Robyn's Random Pictures
* Robyn* Baby Eric Shrine * Camping *
Europe * My Ofoto Albums *

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Snowy Mt. Baldy (looking out behind the house) (3/2/03)

Two of my good buds: Sarah and Ryan

Erica and me at Disneyland (1/2/03)

Erica, a pink blob, and me at Disneyland (1/2/03)

Enjoying my slushie :)

Rebecca, Lindsay, and me waiting for the fireworks to start the night before the Superbowl (1/26/03)

One of those "I've got to use up my film!" pictures, courtesy of Rebecca

The view from my office at Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Me on Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland(9/02)

Baby Eric and I at Britt's house in September 2001.

Me at work at Rancho Del Zocalo at Disneyland.

Me in front of the Mural at Rancho Del Zocalo.

Awww, I was such a cutie!

Me when I was very little

Me when I was about 18 months

Me when I was about 4 years old

My brother and I at Disneyland in 1992.

Me climbing the stairs inside the Arc de Triomphe.

Two friends from dance and me before a dance performance.

My name-o-tag :)

And finally...The pièce de resistance. My senior picture.

NEW Kissing his own boo-boo (Sept 2002)

At a tempanyaki bar for dinner (Sept 2002)

Britt and Baby Eric at dinner (Sept 2002)

Keys!...MY keys! His favorite toy! (Sept 2002)

And off he runs with my keys! (Sept 2002)

Brother Scott and Baby Eric chilling out :) (Sept 2002)

Scott and Eric watching TV (Sept 2002)

Eric and I having a staring contest (Sept 2002)

Awww, isn't Baby Eric cute? (March 2002)

Clock!--his favorite word for watches and clocks of all kinds (March 2002)

A budding avid reader--of pop-up books in any case! (March 2002)

Me holding the little guy (March 2002)

Hehe, I taught him to kick a ball. Maybe he'll play soccer! (March 2002)

Brittsy's house--I'm so envious! (March 2002)

Wow, look at that! (March 2002)

Great smile, huh? (March 2002)

Baby Eric in Sept. 2001

Baby Eric playing with his Koala Kar (Sept. 2001)

Baby Eric just waking up from his nap (Sept. 2001)

Playtime for the baby! (Sept. 2001)

Have you ever seen a baby with so many clothes? (Sept. 2001)

Yum, cheerios for breakfast! (Sept. 2001)

The lil baby at my house in March of 2001.

Eric--This is Britt's brand new baby boy. 7 lbs 6oz 20 inches...and a cutie!

Darren, Erik, and Lynda (Lynda's my aunt, Erik and Darren therefore cousins. this pic is from 1993 but they basically look the same)

Britt with her stroller for her new baby (who was still a few months off at this point). This is actually a "recent" picture..ooooo ahhhh!

Brittsy again.

The Campsite

Pauvre Christie at Camp

Reena and Erica "hanging" around :)

Having breakfast

Having Lunch

Camp Showers

Havings S'mores (Just for you Kristine)

Getting ready for bed

The Eiffel Tower

"Hereford Arms Pub"

Place de Charles de Gaulle-Étoile in Paris! Every driver's worst nightmare...dum dum dum! AH!

Breaking some bread (hahaha) at Chambord (a big castle)

Me being very pensive in our hotel in Paris

It's a fnac! Look Mrs. Lorenz...they actually exist!!!

Me playing Pétanques (french game) on the Île de la Cité in Paris (it's the big island in the middle of the Seine River) with a bunch of French people. I'm the one wearing the Oxford sweatshirt and my brother is on the far left side of the picture holding my other Pétanques balls.

My dad, my brother and I crammed into a phone booth in London. This booth is near the Cabinet War Rooms within the old walled city of London. The sign you can see in the background is for the Westminister Tube Station. You can vaguely see a brown building behind the sign, which is part of either Westminister Abbey or the cathedral (St, Margret's?) next to it.

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