Skaven Army List

by Vampric Ferrit


Unit Name Points Type Stands Attacks Hits Armour Min/Max* Special Rules
Clanrats 30 Inf 3 3 2 6+ 4/-   1
Plague Monks 50 Inf 3 5 2 - -/2   2
Rat Ogres 95 Inf 3 5 4 - -/1   3
Globadeers 45 Inf 3 3 2 - -/2   4
Gutter Runners 20 Inf 1 4 2 6+/- -/-   5
Giant Rats 25 Cav 3 2 2 - -/3  
Warpfire Thrower 75 Art 3 3/D6 2 6+ -/1   7
Vermin Lord 115 Mon 1 6 4 5+ -/1   8
Rat Giant 100 Mon 1 8 4 - -/1   9
Colossus 150 Machine 1 D6/D6 D6+2 Special -/1   10


Character Points Attacks Command Min/Max* Special Rules
Warlord General 95 +2 8 1  
Chieftan Hero 45 +1 7 -/2  
Grey Seer Wizard 95 +2 7 -/1 Spellcaster, 8
Doomwheel 130 3/D3 - -/1 Chariot, 6
Screaming Bell 15 +1 - -/1 Chariot, 11

* per 1000 points

Special Rules

1 These don't just reprisent clanrats, but skavenslaves and stormvermin as well. Due to their hyperactive metabolism all skaven infantry may move 5cm further on full move than other infantry. Because of this they often die of exhaustion before even reching battle thus they have low hits (2).

2 These are the insane fanatics of clan pestilens. They attack without thought and with all the religious zeal of the truely zealous. As well as their extra 5cm move they are affected by the same rules as empire flagelants. (I can't remember them all to write out here sorry.)

3 Rat ogres are huge monsterous animals, which combine the size and strength of true ogres with the speed and ferocity of the skaven. They were created by the lunatic beast masters of clan moulder and are still seen to be one of this clan's best creations to date. As skaven infantry, rat ogres gain an extra 5cm on their full move.

4 Poison wind globadeers are warriors of clan skyre. The carry glass or crystal spheres filled with a green, poisonous gas, made from warpstone. In battle they fling these globes overhead onto enemies. This can be particularly dangerous to wariors in tight cramped conditions, like tunnels or hiding behind cover. As well as their extra 5cm move, globaders can hit wariors in defended or fortified positions as if they were in the open (4+ to hit).

5 Gutter runner are skaven assassins in training. Amongst these there are a few true assassins however these are few in comparison. All skaven assassins come from clan eshin and are trained from birth. They use powerfull warpstone bladed weapons called weeping blades which offset their disadvantages of low strength. In battle gutter runners are used to back up units of skaven warriors by atacking enemy units from the side or behind. As well as their extra 5cm move, gutter runners are affected by the same rules as empire skirmishers (Once again I can't remember them all exactly).

6 The doomwheel is the creation of the current chief warlock of clan skyre,Ikit Claw. It is a large wooden contraption with huge crushing wheels at the front, moved by many rats running around inside. They also have warp generates which use the energy built up in the wheels to create warp lightning and a protective electric feild. Roll for the number of shooting attacks it has each time it shoots. If a one is rolled (A one on a dice, not a one or two both of which count as a one.), then all shots fired by the unit are fired at the closest friendly unit. If there are no friendly units in range the shots are fired at the doomwheel unit it's self.

7 Warpfire throwers are another recent invention. A superheated stream of a corosive mixture including warpstone and tar is fired toward the enimy. This substance bursts into flame on contact with the air burning all in it's path with green or black flames. Although extremely powerfull when they work, they rarely do, and it is almost unknown for a squad or warpfire throwers to make it through an entire battle. Roll the shooting attacks of each warpfire thrower each time it shoots. On a roll of a one roll a further D6 and apply this many hits to the warpfire thrower unit. There is no save agains hits from a warpfire thrower unit.

8 The grey seers are both the high priests of the horned rat and the best wizards the skaven have. Verminlords are powerful daemon-creatures, which are thought to be the forms taken by the lords of decay after death. You must have one grey seer in your army for each verminlord you take. Both the verminlord and the grey seers have magic powers like the wizards of other races.

9 Rat giants are gargantuan rats. They are the size of human giants, clan moulder has been trying to make these creatures for many years but all subjects have as yet been regected due to mutation. Never-the-less some of these creatures make it to the battlefields of the warhammer world. Rat giants count as giants for purposes such as attacking castles or forts etc.

10 The collosus was a gigantic rickety swinging contraption made in a golden age when there was no waring among the skaven clans. It was an amalgamation of all their tallents, containing weeping blade made by clan eshin, a bodywork made by clan skyre, plague censers created by clan pestilens, it was run by huge clan moulder beasts, and bound together by the spells of the grey seers. Many warlord clans were wiped out while trying to build this structure. These days smaller versions are made and use the same name. They are not even half as powerfull as the original. The collosus can move at a rate of 6D6cm for each order it is given(roll seperately for each order). It's hits attacks and armour values are rolled sepparately at the beginning of the game and again at the beginning of each of your turns. If any one or two of the attacks or hits rolls for one turn are ones roll on the low power table. If all three are ones the collosus is immediately destroyed. If any one or two roll sixes roll on the supercharging table below. If all three roll sixes the overcharging destroys the collosus just like if three ones were rolled, as above. If both ones and sixes are rolled ignore them all. All attacks of the collosus are more powerfull than an cannon shot thus no save is allowed.

