Spells in Warmaster

Each of the armies in Warmaster has four spells (except Dwarfs, who have no spellcasters).  All spellcasters have access to all four spells available to their army.  One spell may be cast per turn in the shooting phase, chosen from the spellcaster's army's list.  This is done by rolling a D6 and scoring equal to or higher than the difficulty of the spell.

For convenience purposes, all spellcasters are referred to with the term Wizard below, regardless of their actual game title (Sorceror, Shaman, Mage, etc.).



All High Elf spells are offensive spells, mostly centering on the use of missile fire or non-assault damage.  Using these spells to compliment the High Elves' Archers can be a devastating blow against an opposing army.

Storm of Stone

This can be a very useful spell if your wizard is close to many enemy units.  It is not that devastating against each individual unit, but it can be enough to weaken a battle line for an assault.

Light of Battle

This spell can be very effective in throwing an assault your way!  This spell can be used in an offensive and defensive manner - it can be used to help a unit break through the opposing army's lines, or to help a unit fight off an enemy unit assaulting it.

Heavens's Fire

This can be quite devastating with a High Elf army.  Use this spell to weaken a part of the enemy's line before an assault, or to force back an enemy unit that is trying to assault your line.

Hail of Destruction

This can be a very deadly offensive spell, and can be quite useful if combined with shots from a missile fire unit.




The Undead spells are almost all offensive-based spells.   They also give the Undead army a little more "firepower", in the form of the Death Bolt spell.  Two of the spells are assault-based, reflecting the Undead army's tendency toward assaulting an enemy line.

Raise Dead

This spell can be extremely useful, helping you save a combat that is going badly, or utterly decimating an enemy unit that was either matched up with or not as good as the Undead unit opposing it.

Touch of Death

A very useful spell to have in an assault.  This can also save your Wizard if his unit has been assaulted and may not win.

Doom and Dispair

This can be very useful for stopping a problem unit that has been hurting your line, or could cause trouble for you.

Death Bolt

This can be a very deadly offensive spell, and can be quite useful if combined with shots from a missile fire unit (such as Skeleton Bowmen).




Ball of Flame

Basic offensive spell, useful when your armies are close together, especially if you can hit multiple units.

Voice of Command

This can be useful either to get a unit closer to an enemy unit or to move it away from an enemy unit.

Wierd Enchantment

This one is very useful right before a major assault, especially against units with high numbers of attacks (such as Chaos).


This can be very useful if you wish to have your Wizard move to another location on the battlefield, where he can cast a spell that will aid the units in that area.  It can also be used to get your Wizard out of harm's way.




The Chaos army's spell are all centered on the army's emphasis on assault and lack of missile fire.  All of the spells are offensive-based spells.

Boon of Chaos

This can be useful to either help the wizard's unit crush an enemy unit it charged, or help the wizard's unit survive being assaulted by a more powerful unit.

Anger of the Gods

This spell can really foil an army's day.  It can be very useful for disturbing part of an opposing army's line.

Rage of Chaos

This spell can make a unit fairly nasty in an assault.   Be careful, however - there is a fair chance you will end up hurting your own unit instead!

Curse of Chaos

This spell is especially useful for the Chaos army, as it gives them more valuable missile fire, something that is rather lacking in the army.




Orc and Goblin spells are all offensive spells, and can be fairly potent if used at the right time against the right target.

Foot of Gork

This is a difficult spell to cast, but can be very devastating to a unit if successful.  Save it for when you really need it, though. There are some other spells that can be much more useful if certain instances.


Basic offensive spell, useful when your armies are close together, especially if you can hit multiple units.


This spell can be very useful in getting a harmful/annoying unit out of the way, or pushing a bulge in the enemy lines which you can then exploit.


This spell can be very effective in throwing an assault your way!  This spell can be used in an offensive and defensive manner - it can be used to help a unit break through the opposing army's lines, or to help a unit fight off an enemy unit assaulting it.

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