The Old Sage Painting Contest

This will be an annual event for Fantasy Battles and Ancient Battles figures.  Figures for all game systems in these two genres are welcome to be entered.

The entries for the 1999 competition have been judged, and the results are displayed on the pages linked to below.



The figures were judged on quality of paint application, artistic merits of the figure's paint job and any conversions that were made to it, originality, and how well the figure works as a whole.  We were looking for such things as shadowing, highlighting, how well detailed the figure is, and how unified the paint job is as a whole.

The categories for Fantasy were:


Ancients and Midieval

The figures were judged on quality of paint application, artistic merits of the figure's paint job and any conversions that were made to it, originality, and how well the figure works as a whole.  We were looking for such things as shadowing, highlighting, how well detailed the figure is, and how unified the paint job is as a whole.  These figures were also judged on historical accuracy.  We were looking for paint schemes that match those actually used during the period the figures represent.

The categories for Ancients and Midieval (Historicals) were:


We were looking for the quality of the work done by the hobbyist, not the manufacturer.  No photos could be digitally edited, they had to be untouched and original.  If we got an image where it might have been too dark or slightly out of focus, we corrected that, but we did not want any enhanced images entered in the contest.

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