by Tom Setzer and Erik Setzer

The Norscans have held the lands of Norsca since before recorded time.  They have fought against Chaos to hold the lands they have, and they have fought their neighbors to the south in order to expand those lands.  They are great warriors, skalds, merchants, and farmers.  Above all, they are great seamen, and their ships range far and wide across the oceans and seas of the known world.

They are a tall people, averaging six foot in height, with fair skin, blonde or red hair, and blue eyes.  Many of the men wear full beards, and long shining hair is considered a mark of beauty for a Norscan woman, especially if it is golden.  Men are admired for their strength and their height.  Tall, ugly men or women, though, are distrusted because they appear to be troll blooded.

The Norse men wear long-sleeved, knee-length jerkins of wool or linen, tapered at the waist.  The cuffs may be trimmed with lace or embroidered with gold thread.   Underbreeches are also made of wool or linen.  Their are two styles of trousers: untapered and ankle length; or wide and knee-length, with gardered leggings worn on the lower legs.  A cloak of wool or imported silk is worn inside or in good weather.  A winter cloak make of pile wool and looking like it's made of shaggy fur is worn in bad weather.  The cloak is pinned with a brooch at the right shoulder so that it hangs to ankle-length in the front and back but leaves the wearer's weapon arm free.  It can be thrown back leaving both arms free.

They wear a belt made of leather with a metal clasp.  It may be decorated with precious metals or plaques of bone or ivory.  A man's knife and purse are tied onto this belt.  The sword scabbard hangs from the belt or from the baldric, a strap across one of the shoulders.  Hands are protected by mittens or gloves make of wool.   Mittens would only be worn when there is no chance of combat, as gloves give a better grip on weapons.  Socks are made of fine wool and may be sewn into leggings.   Soft leather shoes are worn indoor and in good weather.  Winter shoes are made of furred leather.  Boots are made of the skin of a cow's hind leg with the hairy side out and the dewclaws on the heals for traction on icy ground.

Norse women wear a sleeveless chemise of linen or wool under a lined robe of wool, perhaps made of linen or imported silk.  The robed shoulder straps hang from a pair of brooches pinned to the chemise at the collarbone.  These brooches are linked by silver chains or by  a necklace of bone, ivory, or imported beads.  From the right hand brooch hangs other chains from which dangle keys, a knife, scissors, purse, and a sewing case that holds needles and thread.

Unmarried girls wear their hair loose with a headband across the forehead.   Married women pin their hair back at the neck and let it fall down their backs.

Men and women both wear much jewelry of silver and gold.  Many wear finger rings, arm rings, necklaces (often with talismans or pendants), the hammer of Thor, or an image of Tyr, or if they are high ranking warriors, the thunder bolts of Odin.



TROOP Type Attacks Hits Armour Command Unit Size Points Min/Max Special

Bondi Infantry 3 3 6+ - 3 45 2/- -
Bondi Archers Infantry 3/1 3 0 - 3 55 2/- -
Huscarls Infantry 3 3 5+ - 3 60 -/2 -
Berserkers Infantry 4 3 0 - 3 65 -/1 -
Ulfhednars Infantry 4 3 4+ - 3 100 -/1 -
Thralls Infantry 3 3 0 - 3 30 -/- -
Shield Maidens Infantry 3 3 5+ - 3 60 -/1 -
Huntsmen Infantry 3/1 3 6+ - 3 110 -/1 1
Ogres Infantry 4 4 5+ - 3 105 -/2 -
Juten Infantry 8 8 5+ - 1 160 -/1 2
Dwarf Warriors Infantry 3 4 4+ - 3 110 -/2 -
Dwarf Berserkers Infantry 4 4 0 - 3 90 -/1 -
Catapult Artillery 1/3 3 0 - 1 75 -/1 3
Ballista Artillery 1/3 2 0 - 1 55 -/1 -
Jarl General +2 - - 10 1 155 1 -
Hero Hero +1 - - 8 1 80 -/1 -
Godi Hero +1 - - 8 1 120 -/1 4
Wizard Wizard +0 - - 8 1 85 -/1 5
Griffon Monstrous Mount +2 - - - 1 +80 -/1 6
White Bear Monstrous Mount +1 - - - 1 +15 -/2 7

Special rules

1. Huntsmen.   Huntsmen are skirmishers, with a loose formation, making them harder to hit with ranged and melee attacks.  Any roll to hit the Huntsmen, whether with missile attacks or melee attacks, is at a -1 to hit.

Huntsmen may also infiltrate, allowing them to sneak up on the enemy before the start of the battle.  They are allowed to set up anywhere on the table at the start of the game, as long as they are at least 30cm from any enemy unit and not inside the opposing army's deployment zone.

2.  Juten.  Juten have a great many hits, 8 in fact, which are almost impossible to inflict during even a fairly lengthy combat engagement.   Because Juten have so many hits we must consider the possibility of hurting the Juten and reducing his effectiveness in subsequent turns.  Therefore, if a Juten has accumulated 4-7 hits by the end of the Shooting phase or Combat phase it is deemed to have been badly hurt.  Once a Juten is badly hurt all accumulated hits are discounted and its maximum Hits vale and Attacks are halved for the rest of the battle (to 4 Hits and 4 Attacks).

3.  Catapult.  Catapults are Rock Lobbers.  Rules for Rock Lobbers can be found under Artillery and Machines (p. 67-71) in the Warmaster rulebook.

4. Godi.  Godi are good at inspiring troops in the middle of a battle.  Any units within 20cm of a Godi may reroll any failed Command checks.

5. Wizards.  Norscan Wizards use the Empire spells list.

6. Griffon.   Generals, Wizards and Heroes may ride a Griffon.  A Griffon can fly, increasing its rider's Move from 60cm to 100cm, and it adds +2 Attacks to those of its rider.  A unit which includes a Griffon rider causes terror in its enemies.

7.  White Bears.  Generals, Wizards and Heroes may ride a White Bear.  A White Bear adds +1 Attack to those of its rider.  A unit which includes a White Bear rider causes terror in its enemies.

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