Live Fast...Die Young
Her Love is Innocence

When they first met
He swept her off her feet
With a boyish smile
Acting so sweet

They talked a lot
Got along really well
Little did she know
She was entering his hell

Her love grew stronger
With every day
She'd always wished he'd
Never change in any way

As time passed on
He stated to change
The innocence left him
He was becoming so strange

Her love is innocence
He took her by suprise
Her love is innocence
In her weakness he prides
Her love is innocence
Trying to break from his bind

*extra verse*
Things were going great
He was liked by her friends
He made her happy
She never wanted it to end
The days went by
And the closer they got
In her open heart
She gave him a special spot
Perfect in others eyes

If they'd
Only known more
Like what were behind
His closed doors

He hid it well by
Trying to act so cute
Scared for herself
She had to remain mute

With his short temper
He was always ready to snap
With no conscience
He'd set up his trap

She always kept quiet
Scared of what he might do
He made her sick
Left her black and blue


She tried to leave
But was scared of his threats
He was relentless and
He never had any regrets

He'd push her around
Then laugh in her face
Held her at knife point
To show her his place

Where's that sweet boy
She had met years before
She didn't understand
As he knocked her to the floor

She picked herself up
And left him behind
All he has left
Is his warped and twisted mind

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