WHFB Campaign Rules

by Anvar

I recently ran a campaign in my games club for which I created a whole bunch of new rules. I thought I would share these with you for any comments and suggestions you may have.

My WHFB Campaign


New Territory Chart

Roll a D88

D88 Result
11-13 Wizard's tower
14-16 Sacred grove
17-18 Shrine
21 Temple
22-32 Village
33-35 Town
36 City, your army may include an extra 2 of any type of characters.
37-46 Trade route
47-48 Silver mine
51-52 Gold mine
53-57 Road
58-62 Bridge
63-65 Pass
66-71 Mountains
72-75 Forest
76 Ruins
77 Lost valley
78 Spy
81 Sacred Ground, if staked +1 Ld for all troops in your army, not allies.
82 School of music, you may take musicians for free.
83 Tunnel system up to 1 regiment +champ of up to 250 pts may infiltrate. Note that cavalry and large creatures (eg Ogres) may not infiltrate.
84 Elven Library, 100 points extra of scrolls each game.
85 Enchanted willow, +6" range to all missile fire, (non gunpowder). You may only use one at a time.
86 Enchanted forest, +1S to one warmachine, max S10
87 Ley lines, at start of game, you may chose to add D6 WoM for whole game.
88 Hidden territory, reroll to find territory this may never be lost or staked.

(Some of these were borrowed from other people but I am afraid I know not from who, if you recognise any of this please let me know).

Campaign Rules

All the rules for campaigns as described in the Battle Book, as well as WD 211 and 212, apply with the exceptions and additions noted below:

Armies with Mage Leaders

Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs and Chaos.

These races may only have a wizard as a general if they have the territory allowing them a wizard of that level. So a Chaos Dwarf army with a temple, could have either a CD lord, or a CD sorcerer lord as a general. If the CD had only a shrine, they could only use a CD lord.


May take a Saurus lord as the general if desired. If a SMP is wanted he may only be of the max. level the territories possessed by the Lizzie player allow.

In the case of CD and Lizzies, the wizard general counts as both Mage and General and therefore takes two slots of characters allowed.


May use any of the 3 generals without restriction. But must stick to having the same general for the whole campaign. If a Necro lord is taken and he dies he is then immediately replaced with a Liche with the loss of all his experience. Your army may no longer have a Necromancer lord. A Liche or Vampire that is killed is presumed to resurrect themselves, but at the loss of all experience.

Landing Sites

Each army lands on a randomly determined bay.
Armies which can ally who are in adjacent landing sites may swap territories if both players agree.
If there are battles between adjacent bays, both sides have an extra 50 points, as it is easier to get troops to the battle.
If a battle is fought against someone who is more than 3 bays away, both sides have -50 points for the opposite reason.

Random Events

After every battle is fought roll a D6, on a 6 there is a chance that a random event has occurred, see WD 212.

If you lose 3 battles sequentially, you lose 1 territory. This applies to all games, they do not have to be against the same player. If this takes you below 3 territories, you must leave your bay, land somewhere else and generate 3 new territories.

Every general has a popularity rating from -5 to +5. This represents your troops loyalty, and how your subjects feel towards you. The exception to this is Undead. This is because they have no feelings.

If you win a game, you get +1 popularity score (PS). If you win by a margin of at least 6 VPs, you get +2 PS. If you lose a game, you suffer -1 PS. If you lose a game with no troops left on the board, you suffer -2 PS.

A scandal event gives a -1 PS, a rebellion event gives a -2 PS. When the event ends, so does the penalty.

The effects of PS are NOT cumulative, only 1 result applies.

5) They love you! Monthly "We Love Our Lord" days are planned. 50 pts of troops flock to your banner, +3" command radius.
4) Your troops have the utmost confidence in you. 40 pts of troops sign on for your army +2" command radius.
3) Your citizens really like you, an extra 30 pts of troops rush to join your army.
2) The Population like you and an extra 20 points of troops join your forces.
1) Your army is beginning to respect you as a commander.
0) Starting level, your troops and citizens are undecided.
-1) Your troops feel slightly discouragged.
-2) Your army is unhappy with you, a feew malcontents desert, -20 pts.
-3) The warriors of your army have onlyy a small degree of confidence in you, -30 pts due to desertion.
-4) Some of your warriors feel embarrasssed just to be seen with you, more desert, -40 pts.
-5) Your troops really hate your guts, and have no belief in you whatsoever. 50 pts desert, and all your troops have -2" command radius.

