the tearstain, and you've got a clean tape! Now Milli will give the tape to his mom and you can go to sleep. Just use the hand icon on the bed Watch the cutscene. Now where the heck are ya???? And why are you---- PALE?? NOOOOO!!!!!!!! You'll have to figure this out quick before you go insane! (Not really, just thought I'd make the walkthrough more dramatic) Use the hand icon on the stairs to walk up them. Now look at the dog's nose with the eye icon. Were those hinges?? Maybe you should pull 'em... use the hand icon on the dog's nose. Now the mouth is open... use the hand icon on it. You've gotten a piece of leathery paper... If you check your inventory and look at it with the eye icon, you'll notice Milli can't read it. Use the leathery paper on the dog's glowing tail and Milli will hold it to the light. Pay attention to the poem. Something in every line except for two lines refers to a color. They are: Heart= red sadness= blue envy= green gold= yellow orange juice= orange violets= purple water=cyan On the stairs wall there are some colored bricks.Use the hand icon on them. Now you will see a close-up of the bricks, you can use the eye icon to check exactly what color they are. Now remember the poem and references to colors? Use the hand icon on the bricks in the order as used in the poem. (There won't be any indication you've clicked the right one.) Now you'll se that the ceiling has a hole in it! a way to leave! but before you do check something on the wall on your right. You might notice a hard to see hole. It isn't obviouse, but it is there (it's small). You should probably look at it right now with the eye icon and remeber it, because it serves a purpose. Okay now that that's over with, use the hand icon on the hole to leave. You're in a new room with nothing you can currently do but observe. So use the hand icon on the exit to your left. See that little green plant next to the tree? There is a white thing in there, so get it with the hand icon. Turns out its a plant that looks like a sock. Go upward. use the sock-plant on the water. now the plant is filled with water and you've found a stick. Go to the left. Go to the left again. See the haystack in the southwest corner? Use the hand icon on it to get some hay. Go right. Use the hand icon on the cave passageway to go in. See the rock in the middle of the screen? It has a hole in it. Put the hay in the hole. Now that the hay is in the hole, use the stick on it. Now you have burning hay, and a burning stick. Remeber the spell at the end of the poem that was on the leathery paper? Well maybe you should follow the instuctions... But if you try to heat the sock-plant (with water in it) Milli thinks ther's no point, which makes sense since it should be salty water, but you have lake water. You should find a way to make it salty.... Use the burning hay on that eye near the exit on the left. It will cry and Milli will catch the tear in the sock-plant. Now you can use the burning hay and stick on the sock-plant and voila! All you need is something to revive..... Leave through the left exit. Go upward. Use the sock-plant on the tree. Milli will say the words for the spell. Now the tree has eyes and is awake! Talk to the tree with the speech icon. Go through all the questions. Now you need to get a leaf from the vine. So go to the left. Go downward. You'll get electrocuted by the tree banch when you walk into this scene. Be careful not to interact with the vine you see on the wall, because you'll end up walking past the branch without getting electrocuted, and kind of mess up the game. Go back to the tree you revived and talk to him. (You might see a dialogue option you've already selected when you talked to him before if you talked to him about everything before, but just click it again and Milli will tell the tree about it.) Now go back to the room with the branch that electrocuted you. You might get electrocuted when you first enter the screen, but just talk to the branch and Milli'll say the spell, get electrocuted, then say the right spell. Now you can go try to take a leaf from the vine... so use the hand icon on it. Wait! The vine said something when ya did that eh? How can you hear it..... Use the stethescope on the vine. The vine wants something of equal worth of his leaf. Give him your flattened leaf. Go back to the tree you revived and give him the leaf. Now you have a sword and must battle Jaf, but before you do, come up with a little plan... Go to the village (the scene with the haystack) and use your sword on the house to the far left. Now you have a piece of hard clay. But be careful not to use your sword there again or a bug in the game will remove the sword from your inventory (this is also true for other game items so be careul, sorry for the late warning.) Well, hard clay is nice, but wouldn't soft, moldable clay be better? What do ya mean no???? J/k So anyway you need moldable, soft clay. How to get it? Simple. Make it wet, got to the sceen with the tree you revived and use the hard clay on the water and... Voila`!(did I spell that right??) So now you have moldable clay and nothing to do with it. Not quite. Remember the room with the dog on the wall? Go there. Now, remember the little hole I told you to remember? The one on the right wall. use the clay on there and you'll get the nailo that was in there. now your clay & nail combo looks like a tack. BUT we should make this tack more... interesting. go to the screen where you got the sock-plant(the room with the weird tree in it.) see the worm wiglling in the tree? Use the tack on it, and it becomes a poisonous tack... Okay! so go downward and you'll see Jaf. You'll be warned to save your game, as you may die. To ensure you don't die, place the poisonous tack on the ground near the branch that can electrocute you. Now walk down near Jaf, and so the showdown begins. Watch this cutscene. After Jaf goes up the path and gets poisoned by your clever tack, use the speech icon on the branch and it will turn on. Watch the rest of the show... YOU WIN!!!!!!!