D6      Result
1+2 The collosus starts to spark and swing precariously, and has to be damped and turned off as best it can be. Until the beginning of yoour next turn the collosus can't be given orders, can't attack and counts as having hits of 1 and no armour save.
3+4 The collosus legs grind to a halt. It can't be given any orders this turn.
5 The collosus arms swing madly and targeting is off. All enemy count as being in fortified positions to the collosus this turn.
6 The collosus power seems to be low. Saves are allowed against attacks from the collosus.

D6     Result
1 The supercharging has detrimental effects; roll on the Low power table immediately.
2-4 Nothing special.
5 Roll an extra D6 for each of the dice you rolled a six on this turn, excluding movement, ignoring further rolls of one or six.
6 Roll an extra D6 for each of attacks and hits. Reroll on this table for further rolls of a six but ignoring ones.

11 The screeming bell is a carrage that carrys a greyseer across battlefeilds. It is pulled by skavenslaves. At the beginning of any turn the grey seer may have one of his slaves ring the bell. This may be done any number of times within a battle but only once each turn. Roll on the table below, applying modifiers.

D6       Result
0 or less The bell shatters. The screeming bell, grey seer and any unit it was attached to are destroyed.
1 A slight peel ring out across the land. Hearing it warriors look to the grey seer for guidance. His command range is increased to 60cm
2 The ringing of the bell fills all skaven across the battlefield with confidence in their leaders. All skaven characters get +1 to thier command rating.
3 The peeling of the bell causes all enemy around to be filled with dread, and rooted to the spot. All enemy within 30cm count as being confused.
4 The tolling of the bell pushes all skaven around forward with magical vigour. All skaven in 30cm may take an extra free move immediately. (including characters)
5 The bell tolls out waves of solid sound hiting asll in it's way like a real projectile. The grey seer counts as having a strength three shooting attack this turn in addition to his spells.
6 The bell tolls out calling to the minds of skaven characters making them fuse into one. Untill end of turn, all skaven characters get +2 to their command rating and blunders are ignored
7 or more The death-knell of the bell spreads throughout the battlefield suddenly and finally. All enemy in 60cm become confused. All your characters gain a command radius of the whole battlefield, and gain +2 to their comand ratings untill the end of the turn. The bell cannot be rung again this battle

Each other grey seer and each vermin lord in 20cm +1
Each time the bell has been rung previously during the battle -1



Death Frenzy

5+ to cast

The grey seer chants a few words. The skaven around him become restless, then they are unleashed in a torrent of flying fur.

This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within 30cm. Roll D6 to see the effects of the spell.
D6      Results
1 The unit becomes overexhausted. It suffers D6 hits, other than this there are no other efects.
2 Although the unit does get some benefits it eventually runs out of impetus ending up overextended. The unit may add an extra 5cm to it's move, it also gains the charriot charge bonus untill the end of this turn. At the end of the combat phase, the unit suffers D3 hits.
3 The unit gains some slightly and there are no adverse effects It gains all the bonuses for 2 but doesn't take any hits in the combat phase.
4 The unit becomes frenzied in the extreme. The unit gains D3 attacks and can move immediately once at normal full pace.
5 The unit loses all control over it's actions and goes truely insane. The unit may move once immediately. All attacks it has are doubled until end of turn.
6 The unit grows with the magical powerwithin them. They becomeslavering morons but follow the instructions of their commanders with fanatical zeal. The unit may move twice for every command given and double their attacks untill end of turn.


5+ to cast

The grey seer points a clawed hand at an enemy regiment. He spits a gobbet  of green goo at it, and the enemies fall faintly to the floor.

The grey seer may fire a three attacks missile attack at any enemy unit within 30cm. If a stand in the unit is killed the grey seer may fire a second attack at that unit or at a unit within 10cm of it. The seer need not be able to see the second or subsequent target.

Curse of the Horned One

6+ to cast

The seer stares at an enemy unit, his eyes glow, he breathes a mist which flows out and envelopes them. There are screams and squeels. When the mist clears there are no bodies only live skaven wariors ready for combat.

The grey seer may fire a three dice missile attack at any enemy unit within 30cm. Any stand killed by this attack may be replaced with a skaven clanrat stand. This stand will be in contact with the other stands in the unit it was in.


2+ to cast

The seer reaches out and cuts the air with his claw. He leaps through the gap and land elewhere on the battlefield.

The grey seer can be moved to any point elsewhere on the battlefield. After using this spell there is a chance that he will be able to cast another spell. Roll D6, on a 4+ he maycast another spell. On a 1-3, he may not. (This is the same as the empire teleport spell.)

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