Injury and death

If a character is "slain" in battle he is not necessarily dead, roll on this table after the game.

1-2 Dead
3 Roll on injury table effect is permanent
4 Roll on injury table, takes effect on D6 roll of 1 before each battle.
5 Roll on injury table, effect is for next game only.
6 Lucky escape, no adverse effects.

In addition roll a D6, 1-4 nothing extra, 5- bitter hatred, hate the enemy model or unit that took you down, 6- horrible scars, cause fear.

Injury table

1 Head wound, suffers stupidity
2 Leg injured, -1M
3 Weapon arm injured, -1WS, -1BS
4 Shield arm wounded, may not use additional weapon or shield.
5 Torn muscle, -1S
6 Injury prone, -1T
7 Shoulder injured, -1A
8 Slowed reactions, I halved.


These rules effectively replace those given for elite bonuses for characters in campaigns. They also replace the rules for the Victorious General bonus. These rules allow your heroes to get better as the campaign progresses. As with the old rules you must name your characters if you wish to benefit from experience. The exception is that champions count as part of their units, if their unit rerolls their attacks so does the champion.

All characters start with a different level of experience representing the experience already gained to reach their level. This is different for the different types of characters.

Champions 20+D6
Heroes & Battle Standard Bearers 40+D6
Generals 60+D6
Level 1 Mages 0
Level 2 Mages 20+D6
Level 3 Mages 40+D6
Level 4 Mages 60+D6

If a character fits into two or more of these categories, always take the higher level of experience. These rules do not apply to Wights or Wraiths who are not able to learn from experience as they are not thinking creatures.

0-5 Starting level for level 1 mages
21-30 Starting level for level 2 mages & champions
41-50 Starting level for level 3 mages, heroes & battle standard bearers
61-80 Starting level for level 4 mages and Generals
401+ May not advance any further

After a battle is fought work out experience for the characters who were not slain. These are worked out as follows:

These bonuses are cumulative, for example a High Elf Lord kills a Beastman lord in hand to hand combat. Beastman lords have 4 wounds, and are the same level as a High Elf Lord (so it is a heroic feat). The High Elf Lord gets 9 experience points. (4 wounds + 5 for Heroic feat).

If the experience points takes a warrior into a new bracket of experience points (see above), then you roll a D8 on the following table.

1-2 More Skilful, choose either +1WS or +1BS
3 Roll again; 1-3 = +1I, 4-6 = +1Ld
4 More Powerful; roll again; 1-3 = +1A, 4-6 = +1S
5 More Resilient; roll again; 1-3 = +1T, 4-6 = +1W
6-8 New Skill; roll on one of the tables below, either wizard or warrior.

If a character does not use a missile weapon, count 1-2 as +1 WS.

Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Skaven, Orcs, Goblins, Lizardmen cannot have a strength or toughness of more than 6. Slann cannot have more than 7 in either.

Skills roll a D6 to determine from which table you must pick your skill. Note that you can choose which skill you want from within the table. You cannot get the same skill more than once.


1-2 Miscellaneous skill.
3-4 Combat skill.
5 Shooting skill. (Not Chaos or Skaven).
6 Race specific skill.

Miscellaneous skills:

Hard to kill If the hero is "killed" in battle, at the end of the game roll a D6, if you get a 4+ they were not actually slain. They must miss the next game but can return with all their experience in later games. The general cannot miss the next game and so can be used as normal. He is tougher than other heroes.
Killer reputation You have a reputation for being as hard as nails, you cause fear.
Explorer This skill allows you to roll the new territory before you stake a territory of your own in any game you play. You must write this down and do not have to tell your opponent.
Lucky You are extremely lucky and can therefore re-roll one dice roll you make during the game.
Divine Protection Your hero has great faith in his god (whether this is Sigmar, Khorne, Mork or any other god) and he is under his god's protection. Your hero gains a natural dispel of 4+.

