Gather here and learn the knowledge of tactics and strategy. Learn to know thy enemy, and to use the resources at your disposal. Learn the strengths of your army and how to wield it on the battlefields of the Known World.

It is the duty of every general to prosecute war with the maximum losses to his enemy and the least casualties to his own army.

The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli

Go Rin No Sho

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu

Tactica Vampire Counts

Tactica Daemon Warbands

Tactica Beastmen

Tactica Chaos Warriors

Tactica High Elves

Tactica Empire

Tactica Skaven

Tactica Chaos Dwarfs

Tactica Dwarfs

Tactica Dark Elves

Tactica Wood Elves

Tactica Orcs and Goblins

Bretonnian Tactics

High Elf Tactics vs. Horde Armies

Army Formations

Undead Tactics

Chaos Tactics

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