Most people have never heard of D.N. Angel. We recently got the Anime Network On Demand, and it was actually the first title that I checked out. I don't know why. I have seen the manga at the bookstore, but I had never even picked it up. And there were articles now and then in my magazines, but again, I never paid attention to them. So was it fate? Maybe. I mean, it's totally the kind of story I love. Supernatural type creatures, duality, mismashed love story (a lot like Midsummer Nights Dream, which is one of my favorite plays). Plus you have Vic Mignogna (the same guy who does Ed's voice on FMA) and you have a winner. Oh yeah and add in awesome music, can't forget the music, OMG. I plan to get as much on D.N. Angel as I can, but for now, here are some pics of the lovely Dark for you to enjoy. Again these are ones I have screen capped. Feel free to use them, a mention and maybe a linky would be nice.

Okay, the page started getting too big and taking too long to load so I am branching it into more pages of Dark (this is a good thing).

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