by Tom Setzer and Erik Setzer

To the rest of the world, the people of Albion are a mysterious and barbarous race of blonde- and red-haired giants that go into battle wearing strange woad war paint, this is far from being the true story of these people. They have a rich, and ancient culture that is based around the family unit, or tuatha, this is not just a single family, but an extended clan led by a tuatha chief. Each of these chiefs considers himself to be a king (Rhi), answerable only to the High King (Ard Rhi), and even then there can be contention, especially in times of a weak High King, or in times of famine or trouble.

The people of Albion are called the Celtoi by the rest of the world, or simply the Celts, their name for themselves are the Gaeli, which means in their language "the people." They are a warrior society, and take pride in the warrior's arts, but they are also a race of craftsmen and poets, where the wise men of the Druidic societies are seated at the right hand of the King, and are considered to be just one step below royalty.



TROOP Type Attacks Hits Armour Command Unit Size Points Min/Max Special

Light Cavalry Cavalry 3 3 6+ - 3 75 1/- -
Heavy Cavalry Cavalry 3 3 5+ - 3 110 -/2 2
Skirmish Cavalry Cavalry 3/1 3 0 - 3 75 -/2 3,4
Noble Cavalry Cavalry 3 3 5+ - 3 100 -/2 -
Limitanei Infantry 3/1 3 0 - 3 40 -/- 4
Auxiliaries Infantry 3/1 3 6+ - 3 55 2/- 4
Archers Infantry 3/1 3 0 - 3 55 -/- -
Skirmishers Infantry 3/1 3 0 - 3 60 -/2 3,4
Tribal Spearmen Infantry 3 3 0 - 3 35 -/2 -
Tribal Archers Infantry 3/1 3 0 - 3 55 -/2 -
Comitatenses Infantry 3/1 3 5+ - 3 75 -/1 4
Giant Monster 8 8 5+ - 1 150 -/1 5
Bolt Thrower Artillery 1/3 2 0 - 1 55 -/1 -
Stone Thrower Artillery 1/3 3 0 - 1 75 -/1 6
General General +2 - - 9 1 125 1 -
Hero Hero +1 - - 8 1 80 -/2 -
Wizard Wizard +0 - - 7 1 45 -/1 1
Wyvern Monstrous Mount +2 - - - 1 +80 -/1 7
Griffon Monstrous Mount +2 - - - 1 +80 -/1 8

Special rules

1. Wizards.  Wizards of Albion use Empire spells.  These can be found in the Warmaster rulebook.

2. Heavy Cavalry.  Heavy Cavalry throw their weight at their opponents in a charge, crushing them through weight of numbers.  Heavy Cavalry gain +1 attack when charging.

3. Skirmish Cavalry, Skirmishers.   These troops are skirmishers, with a loose formation, making them harder to hit with ranged and melee attacks.  Any roll to hit these units, whether with missile attacks or melee attacks, is at a -1 to hit.

4. Skirmish Cavalry, Limitanei, Auxiliaries, Skirmishers, Comitatenses.  Many of Albion's Warriors are armed with javelins.  These are used as a normal ranged attack, but only have a 15cm range.

5.  Giants.  Giants have a great many hits, 8 in fact, which are almost impossible to inflict during even a fairly lengthy combat engagement.   Because Giants have so many hits we must consider the possibility of hurting the Giant and reducing his effectiveness in subsequent turns.  Therefore, if a Giant has accumulated 4-7 hits by the end of the Shooting phase or Combat phase it is deemed to have been badly hurt.  Once a Giant is badly hurt all accumulated hits are discounted and its maximum Hits vale and Attacks are halved for the rest of the battle (to 4 Hits and 4 Attacks).

6.  Stone Throwers.  Stone Throwers are Rock Lobbers.  Rules for Rock Lobbers can be found under Artillery and Machines (p. 67-71) in the Warmaster rulebook.

7. Wyvern.  Generals, Wizards and Heroes may ride a Wyvern.  A Wyvern can fly, increasing its rider's Move from 60cm to 100cm, and it adds +2 Attacks to those of its rider.  A unit which includes a Wyvern rider causes terror in its enemies.

8. Griffon.   Generals, Wizards and Heroes may ride a Griffon.  A Griffon can fly, increasing its rider's Move from 60cm to 100cm, and it adds +2 Attacks to those of its rider.  A unit which includes a Griffon rider causes terror in its enemies.

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