Combat skills:

Parry One enemy per turn loses one h-t-h attack against you, as you skilfully parry their attacks.
Dodge you move so quickly that you can get out the way of incoming attacks. You gain a dodge of 5+. If you wear heavy armour or are mounted you can only dodge on a 6+.
Deadly Accurate You are expert at hitting the enemy in such a way as to cause permanent damage. Any character you take down in hth combat has -1 to their injury rolls.
Pit/Tunnel Fighter You are used to fighting in confined spaces and fight better. You get +1 WS and +1A if fighting inside a building.
Strongman You are so strong that you can wield a sword as easily as others would wield a toothpick. You may ignore the normal penalties of striking last with a doublehanded weapon. This may not be used with a magic weapon that forces you to strike last.

Shooting Skills:

Quick Shot You may fire twice per turn as long as you don't move. This may not be used with crossbows or gunpowder weapons.
Eagle Eyes Your sight is exceptionally keen. You gain 6" to the range of any ranged weapons.
Nimble You may move and fire weapons which usually can only be fired if you stay still.
Hunter You are an expert at preparing weapons to fire quickly. You may fire weapons every turn even if they usually require 1 turn to reload.
Knife-Fighter You posess an incredible skill with thrown missiles. You can throw up to 3 knives or throwing stars in your shooting phase. This may not be combined with Quick Shot. This skill also allows you to take knifes or stars at a cost of 1 point.

Race Specific Skills

High Elves
Shadow walker
Your character is adept at walking in shadows and sneaking up on the enemy, he may infiltrate as a Shadow warrior if on foot.
Wood Elves
Your hero feels an affinity for the animals. Roll a D6 1-3 he befriends 3 fighting birds of prey, 4-6 he befriends a wildcat. (See Skaw & Gruarth for more details.)
Any Undead character in your army who was "slain", you may try to resurrect with their experience intact. This works on a 4+. You cannot do this to resurrect yourself.
Dwarfs Goldseeker Your hero has a nose for finding gold, this acts in the same way as the ruins territory.
Pick one of the mutations cards, roll a D6 and apply the result permanently to the character.
Dark Elves
Unreasonable hatred
Your hero hates anyone and everyone that moves on the world and they want to kill them all;  very slowly. Your hero hates all opponents.
Natural Hero
If any other friendly character in 6" is killed on a D6 roll of 6, with a brilliant display of heroics your hero saves his life. The saved warrior is placed on 1 wound.


Your hero is skilled at maintaining and improving warmachines and other weapons. After each game you may try and improve the strength or range of a missile weapon or warmachine. This works on a D6 roll of 5+. You may add +1S (max 10) or +6" to the range. You may only improve each weapon once.

See the Future

Your hero can read signs in the sky, and knows how to decipher ancient plaques. This gives the hero one re-roll per game as he knows what will happen and can be better prepared.

Lucky for some

For every wound your hero takes roll a D6, on a 5+ the wound may be given to any friendly model within 4", as your hero happens to duck at the last second or happens to turn his head just in time.
Chaos Dwarfs


Your hero's cruelty knows no bounds. He is a master at controlling the slaves under his command. Any slave units within 12" of your general may re-roll failed break tests.
Orcs and Goblins
Fearsome leader
Any units within 12" may re-roll failed animosity results, they just wouldn't dare.
Grizzled Veteran
Your hero has seen it all before. Nothing in battle holds any worry for him. Your hero is immune to psychology.


Wizards roll a D6 on the following table. Re-roll duplicate skills except for skills 2 & 5 which can be gained many times.


Hard to kill

If the hero is "killed" in battle, at the end of the game roll a D6, if you get a 4+ they were not actually slain but injured badly. They must miss the next game but can return with all their experience in later games.
Magical power
Your wizard gains a magic level but not an extra spell. To gain an extra spell this skill must be rolled a 2nd time. This skill may be got by a wizard many times.

Magic lore

Your wizard is well versed in magical items and can spot them at a distance. If enemy model in 12" of your hero is carrying a magic item, your opponent must tell you who is and what type of magic items.
4 Power up magic All spells cast by your wizard count as if they were already powered up by 1 power card.
Enchant item
Your mage may enchant an item allowing you an extra magic item of a value equal to D4x10 points. This skill may be got more than once.
6 Magic conductor Your mage may draw an extra WoM card each turn.

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